The end of ARGENTINA


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argentina qt's will be even cheaper. planning on buying me a wife

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>republic of bananas
Bye argentina, when your government collapses don't come here

stop us then

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Submit peacefully to your brazilian overlords
Our reign will be just and good for you
Together we shall conquer south america and revive the holy empire of brazil
Also, post more argentinian qts (white of course)

>Bye argentina, when your government collapses don't come here
They may be socialist pieces of shit, but over time they will learn about ancapism and minarchism

please dont crash me economi

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>They may be socialist pieces of shit, but over time they will learn about ancapism and minarchism

I can't wait for our next government retards to put capital controls again , it's going to be awesome to see boomers and normans be rekt while autists can bypass them with cryptos.

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>all women

Why the fuck would we move there? The worst of Argentina is still better than the best of Brazil.

I hate this country is full of shit

Don't worry guys, Macri will win.


At this point the default is 100% sure unless Macri is playing 4d chess , even if he wins.

Right now the US has the chance to annex Argentina, Hong Kong, and Denmark. I hope we don't fuck it up. There won't be another chance to continue Manifest Destiny for awhile.

>12 y.o.

nigger you are being annexed by honduras shut the fuck up

>Right now the US has the chance to annex Argentina
Please don't, leave south america to us, american protestant culture has nothing to do with catholic latin america

>Hong Kong, and Denmark
All yours

>Manifest Destiny
I hope you dont actually try to genocide us like you did with your natives, just so you know the portuguese didnt kill any tribes that didnt try to attack them (such as the cannibal ones)
They are just 0.5% of the population in brazil but still hold 25% of the country land, and at their peak they were only 5 million, the numbers decreased because of mixing


we are fucked, our house of cards depended on the markets not pulling out before October
to achieve that we needed Macri to win or to lose by less than 9% but niggers came out in mass to support the "gibs free shit and have the farmers pay for it" agenda so now its done its over
another collapse will happen
peronist niggers will waste the opportunity again eventually get kicked out
and then anti-peronist idiots will try to fix things slowly and get kicked out in less than 1/3 of the time peronist niggers were given to fuck everything up in the first place
and the cycle will start anew
we are the eternal Sisyphus
there is no hope
there is no escape
but at least we are not Brazil

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>Please don't, leave south america to us,
you can't even pacify your ghettos or walk in your average neighborhood without getting raped and killed shut the fuck up

>but at least we are not Brazil
>*laughs in bolsonaro*

>you can't even pacify your ghettos or walk in your average neighborhood without getting raped and killed shut the fuck up
We couldn't until know because of the long history of commies in places of power (Brizola, FHC, Lula, Lamarca, Dilma, etc), and the left loves criminality since Marcuse (you could argue for even before that)

all I see are brave womyn

Based af

Argentinean girls are hot.

Guys, is it true I could by half of Argentina for around 50 bucks?

D-delete this

>50 bucks
you can bargain it down to 30

Niiiiiice. Holy shit I’m about to be the next king of Argentina. Bow down before me NOW, Argies. Your new burger overlord will arrive shortly

King user XI 'the Fat'


Based. Steak for every meal with fries w/ barbecue sauce served to me by personal chefs

>4d chess
macri can't even play 1/2d truco

>annexing a cursed land
it's up to you burger

only the north, the south was bought by jews long time ago

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Argentinian castizas should be allowed in the ethnostate.

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they got some fantastic bbq in argentina.

>Argentinian castizas
user, there are actual whites in Argentina. They are not “castizas,” that’s a Mexican thing, for mestizos who think they’re white

At least you have the Falkland Isla-

this happened before with another type of banana

Kek how are you retarded niggers going back to socialism

Pls stop making fun of our Argybros, boomer

I'm a tankie millennial.


What went wrong Argentina?

Do it, annex Argentina, see what happens, enjoy all of the snob pieces of shit that come over, oh and the insane amount of jews.

Whatever you say, boomer

>enjoy all of the snob pieces of shit that come over, oh and the insane amount of jews.

fucking porteños and jews, they always behave like snob pieces of shit.

This. I STILL remember the shilling, same will happen with Bolsonaro, screencap this shit.

the Gnome of Salta put a curse on Argentina

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These fuckers will probably come to Chile anyways.

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Good luck argiebros, let's hope for these harsh times to bring the opportunity to change for better for once.

>average american

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they are nothing alike


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the fact that opposition still shows up in droves and defends places shows its not over, stay strong argentina

can someone explain to me what we are looking at. I see feminists but i think there are other protests but i cant understand spanish.

so naive, so pure. Argentina is done for.

Argentina bros, the time has come. There is one solution to the end the cycle of politcal & economic instability. Pick up your fag, pick up the US flag, and fucking riot to demand to become a US state. Federally enforced minimum wage in dollars, 3 branches of government and the best military on earth. Keep your flag, keep your culture, join the UNION today!

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Que no te vendan el cuento, hecharle la culpa a Peron solamente es de boludos, minimo desde Yrigoyen y la crisis 29 que Argentina no levanta, todos son culpables, tanto politicos como terratenientes y multimillonarias empresas. El Argentino debe ser la mano de obra mas capacitada y a la vez barata del mercado mundial, todos esclavos

The opposition is making ev. they can to make the collapse happen soon, while acting they are worried

what is the context of the part where they are spraying people in the face with spraypaint.


Wtf is going on in OP video

Manginas, imagine this in the middle east, africa, asia...

But wouldn't the republic of banana's do well in the republic of monkey's?

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I want to remind everyone this is entirly macri's fault, not alberto's. When you literally burn and burn through resources just to artificially hold the dollar's price shit like this is going to happen. I am just glad this pieces of shit will get out of the goverment soon :,^)

>Country will be flooded not only whit Haiti and Venenzuelan niggers , but also Argentinians
No offense, i prefeer you, you damm ches than those niggers
Now that your country has fallen, our is next, and i can only hope that a bullet crosses my brain before some weird feminist screams at me or the economy gets so shit that i gotta stop studing and focus on any type of work that i can
I am sorry, my friend, i am sorry, my argentinian bruda

also holy shit
>Christians standing they ground, chanting
is this why they burned witches, rigth?


degenerancy, pure degenerancy
Imagine muslim hordes, but this are feminist
More angry than any american or european feminist, if one of thise bitches gets in contact whit your feminist, be sure they will infect them whit they agressive ways