Friendly Reminder

Jesus Loves You.

There are major political implications of Jesus’ love for you. With Gods love comes moral, social and political obligations.

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Joshua was his name

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>Gods love
God is an anglo-saxon Germanic (Gaul) word meaning Odin.

Your father is EL and Jahovah

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fuck your dead sandnigger rabbi and his slave values

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>Gods love
Actually, you're mixing up the god that is properly called Yahweh, the Asian god of the Judeo-Christians with God, the contracted form of Godan which is Lombardic spelling of Woden of Germanic paganism. Godan's name was often shortened to God, but remains an exclusive god of the Aryans, not to be appropriated. Judeo-Christians can shorten Yahweh's name to Yah, but they may not use the word God. It is actually blasphemy that offends both Godan and Yahweh. It would seem that Judeo-Christians would want to use the word Yahweh given their eternal obsession with Jews and Rabbi Jesus . It's the name that Rabbi Jesus himself would have used ( if he were real ) and he would agree with me ( if he were real ) that it's wrong to steal Godan's name. Judeo-Christians do though say Hallelujah, which does include Yah, the shortened form of their Jew-god. You will not be forgiven if you again use God instead of Yahweh.
Christfags disingenuously use the word "God" instead of Yahweh to fake being white and to disguise their Jewish religion. They literally lie every time they say God ( Godan ). They are literally trying to turn whites into Jews by this cowardly and deceptive tactic.

>Actually, you're mixing up the god that is properly called Yahweh, the Asian god of the Judeo-Christians with God, the contracted form of Godan which is Lombardic spelling of Woden of Germanic paganism. Godan's name was often shortened to God, but remains an exclusive god of the Aryans, not to be appropriated. Judeo-Christians can shorten Yahweh's name to Yah, but they may not use the word God. It is actually blasphemy that offends both Godan and Yahweh. It would seem that Judeo-Christians would want to use the word Yahweh given their eternal obsession with Jews and Rabbi Jesus . It's the name that Rabbi Jesus himself would have used ( if he were real ) and he would agree with me ( if he were real ) that it's wrong to steal Godan's name. Judeo-Christians do though say Hallelujah, which does include Yah, the shortened form of their Jew-god. You will not be forgiven if you again use God instead of Yahweh.
>Christfags disingenuously use the word "God" instead of Yahweh to fake being white and to disguise their Jewish religion. They literally lie every time they say God ( Godan ). They are literally trying to turn whites into Jews by this cowardly and deceptive tactic.
christkikes ran away

That's something that happened in the 70's or 80's
The union never existed

OP you coward

>That's something that happened in the 70's or 80's
>The union never existed
it came from Judea

In case someone is interested goes into pretty much all I have on Christianity

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For so God loved the world, he brought his only baby Jesus Christ to Earth.

He can't love everyone.

>In case someone is interested
No one cares about your gnostic thread

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you care enough to screech about how noone cares. makes me think
not to mention that non of it is gnostic as it would imply i promote you can escape this realm/save/ascend through your own work and study (which is the basis of the gnostic doctrine) which is not possible. Only Christ can do so. And you wont find me saying anything different.

>you wont find me saying anything different.
I find you pushing CIA bluepills

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>escape this realm/save/ascend through your own work and study
christians actually promote this


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You're right. Jesus would vote Yang, not Trump

>You're right. Jesus would vote Yang, not Trump
1 shill to shill the shill-thread

where you go

Support the West.
Support God.

Eyyy my guy

Wrong. He would vote mommy tulsi.

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Repentance and atonement. Amen. see Prop 187 and the second amendment, to start. Thanks government.

>social and political obligations

Like bowing down to authority and turning the other cheek.

Romans 13:1-7
Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same;