Support your local butcher

I for the first time, decided to start buying my meat products at my local butcher. Its a little bit more expensive but boy is it worth it. There is such a more authentic and wholesome atmosphere in local produce and meat shops. Its alot more personable and the quality of what you are buying is superior to the poison stocked in big grocery stores. Butcher shops have a much more cultured feel too, compared to the cold and soulless supermarkets.

Attached: Butcher.jpg (1024x768, 413K)

You think the estrogen inside beef is leaking into your mucus glands when it passes through your colon?

You're probably right that butchers are the way to go. Plus my grocery store literally does not sell lamb.

Lamb is the best red meat in existence. I honestly might just up the ante and buy an actual living lamb every few months and butcher it myself. Ill have to get an external freezer to store the meat but it would be worth it. Its so much cheaper to just buy the animal.. When you see how affordable it is compared to buying individual cuts you will question your very existence.

you should not eat that.

I started recently as well.
I always check if they have local grass fed beef, often wagyu imported from new zealand is cheaper than the local Ontario grass fed. Amish and mennonite butchers tend to be pretty good quality and just clean, no preservatives just salt. Lamb or goat is also good to get on sale.

why not?

not even a little lamb?

Make sure it's a chest freezer so your cold air isn't spilling out every time you open the door.

lamb is awesome tasting

I've actually been working as a butcher for the last four years. Best job I've ever had. Only problem with it is we have a lot of fucking Californians that pass through the area to hunt; those people are goddam faggots. The number of people who bring us elk that they didn't gut because "I was cold" or "I forgot my knife" or even just "I'm supposed to gut it?" Is staggering. Then they throw tantrums when 3/4s of their meat is soured, not that they know what that is mind you, and demand a full refund.

Anyway, butcher is absolutely the way to go. If nothing else your meat will at least be of much, much, higher quality than anything you would get at a grocery store. Just make sure you aren't going to a place with a million Mexicans doing the work, spics can't butcher for shit.