I've come to the conclusion that right-wing men (boys) fear strong women because they make them feel inadequate...

I've come to the conclusion that right-wing men (boys) fear strong women because they make them feel inadequate. The fact of the matter is that pathetic right wingers can't feel validated unless they're putting women down. That's why Trumps supporters fear Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris winning the nomination. They know that a woman can beat Trump.

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i really need to find something else to do late at night.

Name one thing a woman can do better than a man every time, besides get pregnant.

Literally KYS


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based coom poster

You're right, but gilibrand was the one that trump was afraid of.

The others will lose easily

Not mentioning Mommy Tulsi, learn to shill retard

> be retard feminist
> have equality
> oh but it's not good enough
> somehow men are intimidated or some other imaginary tale.
> instead, the reality that feminists and cucks don't want to face: we're all fucking tired of hearing from self-righteous fucking morons that already have it all
> the cuck and feminist is devastated that things are just given to them for free and they have to put in real work instead of crying on reddit
my solution is to kill everyone like op.

"strong" women dont scare me. They piss me off

I shouldn't have to work with some thot who throws her gender out in every sentence just to prove a point. Let me work with 100% men who only care about getting the job done and not their vaginas

I worked with a chic like this pretty recently. She wasn't so superior with my cum dripping down her chin.

fucking for real, its just Cunts like you will have nothing of value at the end of your lives, except you were cunts when you were young. You will die a cunt and thats, that. Look at that gross pic, no makeup, acting like a man, fuck off not having any kids with some lesbian Antifa cunt. Not investing a house, my time, hardly a second look at your mannish manneristic body, you are gross in your look and your demented mental assessment of what you got to offer, you are a cunt like all other feminists, they are now all old, broke and have zero friends, they die alone, mostly suicide. Those stats you don't quote, do you. Fuck you cunt and all like you.

This doesn't account for the neo-fascist right wingers that have a leather mommy fetish such as my fetish.

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Why is she so cute bros?

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shes got a ton of makeup on fyi but you're right regardless

I actually find strong women really attractive as long as they are still feminine. I want to be able to wrestle and spar with my gf, then passionately fuck afterwards.

I hope that someday you will have the confidence of a mediocre white male. Until then, please do keep reminding us of the burden that is your vagina.

the inadequate meme is just a cope

>fear strong women because they make them feel inadequate.
The idea of a woman with a brain & the brawn to defend it actually makes me happy. Too bad it's merely an illusion.

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>1post by this ID

Sage these slide threads

Why would any man fear a woman?