Our Nigga?

Just watched his special, pretty based, what yall think?

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>"I'm not Pro-Choice... but I'm not Pro-Life either... it's the choice of the woman. If you got a dick, you need to sit on the side on this one."
I agree with him in some things, but he had some bad takes. I just watched it 30 mins ago.

Enough with this fucking topic.
>dude chappelle man lol

I dont give a fuck if a nigger said society is lame. I already knew that.

Yeah, he's not the best ever, I just like that he speaks the truth basically, the best stand up comedusn I've seen in a while

He can die and go to hell for all I care

Depends on your goals. The more ground the commie left takes the more the center moves right. If your goal isn't peaceful coexistence they're extremely useful and seeing anything that takes away their ability to bully normies isn't productive.

If your goal is come kind of reconciliation between left and right this is a very good thing.

I'm not sure where I stand.

I agreed with most of the things he was saying rhe first half. The second half was full of anti white racism and a massive red pill.

>"We all know what we gotta do" >"white people got too many guns"

Niggers cheer

>"I don't give a fuck about 18 year old white people randomly dying from fetonayl because whites didnt care about crack 40 fucking years ago"

Dave is a great example of why we will never live in a post racial society. Still, a pretty funny special over all

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Yeah, I was more excited for the first half, he bitched out in the 2nd, you're correct

I don't mind when he throws banter at whitey, that's explicitly part of his act.

>"We all know what we gotta do" >"white people got too many guns"
>Niggers cheer
But that was on another level entirely. At least he said it in Atlanta where these niggers would just use any guns they had to kill each other.

Also, he didn't name the jews either. So much for "offending everybody"

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he's a plagiarist

thought it was pretty hilarious

all comedians are.

Ya, I really wish he did, I thought he was going for it, but then just called out the fags

What do I think? I think I’m tired of hearing about it.

>hates whites
The absolute state of Jow Forums

He basically took every meme and made it actually understandable because people listen to him.

yeah it was a perfect representation of race relations. Blacks militantly cheering over disarming whites and "getting back" while whites sit nearby smiling uncomfortably. Stop being these fucking people's pinatas.

Dave's a smart guy. But it's a perfect representation of blacks in this country. Hes holding animosity towards whites over events that happened 40 years ago, and showing apathy towards young people who had no part in the crack epidemic but made the list of being born with white skin.

These people tolerate whites at best.

The irony is, the ones who bitch about joke thief's are the biggest culprits.

I have always agree with his position. It's the only rational choice. Men have a duty to knock women up, and women have an obligation to weed out weak genes. The coercion is forcing a woman to keep a baby she doesn't want or make a man support a baby he doesn't want.

If a man is free to leave, women will have to be selective in their mating habits or kill all the babies they cant support. A good mate pair wants to keep and raise the child together, and they will succeed where a single mom or resentful dad wouldn't.

Eh, if this is what you got from this joke you might have missed the punchline of "if you can kill them, we can not give you money for them."

Don't be so fucking cringeworthy! It was mediocre at best. Just because he made a slight joke about Trannys you cuckservative fucks are acting like he is Sam Hyde! Dave Chappelle is completely overrated. He is a smug black middle-aged Muslim who hates white people. He could not be less based. Mel Gibson might be 'our guy' this Nigger is not! You Stupid Fucking Fuck!!!

Dave Chappelle is decidedly his own person. He has like what, four Netflix specials now? In them, he has

>retracted his support for Trump/middle ground common sense
>Supported NFL niggers kneeling

Im too high to remember the rest, but its kind clear to say hes on no particular side

I think he's a nigger, that's what I think.

Shit thread, shit OP and faggot OP.


No, he was just making a joke about a real thing.

>I see all these white kids dying of fentanyl overdoses and I finally understand how you white folks felt during our crack epidemic.... I just don't give a shit.

Then he does a good joke about shooting junkies with a shotgun as they rifle through his kitchen.

Dave isnt as funny as he was when Nick DePalo and louis ck helped write his other specials, but this was way funnier than anything else this year. I can take a joke at my expense but still understand that niggers suck.

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No, hes still a liberal Nigger
he just hates the hard left.

Maybe many of us are just sick of seeing OUR race be used as a punching bag for niggers when joking and/or criticism in the other direction gets you called a racist.

For the record I don't think Dave's a bad guy and I think hes pretty funny. But his material and reactions from the crowd put things into perspective. We will never live in a post racial society. Many blacks merely tolerate whites. They show hostility over things that happened to their ancestors. They will never stop.

He's 100% right next time someone asks you about your race, you say you're trans-japanese.

The funny thing is he's pretty cucked, society has just become so degenerate he seems moderate in comparison. I even see lefty faggots accusing of him of being right wing lol.

If a white guy said the shit he said he would never find work again.

What's funny about his perspective is the only reason the crack epidemic ended is because of Whites. Just look at new York, this city would still be full of black Crack heads if Giuliani hadn't used to NYPD to crack down on nigger drug lords selling the shit to their own community.

Has been based since day one. It’s about your thoughts not your skin tone.

I liked the bit on the french fag.

Pretty sure this is a shill but that was obviously a set up for the joke. And he unquestionably refered to it as murder which pissed off the left


Goddamnit, someone find out where Kanye was last night.

Here's a list of chill black dudes that I'd hang with

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His only good work was in Robin Hood Men in Tights. Fuck the rest of his garbage. He single handedly ruined my high school years with RICK JAMES BITCH!
that shit wasn't even funny the first ffs
Fuck off with this bald headed charlie brown looking nigger like I would pay money to watch this coon jive and giggle on TV let alone in person fuck that

>He single handedly ruined my high school years with RICK JAMES BITCH!
to be fair he really really regretted that shit too.

Oh you can hang with them alright

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Yikes man, that's just sad. You're a vile person.

tbf at least he smashed some hoes and got money
He's just another fucking mouth piece for j*ws that (((they))) use to disarm us. Chappy can suck my flappy


But the only reason the crack epidemic began was because of whites in the CIA

Only goys in that column
chap must clean my penor flap

It's not based. Normalization of pedophilia is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Torrent please?, i don't have netflix in my ayayaaaaaaaaaaaay country, well...i have but not me.

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Are you brain dead faggot?
That was the worst shit I've ever watched
Go fuck yourself cunt