Your religion or your race?
You can only chose one, Christcucks
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You can choose both, kike shill.
Here's an image you can ignore since you're not here anymore and busy making another slide thread.
If the Nazis had God on their side, they'd have won. They had all-but and it didn't quite cut it.
Class above all else. Both of those symbols have deep ties to capital, both deserve to die.
>If the Nazis had God on their side
The jews are the enemy of the Gospel.
Christianity kept the nose in check for many centuries until the Scofield Bible heresy wrecked the faith with zionism.
Jesus spent half the New Testament ranting about the jews, so it isn’t remotely accurate to pretend that Christianity is jew friendly. If that were true, the jews would not have bothered to sabotage the New Testament with a bullshit translation with pro-jew commentary.
Meme flag? We Germans hate people trying to act like us --
I find it sad you put your faith in the ideology that killed millions. Hitler was a small man with ideas that only destroyed his nation.
No, you cannot choose both. Calling people 'shills' isn't an argument. You are either Christian alone, or not Christian at all. God doesn't allow for two masters.
Nice try, Boomer.
Religion. I don't really care about some pasty losers on a video game/anime website more then my brother in christ.
One can't help but appreciate the irony of neopagans that come from an almost purely Christian backdrop ranting about the "kikery" of the Christian faith without realizing how Talmudic they are in all their ways.
Especially jews.
What he said isn't an argument either. National Socialism is a political ideology, not a religion.
Subtle reminder -- we Germans are the best ever at 3 things: Theology, Soccer and automobiles. The Zionist heresy is simply the judaic heresy. Keep the shit skin Ishmaelite kike off your phone.
My religion
It says to love thy neighbor, not thy immigrants
Racism is also a stupid idea that comes from a scientific fraud called evolution
Remember Ota Benga
Reminder to all christfags: If you aren't a communist, you're sinning.
>we Germans
race, easy.
>we Germans are the best ever at 3 things: Theology
kek, imagine a protestant saying this
Based. More brown refugees please. As long as they're Christian!
if i choose God, he'll bless my seed, and i can establish my own race, furthermore, i wont be cast into eternal destruction, if i choose my race instead of God, i'll receive divine punishment and my seed will be cut off, along with my race (come the day of judgement) and be sent into eternal destruction
i choose God, obviously.
Says the jungle nigger. Your country needs to be nuked, because you are actively transporting drugs and crime to Europe.
You do know "el" is also the generic word for a god in ancient Hebrew, right? The guy in your pic was called El, yes, but he was not the same as Yahweh. Yahweh came from Midian, whereas El was native to Canaan. When Yahweh began to be worshiped in Canaan, his influence came to be so great that he became the head of the Canaanite gods and later became the only god worshiped by Canaanites. It was around this time that either Yahweh and El were syncretized or that Yahweh simply supplanted El. While the former is very well possible, there isn't a whole lot of evidence for it aside from general characteristics common between the two. And the Bible never straight-up calls Yahweh the proper El, either. He's always called by a variation of the word, which implies that "el" is being used in the general sense. Examples are El Shaddai (God Almighty), El Elyon (God Most High), and Elohim (an augmentative form of the general word).
Not to mention that that statue was made centuries before Yahweh came to Canaan. And don't get me started on "Rabbi Joshua," either.
True and untrue. The correct Christian term is 'stewardship'. We are meant to manage the kingdom of Christ as one people until He takes over. It only sounds communist because we don't own anything. Christ owns everything.
antother meme flag huh? Moral of the story -- don't perpetrate the Katyn Massacre and expect not to be expelled for the 110th time.
Israel good
Jews good
Europeans bad
You know how I know you're not German? You're too lazy to do any research.
/laughs in Ernst Zundel.
Religion, hands down. My god comes before my people.
>we WUZ germanz
They never existed
>My god comes before my people.
Please post with a higher quality so I can read it
not just that but it leaves out the part where the apostals said to the man who lied about how much he received from selling his own land, "while this money was still in your possession, was it not yours?"
implying that it wasn't a forced communion/communism, but one of willful acceptance. meaning, people joined willfully not by force, and his death was not for holding back, but for attempting to lie to the holy spirit.
>we WUZ germanz
That's what Jews said
George Lincoln Rockwell was Christian and pro-white. Stop pretending a subverted version of the religion is representative
seeand revelations 2
there's Jews and (((Jews)))
one obeys the word of God and tries to do good, the other is of the synagogue of satan (false jews)
This unironically, I have no problem rebuilding the church with brown people.
Based and Canadian
>implaying I need to make a choice
It's called Bulgarian orthodox church for a reason and it litteraly savey race during Turk slavery
Jews fear Christianity
The Nazis actually supported Armenians and funded them believe it or not
You're a degenerate Boomer. The Jews are not a white disease that must be destroyed. They never worked for the good of Europe, but only destroyed it.
you can have both you broke nigger, freedom of thought and freedom of religion.
It is perfectly okay that some people cling to a restricted set of religious tenets. They function as a bulwark of essential moral principles that span the length of human development from the deep past into the far future.
But a few of us serve as elements of particular ideas addressed to the challenges of the present. Without us, the candle of human development will go out before our descendants can inherit the rewards of our ancestors’ sacrifices.
We insist on free speech because what we say is disturbing, and almost nobody wants to hear it. Nietzsche once said that the most precious things are to be found in the places you least want to look.
Revelations 2:9 clearly states that the Jews of today worship Satan and your biblical Jews aren’t the same
Evangelicals are dumb American boomer mutts
Their religion is heresy
You should whatch the documentary called: Marching to Zion
lolnope check post
Religion obviously.
DNA and Hitler don't really have a say in what happens to my soul.
Larpagans don’t realize that Jews killed Jesus so they pretend the religion claims to support Jews (it doesn’t)
God cursed the Jews
Why do you think they were so hated and expelled from 109 countries?
The crusaders killed jews
>Let's go back to the gods of our ancestors fellow whites. Based Saturn lord of the black sun will lead us to victory! HH 1488!!!
Dialectical materialism is by definition materialism, nice try.
They're atheist nihilists desperately trying to cling onto something with a sense of meaning. Worshiping DNA is another fundamentally meaningless material endeavor that's doomed to fail. Just degenerates into arbitrary purity spirals and self-destructive Imperialism to prove superiority.
I choose to sage stupid fucking shills like you
Falangists were catholic fascists bro
God didn't really care much about materialism m8. He didn't see humanity as production/consumption units.
Thats my point. Materialism is a turn away from god.
>some cringe fag on the internet
>the religion of my ancestors and the truth
Gee, hard choice there, rabbi
When Europe was Pagan, Jews were poor slaves now after 1000+ years of christianity they are a wealthy ruling class. You might wonder how Jews became so rich? Well it all began when Jews successfully replaced Roman Paganism with jew worshiping cult we call Christianity today. According to early christians (who were all Jews by the way) the Jews are the Yahweh's chosen people. Because of this they were given special status during dark ages. Only (((they))) could lend money with an interest.
They have low IQs and cannot into functional societies. That they follow the same religion should be of little consolation. Having the choice between a Christian shit hole and a non-Christian one isn't much of a choice.
>God cursed the Jews
EL cursed the Jews to be your masters?
One of the main reasons I follow Christianity is because, before Christianity, most of Europe was uncivilized
Countries like France and England only came to the level of western civilization when Christianity was introduced
Also the Vikings WILLINGLY converted to Christianity because they thought it was a better religion
I've heard many Christians on this board and elsewhere explicitly say they would rather live in a Christian non-white nation than a non-christian white nation. To which I say, I believe there are some nice shithole countries in Africa they can consider.
For anyone who isn't delusional, the choice is clear. Race.
I choose big black men
Crusaders combined Christianity with old pagan beliefs. The Templars worshipped the heads of Baphomet.
The religion of the semites who spread it to your ancestors. I know this is tough for you guys to accept, but the first part of your holy book is literally Jewish. The entire religion would absolutely never have existed if not for Judaism. Also, i hate to be the one to tell you but there is strictly 0% chance that Jesus is coming back.
>before Christianity, most of Europe was uncivilized
Burger education.
If all you value is the physical wealth of your society then you are already lost. The former Soviet Union is far more developed then Latin America yet has much higher rates of suicide and alcoholism.
I'd kill every fag in Germany before I blew up a church so I guess there you go. Germans are not my race. We are not related because we are white.
Communism is materialism. It's one of the purest philosophical expressions of materialism: treating people as malleable biological machinery that can be molded for what is needed; primarily as production units.
It's as degrading to the human condition and consumerism or arbitrary accumulation of wealth.
That word could denote just about any kind of teacher or superior in Aramaic, much broader than the modern sense of the word.
>preached only to Jews
Conversed multiple times to Samaritans, Romans, and other foreigners
>66 books
Come on now.
>written by Jews
Not all of them. If Luke was really an evangelist, he was Greek and a physician.
>about Jews
Up until the Gospels, yes, but the epistles from which most Christian morality comes is aimed specifically at non-Jews and is influenced by Greek philosophy.
And no, wojaks and reddit spacing do not make you any more right.
By most of Europe I didint mean time or Greece
Also you are a mega tard
The wooden church in the picture is a Christian church
Hitler was a Christian and he chose both
t. non-christian
We're agreeing m8. Dont worry.
Dual Seedline Christian Identity
>written by Jews
>Not all of them
That's a fake statue and you know it.
>That word could denote just about any kind of teacher or superior
Just because someone says something doesn't make it true
Hitler hates Catholicism
I don’t have the exact quote but he said that pagans were too far immersed in fantasies of being Germanic warriors and are instruments of the Jews
My religion expressly states that the primary purpose of Sex is to preserve my race.
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's.
No, Hitler’s positive Christianity was planned to be phased out, with party symbols replacing Christian ones.
Yes, absolutely nothing else changed, and Christians were so tolerant of Jews. How do you even believe your lies?
What religion are you
I'm not sure if you're mentally retarded or just shilling but why the fuck would you even bother to try to convince people to give up their religion over their race, only to mock people who align themselves based on race? Are you stupid or just acting like an oldfag /b/tard?