Why don't the English assume that they were colonized by the French?

1 - The Normans are indeed ethnically French, there is no doubt about that it is factual. The Anglo-Saxons who emerge from this myth that the Normans are a distinct ethnic group makes me laugh.
2 - "It is the Duchy of Normandy that colonized England, not France" haha the Duchy of Normandy is not a French territory and legitimizes the Mongolian? It is all the more a shame to have been colonized just by a duchy....
3 - No, the Normans are not "Vikings", it is a fantasy of virgins who believe they are in Skyrim...

Attached: BnF_Français_2623_Chronique_de_Normandie_Fol._106bis_-_Reddition_de_Rouen_1204-e1441707564957-720x (720x340, 114K)

Nationalism didn't exist back then.


It's more complicated than that. And what does that have to do with anything?

Ethno-nationalism was absolutely a thing, just not in the same sense as today.

And the "French" of that time were ethnically SOVTHERN EVROPEAN from the ROMAN conquest of Gaul

No. The French are a German-Latino-Celtic people. More or less Germanic and Latin depending on the region. But on the whole it's quite homogeneous.

>Normans are French, and not Norsemen, anyone who doesn't agree is an idiot who plays video games
With this revisionist logic, Africans are French simply because they happen to be on French land, and they are your conquerors and colonizers.

Charles the Simple gave Normandy to the Vikings dickhead.
Hence the term North Men.
That's why I'm six foot three and can fuck your woman whenever I want.

No, actually it's Normans are nothing Scandinavian. This is not revisionism because it has no basis. On the contrary, in fact, it is a fantasy that land in Normandy was bequeathed to the Vikings. Which is obviously true. But the land and its inhabitants have not changed since the arrival of the Vikings. The Vikings just became the new lords and abandoned their old culture. But the peasants and the plebe in general have not experienced any ethnic change. If a Norman today did a test of ethnic origin it is unlikely to find "Viking" blood.