Were women as slutty in the old days as they are now

were women as slutty in the old days as they are now

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Yes just not as obvious

Yes, but they dressed a little more modestly.

Yeah, the only difference is that they were cheating on their spouses with the big italian cock and not some other non white dude.

Benjamin Franklin said Keep your indiscretions discrete

no. Because society shamed them for it. That's literally the only reason though

Women are always sluts, its men that enable them to be on another level right now.

>hey guise were women women before I was born?

No. That doesn’t mean they were as chase and virginal as they pretended back then, or as sexless as they were shown in movies, but if you think 5+ partners before age 20 and 20+ before age 30 were common you are delusional

No user, women were way better back then, loving and caring. They would never cheat or nag at their husband and families were a thing to be proud of.

You missed on the best times.