What are Jow Forums's views on Paul Joseph Watson?

Welcome back to based or cringe with user. Please show me your views on PJW, sir.

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90% water 10% poison

He has weird fucking lips.

go shove your eceleb up your ass shill

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Talentless retard who focuses on the dumbest shit.

The only thing people know him for is his retarded s-o-y meme video where he proved he has 0 scientific credibility, supporting the idea that he talks out of his ass on most things.

I unsubbed after he started promoting donating to the families of the "victims" of the christchurch shooting.

he is always using dead memes for some reason

as a REAL fucking member of a rosicrucian order (and not one of those amorc scams)
i wrote him an email that i wanted to just share all kinds of information for free...and he never replied back.

i explaiend that i wasnt going to shill any book or product, that i wont say my name...but nope.

this guy is not interested into delivering any sort of truth or change.

he just makes clickbait videos like the rest of them. just how alex jones sells herbal supplements.

as for some of the truth that "im not telling you" well you already see it.
you will be forced to eat bug/worm meat substitutes while the elite tries to escape via nasa/musk rockets (aint gonna happen)

you have no idea how bads its gonna get....for all of you.

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he makes a stupid face 90% of the time and I'm not sure if it's meant to be irony or if he's got biden syndrome.

faggot & gatekeeper.

Hes based and he named them on twitter

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and for the really edge non believers...let me tell you anyway.
it was the max heindel rosicrucian order, i wasnt a physical member, but i did get pretty deep.
and then discovered that it was just another front to worship yahweh/allah and their bug angels. jew takeover as always.
made you think they were nazis with the "rudolf steiner" meme...oh they never were.

nowadays the fellowship is just an online mailer where african niggers complain to get healed magically, not an ounce of interest to develop or learn things. "pls heal me for free i believe in jesus brothers!"

but yes, styxenhammer, paul joseph watson, none of those people would have me to tell whats going on, but they would have david icke shill his books when he has never even seen a real reptilian.

pro tip: there were like 8 actual illuminati who are all dead now. the rest of these "rothschild" clowns think they will escape with some slaves with the newest rockets and try to colonize mars.

it aint gonna happen.
you are getting wiped out. the whole fucking cosmos hates your race of dumb yahweh worshipping parasites.

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I think he's good with make up, but refuses to admit pro-white-politics are legitimate.


should have started hrt when he was five

Zionist slave

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It’s easy to say that you’re anything over email. It was probably even marked as spam. In reality, while what you typed was interesting, you sound moderately schizophrenic.

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lmao check'd

If he was truly black he would never be demonetized.

im going to larp as a tzimisce, because why shouldnt i have fun.
does my schizophrenia frighten you my child? well did you expect me to be a well adjusted chad normie?

Im sure if i told you that everything was fine, and to fuck thots and buy BMW M3 i would sound a lot more normal.

Humans always have the tendency to call people insane/weirdo/creepo when it gets too scary for them. You are acting like a high-school girl.

Remember when people were telling you about aspartame/fluoride/vaccines/gmo and a lot of people were laughing. were crazy right? now KFC is pushing "i cant believe its not meat" to the masses. the people above you are so psychopathic they think you dont even deserve to eat real meat.

Pig farms in eastern european countries are getting destroyed, pigs killed...all because of a "mystery disease" and now articles are popping up about how we should eat worms to save the planet. Meanwhile rothschild gets real meat.

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As gay as his face looks reportedly

He is both based and cringe in equal measure

he looks exactly like a gay guy from my university, they could be brothers

obnoxious sphincter mouthed closet homo

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What organization is the real rosicrucian group? All I see is Amorc theosophy crap

They are Celtic lips. I'm guessing he has an Irish parent or grandparent.

In three words : dick-sucking lips.

based dude. like watching his show. but I find his lack of faith in the EU troubling...

Here he is answering the JQ.

Isn’t there a theory going around his grandfather was a part of the Nazi regime? I saw a side by side pic comparison, never did more research, so not exactly sure.

Is that what they are? I know germanics tend to have paper thin lips - but so do many irish. I always recognised this as a welsh trait - think people like Tim Curry and Tom Jones. The full lips are common in people with welsh admixture.

pic related

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Thin lips are a sign of a vitamin deficiency during development.

Aren't Welsh and Irish more or less interchangeable genetically? You might be right though.

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>Skim pol for material
>Read it in most annoying delivery you can think of
Great career there

Irish had it's own viking invasions and therefore have germanic admixture. Wales never had a viking invasion and settlers, as far as I know. This makes wales a bit of a genetic time capsule.
Source me - I compiled PN for a medical company for two years and this is news to me.

Correction - The Vikings did settle in small numbers in wales, but these settlements are focused in south wales and much smaller in size than the settlement of ireland scotland and england. This is why when you're in wales, the most welsh part of it is the north side.

Not becoming a mod and IP banning the leftypol invasion.
Neck yourself, traitor.

can anyone name the app that was used to make this pic. please




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he's right though, fuck e celebs


i thought its was like those that turn man into woman type of apps

Which ecelebs are confirmed as /ourguys/?

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styxhexenhammer, gavin and Laura Loomer

pretty good. Jow Forums just hates hum because he is actually successful without crying about da joos

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doesn't fit right with your previous post

>yes goy, listen to that dishonest gatekeeper faggot, he doesn't target us.

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I'd say jim, little degenerate tho'


Has he any interest in political stuff? He has been embracing the clown world concept years before it became a meme.

>What are Jow Forums's views on Paul Joseph Watson?
cringe manchild

he's banned from everywhere now.
i like the TRS guys.
i like the ROTC guys too.

You should know that, the creators of that app are russians. That's why they didn't predict the amerimutt outrage when they made that race filter.

>You have woman's lips my lord, I bet those lips never...

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Joerg Sprave and Sgt.Sizzles

Would make a good Trap.

I think overall he’s good for our us, you cannot the underestimate the value of people like him in bringing into the fold. And he doesn’t just talk about muh Islam or muh Feminism or muh SJWs, he talks extensively about the general spiritual/moral decline of western civilization. I also think it’s probable that PJW is a lot more redpilled than he lets on. For example in one video for a split second he showed black crime statistics and just recently he’s criticised the hypocrisy of Jews like Ben Shapiro.

Didn't he come out as gay?

he is based and redpilled. He is subtle enough and with good optics to redpill the normies.
An 100% bluepilled normie cannot got from that stage to Jow Forums tier. They need the intermediate lvl to help them transition. Paul's job is exactly that.

>Aren't Welsh and Irish more or less interchangeable genetically?
No. Similar, but not identical.

Because all the prominent voices in the alt-right receive so much exposure. Your retardation is why you have to rely on lunatics shooting up everything to get your message across, but ultimately achieve nothing. Your retardation is the reason why you're all stuck here, while your detractors are making bank, or forging alliances with actual politicians.
Your impotence.