1. Anons Organize on here to print out signs with the words "WHITES FOR TRUMP" on them and attend the upcoming Trump Rallies.
There will be many Opportunities this Year and next.

>>The Next Rally. We have 10 Days from Now.
Mon, September 09, 2019. Fayetteville, NC.

2. Put on a MAGA costume for anonymity, nobody will think twice because it's a Trump rally. MAGA Hat/ Yarmulke should be worn.

3. The Signs will go up at every future Trump event leading up to the election. Make sure to hold them facing the Camera's. The MSM can't resist giving this coverage, especially social media will eat it up. Extra Points to anyone who can be seen behind Trump. Local Anons can co-operate on here or go solo. Ideally you and your based black/ hispanic friend show up together and hold up signs for your respective ethnicities together.

4. Why Whites for Trump?
Because it's not a Racist/ Supremacist message. The benign nature of the message and the following response is the point of the operation. These signs already exist.
>>Women for Trump
>>Hispanics for Trump
>>Jews for Trump
>>LGBTQ for Trump
>>Blacks for Trump
and now >>Whites for Trump

5. The next morning, the media/ social media goes completely berserk. This operation requires an answer from the media and more importantly from Trump himself. Will he disavow the message?
Normies tune in to see what's going on, see the posters. MAGA normies ask themselves, Whats wrong with Whites for Trump?

>>It's Okay To Be White

Ignore anyone advocating more extremist messaging. Ignore the Boomers and Jews whining about Optics like this operation is going to ruin Trump's brand. He already has Q Larpers at his Rallies.

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Here's how the signs should be made. The message concealed inside a smaller sign.

Attached: 2019-08-31-01-24-34.jpg (1074x1125, 170K)

Wouldn't you get a more entertaining reaction from a "whites for Biden" sign?

Why not both?

Must have been payday yesterday

plan has potential. Any bets on how fast Trump will denounce?

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The maomaos are right, if you sniff petrol, you'll learn to code, m8! try it now!

whites for Trump? its more like Trump for jews

Attached: keeke.jpg (259x194, 14K)

Jews can be white for this operation.

This operation seems
1. a bad idea
2. fake as fuck

I'd love for you to change my mind.

It's so crazy that it just might work

Based and beanpilled

You maddog crocodile!

Sorry but Jow Forums is not stupid enough to fall for this. Go back to your Discord, shill.

Attached: tumblr_nkfl1pOCjg1u8hqi4o1_1280.jpg (768x1024, 393K)

You'd get kicked out.

Attached: 1552289865869.gif (616x900, 792K)

hey AUSTRALIAN, you seem to forget the state we're in. being pro-white in any capacity is "racist". you know majority of media and general opinion would just see this as "Nazis", this is no longer a way to win.
>b-but it makes people see how whites are not allowed to be proud of their race
no one cares dude. IOTBW only works because its anonymous

No thanks. Trump is not worth our whiteness. Jew-jew cum dumpster.

Yeah great fucking optics

This is something for after the election if trump wins. To piss the fuck off of the media

Why? Check the second image.
If someone gets kicked out for having a simple non racist message, that's a win.

Why not pay a black to hold it?

I don't get this. If you hate Trump, why not Fuck with him by Showing up in Neo Nazi costumes?

Attached: rtsrzsr.jpg (1000x563, 137K)

I luv this.
More later, my boyfriend is getting ready to leave.

Sloppy job Mossad

you smell like david

nice try antifa

This is retarded-ass dumb. "It's OK to be white" worked because the message was utterly benign; getting butthurt over it was self-evidently white hatred.

"Whites for Trump" indicates political action being taken. A normie isn't going to think "Well women, jews, blacks and gays can be for Trump, why not whites?" They're going to knee-jerk right into "Oh shit white political organization is bad, that's how I was taught." A message will not penetrate normie skulls if it requires juxtaposition with other messages because normies don't think like that, and the media won't present those juxtapositions for them.

Attached: 4chan.jpg (480x953, 323K)

Can you make it more benign and keep some of the message?

>sucking JEW cocks for Trump
just kill yourself already fucking cuck


If you hate Trump wouldn't you want to associate Trump with the Alt Right?

Most retarded shit ever rabbi. Fuck off

This 100. OP is a baby peen blood sucking (((vampire)))
>all fields
