I'm 25 years old and I've lived in Sweden my entire life yet I've never seen so many friendly white faces just hanging out having a good time.
Everywhere you look there are normal, white, healthy sized people wearing red white and blue clothing with stars and stripes. Not like in Sweden where all you ever see is fat arabs and anorexic somalis wearing Adrian Hammond.
The streets are cleaner than anything we have here in Sweden. There are interesting shops and restaurants along the sidewalk and the streets are filled with new expensive cars.
Went to wally-world today and saw this at the register and thought of Wal-user. You're right; we're mostly a happy bunch around families and our own 'cliques', but when pushed out of our comfort zones (immigration), we're uneasy.
We might have colored but we are good at segregation.
Kevin White
We are angry because the same breed of parasite that ruined your country is reading the same playbook for our country.
Logan Green
Not sure that's it. Maybe you don't but most Americans on Jow Forums are like fuck you Mexican and I'm not even an illegal there. I'm just returning the hate that I get.
Benjamin Gutierrez
Kinda what I'm saying. You and your family are happy. When you have to go spend the day with puerto ricans, you suddenly get a headache and aren't smiling.
Eli Hernandez
fuck you Mexican
Jeremiah Foster
The friendliness is exhausting. You’re expected to be a bucket of joy all the time in America, and it’s considered rude to not be outwardly enthusiastic about things. You could legitimately get fired from a white collar job just because you show up and do the work and don’t pretend to be interested in small talk with others.
Zachary Watson
All your country pushes for in the global community is to destroy morals and values for gay and money.
We as a population can't survive on money and gay alone, yet all your stupid fucking companies is shill that shit.
Stop it
David Clark
I bet it's great to raise a white kid in the USA. Pic related.
the mexicans who come here are soooooooo shit-tier. average mexicans are way better, but your gov and media call us all racists for not adopting these brown stubbies while we notice that whites run your shit and hate these ppl so much they just want to export them.
Andrew Fisher
You’ll never fit in gaijin
Jace Gonzalez
ppl are more naturally optimistic when they don't have to live in a drug-infested, diseased irradiated wasteland that was raped by communism for 70 yrs.
Asher Garcia
you misspelled nigger
Adam Nguyen
>Europeans make the same as our nigger containment zones
>all of the women wearing shorts showing their ass crack >men perpetually wearing slippers with hats on backwards >half of the people seen have a questionable phenotype >everyone wearing stupid t-shirts and jeans, like they are indentured servants back in the XIXth century >literal start of the video is a whore jumping enthusiastically in front of a negro group
Imagine my shock at looking at your flag. Sweden is the biggest shithole, because its the most Americanized shithole.
Joseph Diaz
>>half of the people seen have a questionable phenotype >portugal
Ethan Long
Lol this is true. They have to support their entire family in mexico or live poor. Poor being a relative word to money in the sense that there isnt much discrimination. Everyone sticks to their business at hand.
Owen Brown
>why the hate The united States is run by two parties. One is heavily influenced by jewish hatred of white people and everything they do and the other is heavily influenced by jewish greed. So we totally fucked by all the damage they are doing.
Portuguese people look pretty white, have you ever stepped foot out of your trailer park?
Daniel Scott
We hate America mostly because they're arrogant, treacherous, stupid (mutt education isn't just a meme) and constantly shove their nose in the affairs of people thousands of miles away that are of no consequence to them or anyone else with the support of their faggy Euro trash lapdogs like France and Sweden.
Sure, if you take people on a case by case basis, there are decent, well-to-do, white Americans all over the country. It's still a consumerist shit hole full of economic migrants (even the whites) that arrived on American soil less than a hundred years ago to make a lot of money. That kind of nation cannot breed anything but a congregation of rootless, dysgenic individuals preoccupied with frivolities and shitty modern pop culture. What are Americans unified by? Blood, soil and history is what makes a nation, and most Americans are mixed race. The white ones are a Frankenstein's monster of European ethnicities, united by nothing and bound only by their jobs and their dollars.
They're also a bunch of stupid faggots who decided to go to war with us because we levied taxes on them after refusing to help us out monetarily at all going broke protecting their dumb, ugly asses from the French. Americans don't give a fuck about their own blood, they're a den of vipers ready to jump on anyone for their own benefit.
...So Americans? Like the ones that go to Estonia and try to convince them of the benefits of multiculturalism?
Liam Robinson
Chase Ross
That's America unironically though
Jason Rogers
What are you gonna do about it, Mohammad? Fly a balloon?
Eli Parker
god u fags need to shut the fuck up. non-whites don't live in the same areas as whites, despite statistics. fuck, off to ur tea u toothless inbred
Because you're on Jow Forums full of socially inept individuals who are really delusional about reality. Don't you realize they make up everything? They blame other people for their problems and worship a dead Nazi from 75 years ago.
Bentley Martin
>that's america though oh cool u went to NYC and got all ur information about the rest of the US from Jow Forums. Smart guy you are. No wonder your shithole of an island is irreverent now
We aren't feminized to the point of having to let everyone know when we're grumpy. It's called polite society. Just put on a fake smile and help the world feel a little more pleasant you emotional little faggot
Damn you sound bitter. You fond love letters from your great great grandma to George Washington? Ben Franklin use your ancestors mouths like a golf ball cleaner?
Fuck off bongtard, you talk about a cesspool of economic migrants but lol out your front window. The UK is worse than any other western country. Do you even have white people anymore? I bet you shine Khans shoes every morning, bitch.
Daniel Price
Thanks for saying something nice user.
Matthew Kelly
>arrogant, treacherous, stupid Hmm, if america was that bad we would be meddling in the election of other countries like Russia and acting surprised when they reciprocate... Oh wait, we did.
Kevin Thomas
The main problem I have with the US and why I never want to set a foot in this country again are their horrible, vapid, ego maniac women
Connor Foster
American women (and Americanized women) are infernal devil spawns.
Colton Foster
You’re not as different from America as you think you are britbong
Adrian Perry
>they blame other people for their problems I don't have any problems, my life's breddy fuggin good typical braindead faggot argument, literally no one comes here complaining that the (((the powers that be))) taking away their girl and holding dem back god your talking points are trash have you forgotten this is an underwater mongolian basket weaving forum
I think dragging an apology out of someone is a great way to see if they are morally and as a character retarded Usually American women do not have this ability at all. I am not sure if it is narcissism or just retardation, but they can not do it
Carter Peterson
>my comment was concise, straight to the point >pointing that Americanized society is par excellence plebeian. The American seeks to lower the human genus to that of an ape. To produce the perfect darwinian involution. >most females are showing as much of their rectum as a baboon >jungle music heard everywhere >"males" looking like absolute copies of one another. No sense of personal style or dignity. People are just manequins for generic clothing brands, that produce the ugliest garments ever known in the history of man. >Amerimutt asks me why I am spiteful at pedestrians
Guess your eyes must be getting squeezed shut under the pressure of all that lard.
Sebastian Reed
Venice Beach is peak America tho. > Venice Beach is the America of LA > LA is the America of California > California is the America of America
Chase Cook
Everyone in OP's video is the child of someone who attends Epstein sex parties/ritual sacrifices.
Luke Flores
>constantly shove their nose in the affairs of people thousands of miles away that are of no consequence to them or anyone else with the support of their faggy Euro trash lapdogs like France and Sweden. Faggy Euro trash like France and Sweden constantly drag the US Into affairs of people thousands of miles away that are of no consequence to them
Sebastian Wilson
This is true.
Isaiah Lee
you do realize most american men are circumcised?
Parker Sanders
They jealous, especially uk cucks. The UK is actually more cuck then Sweden. Turn in your butter knives, muh brexit
>Why so much hate for the United States? Because it is enforcement golem of international jewry that also uses its influence to spread kike mental poisons like Hollywood nigger worship culture or progressivism through entire world. Did I answered your question?
Kevin Murphy
>roasties and drunk chadturds >muh beauty
Evan Bennett
Americans are friendly outside the largest cities. Its rude not to at least pretend to be pleasant interacting with strangers.
It looks degenerate. Almost all the women in that video are dressed like attention seeking sluts. People lining up to get into clubs so they can get drunk and fuck strangers.
Owen Mitchell
Its a beach town you fucking idiot. One of the wealthiest in the world.
it's mostly just western europoors being envious of how good the mutts are having it while they have to pay 60%+ taxes, live in studio apartments and watch their language to not get arrested for "hate speech", not to mention their borderline-communist governments which they have zero control over.
Adam Ramirez
>Why so much hate for the United States? Because of this, that's enough to hate them!
Said the Englishman who lives in a through the looking glass version of Murica with Muslims instead of Blacks
Xavier Flores
>Everywhere you look there are normal lol >white hahaaa >healthy sized people BAHAHAHAHHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Not like that video at all. It's some cherry picked video of college kids.
Alexander Watson
Lol sit down pyotr and give Russian gf
Dominic Flores
You send us the worst Mexicans you have. We get your shitty brown criminal low iq Mexicans and you keep all the castizo cuties, fuck you beaner!
Justin Wilson
dude this place is full of niggers and spics
Bentley Carter
you went to a tourist town sven, out regular cities are hell holes
Adrian Cook
>they're arrogant, treacherous, stupid (mutt education isn't just a meme) and constantly shove their nose in the affairs of people thousands of miles away that are of no consequence to them or anyone else with the support of their faggy Euro trash lapdogs like France and Sweden The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Aaron Gray
its weird. a lot of ugly, obese people in this country, but also insane amounts of really beautiful women too
Carter Green
Post le epib meme faces all you want, Europoor, but you're easy to figure out.
Ian Stewart
>most Americans are mixed race. The white ones are a Frankenstein's monster of European ethnicities, united by nothing and bound only by their jobs and their dollars. Have you looked at your own country, bongboi?
Lincoln Russell
Get some tacos and fuck off
Daniel Nelson
>Everywhere you look there are normal, white, healthy sized people wearing red white and blue clothing with stars and stripes. You didn't visit the United States or you're a mutt with a VPN
Jaxson Lewis
Your feminist government imported nigger from muttland and allowed them to rape your girls. Why did you do that? You are a retard cuz you chose them as dumbass politicians. Blame yourself and kys. Sven
Damn, you hit the nail on the head, slavbro. Norway is this way too.
Parker Davis
Heh, I live down the street from this bar. Drive 5 minutes away down the 55 to Santa Ana and you'll see why there's hate. 8 million squat swarthy Aztecas milling about fixing cars or shooting each other.
Julian Cox
Sorry we don't have 1000 generations of miserable serfdom imprinted onto our genes, Sergei.
Connor Lee
I grew up in Kansas
Mason Kelly
Don't know why, you're doing the right thing and staying.
Tyler Campbell
That isn't Venice. If it were it would be lined with homeless people as far as the eye can see, some of them straight up dead from ODing right on the boardwalk.