Well Jow Forums is this true?
Well Jow Forums is this true?
Fake Engineered Standards / Paid Psy Op Shills = Yes
I think jews like Op are degenerate. I wish all jews would go to Israel and that their relations with the outside world was strictly limited.
But Nature = No
no, but all fags are.
If pedophilia is unnatural why are little girls so cute?
reminder that the first step to legalizing pedophilia was to convince people that pedophilia means anything underage. This puts biological adults in with prepubescent children according to the law, and they can use the ridiculousness of people having their lives ruined because they have a selfie on their phone from a year before when they were 17 counting them as a sex offender.
The law being absolute and defining reality is a classic liberal feature. Liberalism effectively replaced monarchs with the law, and the law must be absolute in the way the king used to be for their world order to hold.
No famalam, I prefer not to deal with a kid (though women are childish in nature) I would prefer she dress cute and like all that bright stuff. She was delighted that I got her this swimsuit, though it reminds me that part in Mahoromatic where that girl told Chizuko "um...that attracts men with specific tastes."
I'm working on a piece with the thesis tentatively titled: Are all educators pedophiles? I'm clearly focusing on my old school which has a boatload of scandals of teachers fucking thier students and then opening thier fucking mouths.
Considering most women call you a pedo if you fuck anything less than 35 than yeah
I want to marry a robot loli
Because it doesn't exist unless it's your only preference or into dudes and you are a dude
Sex outside of marriage should be illegal. This would clear up the issue you're trying to create
This, Somebody Tell BJ who works at KOLAR in Duluth MN. this
i want to be a robot loli
Sorry Gommie, only thing you're going to be is fuel for my factory
Great innovation comes from the deaths of Millions
My buddy and I once sang LORE, LORE, LORE together for shit and giggles. Afterwards he said "You know, that line about schön sind die Mädchen von 17, 18 Jahr is so pedophilic" (tl: pretty are the girls of 17, 18 years [of age])
And I was flabbergasted that 17 year old are considered pedophile range when the age of consent is 15 in Slovenia
Was zum Teufel Kamerade?
the problem is you have to DEFINE what pedophilia is.
Is it fucking girls under 11 and under. Then yes. that is pedophilia.
If it's fucking 12 and older. That's hebophilia.
The problem with society is, it loves to create it's monsters.
And if you claimed someone was a hebophile, most would ask what that means, and once you define it's fucking someone 12 to 17. They would probably go "oh, that's too young" but there isn't a cringe and wince factor.
But everyone knows a pedophile fucks little kids. Innocent little kids. And yes, i know some 8, 9 and 10 yo's are not that innocent. but for all sakes and arguments. Left away from internet and tv. They are innocent.
Now, call someone a pedophile, and people associate that with fucking kids. Now they are ready to brandish the pitch forks
So society and especially news in society. Loves to brand ANYONE fucking under 17. The imaginary age of consent. A pedophile. For the shock and cringe factor
which is wrong.
The girl in the movie poster. If you like that. your a hebophile.
based, sovietpilled
"All men are pedophiles" is an argument exclusively put forward by pedophiles
Peds = a preference for 5 year old at the max and anything younger or near " Reality' or their version anything a micro second under a specific man made Un Natural Law age
It's also why literal pedos don't seek help.
In the US, if you're even suspected, you're already in deep legal trouble. If confirmed, now people want to kill you.
The scientists doing the research are very likely not pedos, tho
Protip : 11 has tits and a real personality there fore 100% Not
No, but all men prefer Virgins over used/2nd hand goods
it's just that because of the jewish op called feminism it's harder to find 18+ women with intact hymens so we're forced to go younger
There's literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.
Age of consent is the best litmus test for NPCs
This and the older you go, the more likely to deal with a ruin woman who will make your life rough and can't into teamwork, or any other traditionally western feminine qualities.
Yeah I guess you'd have to be a pedophile to pay for those study results and a pedophile to believe it.
I'm 99.9% sure there is a Israeli flag hiding behind that meme flag.
This is wrong on so many levels.
inb4 404
Fuck off depravate bastard.
it's literally a scientific fact that the more sexual partners women experience the lesser loyalty they have for pair bonding
think baby chicks imprinting
same thing but with cocks
they never forget their first partner so you're literally a cuck if you pair bond with a woman you didn't devirginize
All fake. Most pedos are homos. I think it's about 50% of homos are pedos as well. Homos are no more than 5% of the US population. So more than 95% of men are not pedos.
Having sex with children is absolutely disgusting, and instantly a boner killer.
Having sex with teenagers is fine, they're made to be fucked and its not even pedophilia.
I don't even like girls under 20.
Dont post kid stuff like that. I reported you sicko.
that's because you are gay
Leave boomer
the most widespread term is "deflower"
this basically. A based leaf for once.
All mothers are baby molesters.
Literally whole babies shoved in and out the vagina - consent never given
constantly touching private parts, but vag dick the lot fucking disgusting
force baby to suck their tits for their own pleasure.
absolute degenerates, save the babies, kill mothers!
now this is redpilled
in the US yes, because of their abnormally high age of consent compared to the rest of the world that makes fucking a 17.5yr old pedophilia
most men wouldn't fuck a 5 years old girl. Most men would fuck 14 years old girl.
yes, when you use the USA sub-18 rule
Enjoy fbi visit asshole
There is no cure for pedophilia, hebophilia, or being gay or lesbian.
Brain is wired that way, that's it.
n-no s-stop
I'm aware
but I stopped romanticizing women like that the moment they got their (((freedom)))
when they find their rightful place again then they can have the romance back
Ugh stop it! Not the booty!
i bet you like little boys dressed up too, kys yourself
well yes there is. If you see this as sexual, then you are wired wrong.
You see her acting sexual. She see's herself just doing what the camera man is telling her. It has nothing to do with her thinking she looks "sexy". And even if she is taught sexy equates to pretty. She doesn't understand what that means. She just knows that if adults like "sexy" then i will be sexy cause i want to be a good girl and people to like me.
Now, once she hits puberty and becomes more street wise, she will understand what this pose does to the "boys". And it's about sex.
i hope that clarifies your fucked up stance.
Matthew 18:6 KJV — But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
The above is a direct quote from Jesus Christ. Anyone who harms or defiles children deserves no mercy except a death by drowning. After death and Christ's judgement they might be thrown in fire for a thousand years if God wills it.
Here on Earth they will find that Satan will abandon them. They will be alone in prison to face the judgement and justice of the cons.
If you're a pedophile it might be easier to just get off of this ride. The final thing you need to do is beg God for mercy.
We finally got rid of him. We won’t have anymore underage booty on this thread. VAN HIM
Why would you cure being Str8?
If modern society has made every women an entitled childish brat, then every man has no option but to date them thus becoming involuntary pedophile, or inped.
Everybody is pansexual, with some degree of repression. Straight is still the best way though.
thats' my entire point
For their brains, they are wired how they are wired.
Now it's society's norms and rules that dictate if that is right or wrong.
You cannot go against society, without expecting backlash.
It doesn't matter what the topic is. That's just a simple fact.
Yet Homo's cant love a younger girl. like yourself , Jew strikes you as he screams out in pain
At times, I understand why fedoras hate you so much
Not trying to be that guy but 13-14 is about when they hit puberty. There is apocryphal texts that claim Mary was around 13.
I am not disagreeing with you.
Just pointing out that context is important and the US fundamentalists rule, while it does work is a bit ridiculous to justify with scripture..
Age of consent should be 10 years old. You can't change my mind. The kikes have a monopoly on cunny right now.
It wouldn't be so bad if they'd use context in logic.
No one responds well to:
I agree with that user, I am a Christian, albeit not a great one, but tact is key.
kill yourself
if you're definition of "pedophile" includes 13/14, then yes
10 year olds cant reason well, user.
Maybe after their first period.
Society is based on lie's and Psy Ops against everything Natural, instead making a path to make something work with Civilization, yet the secret Government gets to do anything they want
I love little French girls
I'm glad this site is a honey pot, means I don't have to report you individually to the FBI.
Glowniggers do your jobs it's guarantee these pedofaggots have contraband on their storage devices.
women should be property period no matter what their age
Why does your gif remind me of Jews so much?
lol glowniggers are the biggests pedos. They run that shit kid.
it does NOT matter what society is based on.
The simple fact is, you cannot go against society without backlash
No matter how much you dislike that statement. It's been the truth since we formed tribes.
Sorry to break the news to you
Probably was around 13/14.
idgaf about this thread but WHAT'S HER NAME
i drove around on gas powered skateboard to sell coke when i was 13, and we had two trap houses by the time i was 15
Who was ground down in the end
Who was found dead on the phone
Who was dragged down by the stone
Pink Floyd - Animals
Sure, but they don't like competition.
>actually thinking the FBI is against pedos
Most states its 16. Some 17.
Your saying Drunk, Drug, Whores Have High Reasoning capability Vs a 10yo that can learn from a mistake before turning into a Drunken Drug Whore?
No it's not. Most men aren't even hebephiles.
Almost, the correct phrase is
>all Semites are pedophiles
Not knowing you are one