Soon ((they)) will come for your meat.
Eat Your Bugs Goy
Nathaniel Reyes
Justin Roberts
I'll eat the Bug Mac
Levi Morgan
Isaac Long
mit soja
Ryan Allen
Are we sure that the burgers we eat now are not like this, or plant based already?
Consider the following:
Ronald McDonald is a clown.
Whopper is slang for a massive lie
Wendy is not a real name
Colonel Sanders was not a real colonel.
I've made burgers from ground beef and they are different to the burgers you see in fast food restaurants.
Alexander Gutierrez
>mit soja
Ian Sullivan
Meat is Murder
Joshua Cook
At least they are "Buffalo"-worms, kek.
Kayden Baker
Of course its Germans.
Aaron Long
>Wendy is not a real name
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