Africa's population is expected to double by 2050

>africa's population is expected to double by 2050
its over

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AIDS just isn't doing the trick, sadly.

Work harder. Africa needs gibs.
Seriously, colonizing Africa was a sin of epic proportions. I see that now. We should have followed the Bible and left those with the mark of Cain alone.

*Blocks your path*

Attached: b61-project-36.gif (630x354, 118K)


If only that faggot Bill Gates would just leave well enough alone, Africa wouldn't be such a problem.

Colonising it wasn't the problem. Philanthropy is.

You think China is gonna do some form of population control/regulation when they officially take the continent over?
I do.

we need to create a campaign of free condoms
> niggers dont wrap it
i know, but its worth a try t save the world

Good thing (((they))) see that too so they provoke us into genociding them