>africa's population is expected to double by 2050
its over
Africa's population is expected to double by 2050
AIDS just isn't doing the trick, sadly.
Work harder. Africa needs gibs.
Seriously, colonizing Africa was a sin of epic proportions. I see that now. We should have followed the Bible and left those with the mark of Cain alone.
*Blocks your path*
If only that faggot Bill Gates would just leave well enough alone, Africa wouldn't be such a problem.
Colonising it wasn't the problem. Philanthropy is.
You think China is gonna do some form of population control/regulation when they officially take the continent over?
I do.
we need to create a campaign of free condoms
> niggers dont wrap it
i know, but its worth a try t save the world
Good thing (((they))) see that too so they provoke us into genociding them