I have a question about the holocaust. Why does the world almanac list over 15 million jews alive in 1948...

I have a question about the holocaust. Why does the world almanac list over 15 million jews alive in 1948, which is several hundred thousands more than in 1933. Where did that number come from? Why was it corrected only later? Did they not know about the holocaust in 1948? How did they make such a mistake?

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dont bother you cant reason with sand niggers

Because there was a war and then no one did a census immediately after it. They had other things to do. The World Almanac clearly says in the 48 edition that they were using 1939 data.

They are a sports trivia book. They didn’t have people doing the counting in Europe in 1947. They relied on figures from other sources, and those sources had no up to date figures. How could they have?

But why did they make such a mistake when everyone knows that the holocaust killed six million?

Also why did the Red Cross only count ca 300 thousand deaths at all camps?

Because in 1947 when they were compiling the book, that figure was not known. It was suspected, but no one had the census data.

They didn’t know how many Polish Jews had survived - about 200k out of 3,300,000 that had no figures for places occupied by the Soviets, and few for the rest of Europe. Counting jews was not a top priority post war - the authorities had other things to do, like making sure people didn’t starve...

The term "Jew" was reinvented as a cultural and breeding alliance after they used their boy Hitler to purge the genetically inferior Eastern European Jews. "Jew" should now be a term used for a class of people who practice strict endogamy and eugenics.

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You Shouldn't Ask Holocaust Questions, NIGGER!

Because in 1948 next to noone gave two squirts of piss for those Jews, because the entire continent had just experienced a war that killed an estimated 60 million people. The people living in that time had lived through the war themselves and knew that the whinings of an annoying group like the Jews were nothing but a footnote in the history of said conflict. American-Jewish propaganda only popularized the topic in the 1960s when they tried to forge the US-Israel alliance. So, Holocaustmania is only a relatively recent phenomenon that started decades after the war. You might also notice that the stories and the whining get worse the longer away the incidents are which is quite the opposite to any other historical event. Norman Finkelstein's Holocaust Industry is a good read on that, when you are not into Holocaust denial.

They didn’t. That is a simple lie told by deniers. The 300k figure is for persons traced by the International Tracing Service, on the request of relatives, post war until about 1975. They have traced hundreds of thousands more since then. They have actual death records for nearly a million, but those are on,y partial records. They have no records at all for hundreds of camps, and have no complete records for any camp.
For Auschwitz they have about 75k death records, but those cover only registered labourers (almost all men) for only 20 months. There are no records for over half the life of the camp, and no records at all for those killed on arrival - hundreds of thousands of children in the nearly a million that were not taken as slaves, just murdered.

But we have some train manifests that list those who arrived, and were not taken as slaves.

Although the mass murder of Jews was one of the things they tried them for at Nuremberg in 1947

The French jew got summoned
I know who you are...
I admire your adamancy

>nobody counted 6,000,000 dead jews until 15 years later
Ok retard

The Nazis force bred jews for years so they could try to get the high score but sadly the war ended before they could start the killings.

>germans kept poor records
Ok retard

Exactly. One thing among others. And not the absolutely, undeniable, greatest galactic crime in the "entire history of humanty" (quote).
Also get fucked you Irish boomer cunt.

Source or GTFO sand nigger

Kek, I was thinking the same.
Hes been called out again.

I didn’t say that. Why are you making shit up.

I said no one had an accurate count until two to three years after the war - 1947 to 48.

The world almanac is a commercial publication that is often out of date in its data, as they just compile other people’s published reports.

There was a good rough estimate os the total, and rough estimates for totals in various places, but it was a genocide in the middle of a war spread across fifteen countries, and half those were now ruled by an uncooperative and hostile nation prone to propaganda....

Didn’t say that either.
The Germans kept good records of some things that were important, but not all those records survived. The Nazis destroyed a great deal of the camp papers and documents. Globocnik ordered all Operation Reinhardt papers destroyed in 1944. So there are no complete camp records.

Also they didn’t have any need to laboriously the the names of the people they were killing on arrival at Auschwitz or Treblinka or Sobibor etc. Why would you? They were dead women and children walking, destined for swift murder and cremation. Why would you bother taking names?

Find me this "world almanac"

>half those were now ruled by an uncooperative and hostile nation prone to propaganda....

Note how all the "death camps" were "proven" with "evidence" supplied from that selfsame hostile nation. Jews only like Soviet propaganda when it's in their favor.

>nobody takes any identifying data on condemned prisoners

Really? How do you ensure they all get killed?

Why did I read this post?

Train arrives in secure compound surrounded by wire and guards. Select slaves, March them off to secure compound. Others told going to showers. March through secure route to changing rooms. From there across corridor to “showers”

What is the problem?

These are not prisoners specifically condemned for crimes, it is just everyone on the train, who isn’t a useful chosen slave.

Then why were there people not able to work, young and old people, who didn’t get killed on arrival somehow?

Well because they found out that they can use the holocaust as a weapon to further their agenda.

Oh real historians take that with a pinch of salt.

The term death camp was of course originally western allies propaganda term for all the Nazi camps, it was only years later when the historians sorted it out that the true scale of some the killing in the Operation Reinhardt camps was known, and it was seen that they really deserved the term ina different way to the still horrific “normal” camps. Sachsenhausen only 40,000 people died - so not a death camp... really?

But western observers were allowed into the east to the investigations of the Nazi camps. And of course there has been lots of investigation since the iron curtain fell. The last thirty years have confirmed the horrors.

If all this is true please explain all of the stories of Jews surviving these death camps.

>oh we Jews only believe Soviet propaganda when it suits our needs

That's what I just told you, Jewfrog.

Let me tell you one thing. You should really start questioing whether the official holocaust story is real...

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read the bit underlined in red. deniers usually crop it out...
because they are lying

Attached: world almanac 1948 uncropped.jpg (1325x1081, 698K)

Tanganyika looks like almost heaven. I could clean up the country myself.

Oy vey, hundreds of camps? I hoid it was thousands, no, tens of thousands of camps! The goyim must never forget about the hundreds of thousands of Nazi death camps and the gorillions of Jews who lost their lives.

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the slave labourers were not killed on arrival. they laboured. many died, but they were useful war production vital to the war effort resource. so they were kept alive to labour.

they were generally badly fed, many died, and there are letters from the labour ministry begging the SS to feed them more so they can work harder and not die - but at the end of the war hundreds of thousands were still slaves, and were liberated when the camps were taken by the allies.

what is so hard to understand?

Jesus did they feed you chalk?
Non stop allied bombing of convoys, railways, roads and bridges prevent the Germans from providing the camps with food and medicine hence they starved.
Another reason for the many dead was typhus.
More inmates died AFTER the camps were liberated by the allies which is evident that people died of tyhpus and not by gassing.
Thousands of bodies were tested and non a single one died of gassing. I visited both Auschwitz and Treblinka. The alledged "gaschambers" have wooden doors with glass windows and doorhandles on the inside. The "gashchambers" had no leak prevention whatsoever. The Chimney in Auschwutz doesn't even connect to the building and can't be found on photographs while the Germans operated the camps...the chimney was built by the soviets for propaganda purposes.
I can give you countless other facts and evidence why the official narrative is total bullshit

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and why the fuck would they hold records about their crimes ?

We burnt 6,000 dead Jews a day in our Ausshitiz BBQ..now wait, maybe it was only 4,000?
When we ran out of coal and coke, we just used grass clippings to burn the Juden.

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very few of them.

firstly not all camps were killing centres. the jews were mostly concentrated in ghettos, then sent to camps, only some of which were killing the unfit for work. (some of course were just killing all the jews who arrived - they didn't do labour selections at Treblinka, they just killed them all)

in the last few months of the war they were still sending jews to teh camps, but had stopped the mass murder programme. so 600 children were found at Auschwitz, a couple of hundred who had been kept for medical experiments, adn a few hundred who arrived in late 44 early 45. the other 200,000 children who had been sent there in 42 to 44 had been killed.

the same goes for the other camps - few survivors were originally taken in 39 or 40 or 41

deniers like to post the image of a fat man in Dachau. from before the war. he wasn't that fat at the end (he died shortly after the photo was taken)

not jewish not french. and no that isn't what you said, nor what i said.

>lies about flag
>expects us to believe him about other things
Ok retard

but the offical story (whatever that is - whose office? who makes it "official"? ) lets call it the historical facts as discovered by serious historians...

they debunked the soap lie, which was actually spread byt eh Nazis, to wind the jews up. The lampshade has not been debunked, it is unproven, but thought by most to be probably true. The shrunken heads were shown by government investigators , and immediatley accepted by Historians, to be anthropology specimens, and not nazi made, adn no historian has cited them since the 1950's/ when that was proven by offical sources.
the steam chambers were dismissed as false once the truth was known in 1945 They are not lies, but unconfirmed speculation. (they were first mentioned in a report from spies who had not been able to determine the exact cause of death but suggested that the nazis were using either steam or poison gas, or exhaust fumes - they got two out of three right)
the 2rollercaoster" was a chinese whisper based on the use of carts to charge the ovens - see pic related - obvious source of the idea)

the electric floor was another rumour - hearsay, like the steam idea - they knew mass murder was going on in sealed room - which was also dismissed by 1945. So what? old wartime rumors, dismissed and not part of the holocaust history. deny these and you are not denying the holocaust.

anus gas pumps - from one weird account which is not very credible. Peddle driven brain bashing machine - from an account that talks about a foot switch triggered pneumatic or electric solenoid captive bolt gun being used, the same sort of thing used to kill millions of cattle every day in abbatoirs - so renaming it for comedic effect is somewhat deceptive. and crass.

The difference between all these things and the gas chambers, and the lie that was used to help get people to meekly walk into them, is that the gas chambers are confirmed by multiple evidence sources.

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Haha wow go watch some more Schindlers list kike

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if you had a basic understanding of the facts you would know that each of the major camps had dozens of sub camps. Auschwitz was over 40 differnt camps. and that ther were camps in every occupied country. there were over 150 in Poland.

but you have not even a basic understanding of the historical facts, because you are a lazy cunt, just shitposting and being ignorant. a sheep for others to herd, and slaughter.

>Also they didn’t have any need to laboriously the the names of the people they were killing on arrival at Auschwitz or Treblinka or Sobibor etc
Yes, they boarded them on trains, took them across the country to kill them on arrival. Silly Germans and their inefficient, convoluted engineering.

The same people who lied about the Katyn massacre lied about the holocaust...are we to believe proven liars? No!
To everyone I highly recommend watching and reading:
David Cole
David Irving
Germar Rudolf
Fred Leuchter
Europa: The Last Battle

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>gas chambers, and the lie that was used to help get people to meekly walk into them, is that the gas chambers are confirmed by multiple evidence sources.
the only thing missing is any forensic evidence of a single jew or POW with a cause of death by poison gas. Just a bunch of delousing chemical the US was using on Mexicans at the border a decade prior.

>Non stop allied bombing of convoys, railways, roads and bridges prevent the Germans from providing the camps with food and medicine hence they starved.

I'll take things that didn't happen...

I know this is a tired old pol meme, and was put forward by some fact free idot denier a few decades ago, but it is, as you should know, utter rubbish. why do you bother with such transparent lies.?

pic related - letter in january 1941 complaining that too many had starved to death because of the deliberate policy of not feeding them, adn please could you feed the useful workers as we cannot replace them fast enough, from the labour ministry to the SS.

it was deliberate. it was nothing to do with allied bombing, until the very last days of the war.
>Thousands of bodies were tested and non a single one died of gassing.
you made that up. a few hundred maybe were autopsied by teh allies after the war, but of course the masses that were gassed were killed before November 44, when they stopped the killings and started the cover up, and of course they were cremated - so no bodoies to check.

but admit it. you made that number up. you are just making shit up.

> The alledged "gaschambers" have wooden doors with glass windows and doorhandles on the inside. The "gashchambers" had no leak prevention whatsoever.
Rubbish. the office doors in the doorways leading to the space where the gas chamebr was in Crema ! are in new doorways, in new walls, built when the bunker was converted to an air raid shelter. they are not and never were gas chamber doors, and the claim they were not gas tight is simple bunkum. a lie or ignorance, either way, you are fool to claim it.

>The Chimney in Auschwutz doesn't even connect to the building and can't be found on photographs while the Germans operated the camps...the chimney was built by the soviets for propaganda purposes.

well done. almost right. pic related

Attached: Auschwitz Crema I chimney.jpg (1537x2127, 889K)

Cause holocaust is not real


How come there wasn't 6 million Jews according to data in all of German occupied Europe? Did they steal them from other places?

4756 a day according tot eh report the engineers made to teh SS.

you think they lied to Himmler?

more to the point, I do take it that they teach about averages in the US?

so if you have say fifteen oven openings, and it takes one hour to burn a corpse to ash, and you use all fifteen you can burn fifteen an hour which is four minutes each?

or if you are loading your fifteen ovens with fiteen corpses, then at the half hour mark when they are burned to bones, the flesh gone, and you can throw in a new corpse on top, so you can effectively burn 30 per hour, or average two minutes each.

and if you are loading in children adn little old ladies, you can doubel that.

but it still takes a whole hour to burn a whole adult corpse.

Attached: original 4756 a day.jpg (450x615, 145K)

Stfu jew.

Ah the daily french shill appears.

>Germans are running low on fuel reserves
>use remaining stores to incinerate Jew corpses instead of burying the lot in the woods
The whole story is comical when you think about it.

>gassing with insecticide instead of dumping them in ditches
>complicated cremation schemes instead of burying them in the woods

When Der Tag really comes, Schlomo, we will run trains to the middle of Nevada to propositioned trenches, dump you and your kind in, then bulldoze over the top.

found the jew

uhh yeah those are bad shops and that post is trash tier.

Yea bad photoshop made by the allies.