As events unfold, the indictment of Andy McCabe, and others, and the termite like effect of the Barr investigation into the CIA and FBI keep in mind the most explosive issue that will come out is not the treason of the parties involved but the insurance policy the intelligence agencies had on Oboma. The conceit of Comey, Brennan, and Clapper is based on their ironclad proof that Oboma was not born in the United States. Barr knows this also and is prepared to let this become public knowledge to put these criminals behind bars. Having said this the impact this will have on the United States will be immense. Right now it looks like December is when this will enter the public view. That is unless it becomes public as the result of indictments of the three stooges. This is a constitutional crisis that brings into question every action Oboma took as President including his Judicial Appointments. As this happens do not forget to ask the question if Oboma is the real Manchurian Candidate who was behind this. Think Soros. As other events unfold in the next few months connect the dots between the Democrat who will announce their Presidential run in November and the murder of Rich and Epstein.
Insurance Policy
>mccabe indictment
nah but steve bannon will be
Hilldawg is gonna regret not making sure 2016 was rigged enough, because trump is about 70% clearing House in the Intel agencies, he's said it several times, he's only going to run if he knows he'll win
Obamas dad is Frank Marshall Davis. Obummers mom Stanley Ann was a CiA asset as was her dad. She was to infiltrate black communists by being their white whore. She eventually got knocked up and kept it. She married the Kenyan as cover.
Perhaps this will help.
OP is a larping jewfag. Regurgitating old garbage we already know.
Everything Obama did was in service to the destroy America oligarchs.
>Michelle Obama is gonna run
I've thought this for a while, that she'd announce late in a surprise move that the media would jerk off to for months.
But she has no qualifications at all.
Her husband was a failure.
And her announcement would allow Trump to go fully bore against both Obama's with everything he knows.
Also, if what you say is true, there would be a drip-drip-drip effect from the Barr investigation akin to what Wikileaks did to Hillary.
Michelle was in on the plot from the beginning. People do not look closely enough at her contacts within the Soros Organization. Their whole marriage was part of the globalist plot to take America apart. They came very close.