What’s life like in Puerto Rico? Is it nice? Are politics like in the mainland or different? Are the cities shit?As a American you can freely go or even move there without a passport. Are there a lot of native whites?
Puerto Rico
Should they be a state? What would they be ( politics wise)
bump. Looks whiter than California
About like miami. Go to usvi. Carry a machete and youll be fine. No taxes no passport. Some white expats.
Can you own guns? Would think the 2nd amendment would apply to territories too
Many US and international companies blacklist PR because of the insane amount of frauds and scams that go on.
A lot of overseas territories have their own gun laws. I believe they are all strict. It's easy to control this stuff politically when you're an island. I think they're even more strict than California.
Everyone here is racist as fuck, I'm going to work until December then I'm going back to the Dominican Republic, fuck spictorico and fuck spictoricans. The DR > this racist shithole any day, week, year or century.
Puerto Rico is a typical shithole like the rest of carribean countries but a bit better since they are under america, although the hurricane messed them up and some times america
They act better than Mexicans Hispanics, racially it’s around a third pure white a third mixed and a third black. Whites are usually found in the northeast part of the island.
Whatcha sliding moshe?
Fuck off Dominican. No one likes you because you’re black as fuck and consistently darken our island. I know many black Puerto Ricans who happen to be like half Dominican most of the time. You like to larp as Puerto Ricans so you can get citizenship or fake papers and overall commit a lot of crime and make the nation sink economically.
Seems like there are a lot of whites there
Its very nice and quiet most of the time people are extremely friendly so if you don{t like to be around outgoing people it may no be the place for you. We are openly racist so don't bring your political correctness with you getting all outrage and bitchy will make people hate you. Don't complain we don't like people complaining a bitching around us is cultural also we are so much more blunt so don't get offended at things.
Fuck you wannabe Spaniard. I'm not black I'm half taino thanks to my mom's side. All you spictoricans like to larp as white and blame us for all your crime, the Dominican Republic is safer and prettier than this shithole, the US should kill you all and use the island as a bombing range.
Sounds quite based. Do Puerto Rican’s want to be state? It should be since we had it for over 100 years imo
Dominicans are so ugly never seen an attractive one
And yet tour whores worship us like gods, go suck gringo cock you wannabe spaniard, fuck your island and fuck your people I hope the next hurricane kills at least two millions of your kind.
Most of the people here would like to be a state but the pro statehood party in the island is a disaster that why we will likely stay as we are for a long time.
Puertorrican women openly call you people monkeys all of are jokes revolve around the concept of you people been retards.
im not a wannabe Spaniard, my dad’s family is pure white of Spanish descent. We were under spain longer than Dominican Republic and most of Latin America. The Dominican Republic is not at all fucking safer or prettier than Puerto Rico, but at least you’re returning. Not going to try to change your mind, it’s for the best.
hows gun laws?
Yes because they're getting all the benefits of being a state but without any of the responsibility. Either give them independence or make them a state to pay their fair share.
Wonder how they would be politically
> What’s life like in Puerto Rico?
Better than that of all other Latin American countries, similar to that of the poorest mainland states.
I've never been kidnapped, robbed or similar here, but that does not mean it cannot happen.
> Are politics like in the mainland or different?
We have totally different parties.
One party is for statehood, one is for status quo and a smaller one is for independence. We have "democrats" and "republicans" in both parties.
For example, the corrupt governor that step out was a democrat, but his party was mainly republican.
> Are the cities shit?
Some cities are shit, some cities are pretty cool and beautiful. It also depends on the zone. San Juan is currently shit because the mayor does not care and only goes to US to bash our president.
> As a American you can freely go or even move there without a passport.
I think you do not need any passport, as it is American territory, but laws have changed so IDK.
> Are there a lot of native whites?
Yes and no. It depends on what you consider white. There are a lot of white people in the center of the island, with brown eyes and dark hair. Some people here do not consider that white.
However, you will likely not find very dark people either. I have not seen a really black person in days, and when I do they are usually americans.
It is clear Jow Forums hates us, so it seems we will have status quo for a lot of more decades. Independence is also unlikely because it is a legal hell to take away American citizenship (which Americans gave to Puerto Rican, even when heavily they opposed).
Our houses are made of concrete to prevent the damage of hurricanes, but they look ugly. Pic related is what they used to look like a few decades ago.
We have our own Laws to restrict guns, just like California do, and I think the model is similar, BUT the right to have guns in unalienable and you can have guns anyway.
There are racist people everywhere. Only the Left believes that only America is racist.
Don't you know that Dominicans hate Haitians because they are blacker? They even enslave them.
Puerto Rico SEEMS more racist because we are less affected by PC policies in the mainland, but eventually that propaganda filters here.
I would LOVE Puerto Rico to become a state, and most people would, but many people here would vote blue (sadly). Unless they are like cubans (we are close to cubans) and they would vote red, but it is hard to know.
I would hate to be a blue state and be hated by half nation. At least if we are a red state we would be liked by republicans for our preferences and by democrats for being Hispanics.
Technically, this law make us pay regressive taxes to the feds:
But yes, it would be the fair thing for America and Puerto Rico to either be independent or be a state.
No because they'd be liberal af. They should have their independence, debt erased (come on, they're never going to pay it anyway), and be sent on their way.
Puerto Rico is pretty based aside from the corruption. Go to Vieques if you want to relax for a while
The cities besides San Juan look good
What are you waiting to at least let them do a referendum of going back to Spain? You don't want them but you don't let them free either
I'm a right winger Puerto Rican.
I would HATE Puerto Rico to be a blue state, so maybe you are right and we do not deserve you.
However, the sad thing is that American citizenship is hard to be taken away
Just imagine a free Caribbean republic full of Americans, receiving gibs and birthing more Americans for generations. Just a simple case in the supreme court would make a constitutional crisis.
The American constitution needs to be changed so citizenship cannot be inherited anymore, or even taken away to huge number of people. This would erode the confidence of the states in the union, but still it is necessary.
No wonder why these things have not changed in Puerto Rico for over a century.
Are there a lot of whites?
In my opinion you guys should have been a state like 60 years ago when Alaska and Hawaii became one
Can I get by with just English there? My Spanish is very limited.
You would learn Spanish by living around it for a while
Puerto Rico: the magical place where untold tens of billions of federal relief dollars go to disappear without a trace
If they mostly vote democrat, they'll be a state, and the more democrats there are, the sooner statehood will be achieved; if they're mostly Republican, they'll never be a state
> In my opinion you guys should have been a state like 60 years ago when Alaska and Hawaii became one
I agree, at this point we would probably be more like Hawaii
> Are there a lot of whites?
In the coasts there are darker people than in the mountains, where people often have green eyes and are white hispanics (like Ricky Martin or the former governor).
if you want to date a white chick here, I think you will have no problem finding her. The language would be a greater barrier.
I hope you could visit Jayuya or El Yunque. They are beautiful places, full of life, nature and great climates. I live in the southern coast of the island, but even I get impressed when I go there.
My sister's husband was a New Yorker and he loved the center of the island so much that he preferred to live on the island with his aunt than with his mother.
Yes, we mainly speak Spanish, but many of the younger people talk and understand English.
In my job, as a software developer, we speak in Spanish, but we document ans write almost everything is English. It is a great learning experience.
Life is funny, as a white race realist type guy one of my best friends is a staunchly liberal Puerto Rican. I like you guys, I just don't want 2 more liberal senators and however many House members that would entail. I wouldn't even mind you guys keeping a dual citizenship, or like you said - hey, if you're born after this date, you're no longer have US citizenship, you're a citizen of the Kingdom of PR or whatever.
Sucks to be in "occupied territory", politically speaking. I wish you luck.
Ponce looks pretty good
Yes, in most cities you could get around in English, and most words used for many things are pronounced in English: Parking, closet, t-shirt, etc.
Curiously, most people here use their phones and computers in English, as electronic terms are easier to understand in English.
It is odd because I always see in Jow Forums people posting screenshots in their native language. Very odd, indeed.
We have our own parties, both full of Republicans and democrats.
That's why our former corrupt governor (Rosselló) was a democrat, our current governor is a republican.
We should have the Democratic and Republican parties long ago, like the Virgin Islands do.
You’re spot on about citizenship, if we could strip it away and get rid of birthright citizenship a lot of things would change for the better.
>What’s life like in Puerto Rico?
>Is it nice?
>Are politics like in the mainland or different?
>Are the cities shit?
>Are there a lot of native whites?
No, all whites are at least 5% black
Thank you, I was pulling sarcasm out of my butt with my two previous comments; I'm glad to have someone here who actually knows what he's talking about. Is there stlll a slow recovery from the last storm, or are funds finally being located and put to their intended use of repairing the island?
>I like you guys, I just don't want 2 more liberal senators and however many House members that would entail.
Don't worry! I don't want that either.
My people are conservative in most social issues, we never accepted gay marriage (for example), but we are still too immature to adopt right wing economic policies that would help us greatly.
I understand and I love and respect USA anyway.
It is, but sadly the hurricane destroyed a lot, so we are still recovering and fixing most public places. Not yet suitable for tourists.
It is cheap to live here (I live in a housing cooperative) and I have a great job as software developer, earning $20/hour. Not a lot, but good enough for me.
I would earn more in USA, but also I would have to spend more on living and moving there, so it is OK to stay here for me.
>...are funds finally being located and put to their intended use of repairing the island?
I do think funds are now being used more carefully.
Politicians are scared because people are using internet and scrutiny to expose their unfair contracts and expenses. That's why our governor had to step down. Everything is being exposed and it is beautiful.
I think they will have no more option than to use the money as it should be used, and feds are doing a great job.
If we open this port, we could also do far better, both for USA and for the island: