Based snails kill a quarter million niggers a year

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Why do niggers eat snails?

Summarize it for me i dont feel like watching any gay shit u post

Answer is probably one sentence.
Videos are like clickbait.

They carry a unique disease like mosquitos carry malaria.

guessing Bilharzia

Ebola is cool and all but it’s these most humble critters that get the job done is the point. Nature has a way of correcting itself. We should be praising Snail-Chan.

something something schistosomiasis

Snails breed a *parasite* that gives you "Fluke" a disease that gives you organ damage.

Cook the snails, you dumb chimps?!

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French pay top Euro for snails.

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It’s delicious the way they make it, real talk

fucking white people inventing medicines agains malaria n shit

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Based snails are literal nog Destroyers.

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>quarter of a million
Der Burger...

Where can i donate money to boost african snail populations?

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I suppose you could genetically engineer them to breed faster and be more resistant to pesticides.

They shit in the lake and then they go and have a swim or use the water.

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Escargot is fucking delicious you uncultured swine.

Yea but you need to make them more accommodating to the parasite.

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>nobody talkin' 'bout no elephant people
Come on now there baby!
Why you do dat?

Based Snail-Chan

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All Hail

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Doing God's work!

based and slimepilled

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There are effective drugs for it but they have problems with delivery.
Ebola chan is cuter than Snail chan.

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1- Snail is so much heavy and strong. if snail does not kill you he can hit you with it. weight is a sign of reliability.

2- the slug got evict from shell because he is poor.

3- slug get crush easy, snail shell get crush, snail crawl away to find another. it is like having 1up.

4- shell is more stronger than no shell

5- snail evolve shell out of itself, internal slug shell is copy of superior snail technology.

6- your sexy little sister lift up her skirt when she see snail.

7- if you trow snail at wall, wall will catch snail and happy.

8- trow both on water and see wich can breth underwater which has surfase for airover 9000- snail at mate will find a quiet leaf or hotel, slug is brazen hussy

10- snail is hermaphroditte faget becaus he hate biches only care for monie

11- snail is nail with curve added. slug is fake monie because he is poor.

12- snail only feast on finest foods, snail is coinesseur.

13- slug is 100000 years undeevolve, only survive because affirmative action.

Hail Snail!

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Stupid French.

parasite kill nigger
