Based snails kill a quarter million niggers a year
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Why do niggers eat snails?
Summarize it for me i dont feel like watching any gay shit u post
Answer is probably one sentence.
Videos are like clickbait.
They carry a unique disease like mosquitos carry malaria.
guessing Bilharzia
Ebola is cool and all but it’s these most humble critters that get the job done is the point. Nature has a way of correcting itself. We should be praising Snail-Chan.
something something schistosomiasis
Snails breed a *parasite* that gives you "Fluke" a disease that gives you organ damage.
Cook the snails, you dumb chimps?!
French pay top Euro for snails.
It’s delicious the way they make it, real talk
fucking white people inventing medicines agains malaria n shit
Based snails are literal nog Destroyers.
>quarter of a million
Der Burger...
Where can i donate money to boost african snail populations?
I suppose you could genetically engineer them to breed faster and be more resistant to pesticides.
They shit in the lake and then they go and have a swim or use the water.
Escargot is fucking delicious you uncultured swine.
Yea but you need to make them more accommodating to the parasite.
>nobody talkin' 'bout no elephant people
Come on now there baby!
Why you do dat?
Based Snail-Chan
All Hail
Doing God's work!
based and slimepilled
There are effective drugs for it but they have problems with delivery.
Ebola chan is cuter than Snail chan.
1- Snail is so much heavy and strong. if snail does not kill you he can hit you with it. weight is a sign of reliability.
2- the slug got evict from shell because he is poor.
3- slug get crush easy, snail shell get crush, snail crawl away to find another. it is like having 1up.
4- shell is more stronger than no shell
5- snail evolve shell out of itself, internal slug shell is copy of superior snail technology.
6- your sexy little sister lift up her skirt when she see snail.
7- if you trow snail at wall, wall will catch snail and happy.
8- trow both on water and see wich can breth underwater which has surfase for airover 9000- snail at mate will find a quiet leaf or hotel, slug is brazen hussy
10- snail is hermaphroditte faget becaus he hate biches only care for monie
11- snail is nail with curve added. slug is fake monie because he is poor.
12- snail only feast on finest foods, snail is coinesseur.
13- slug is 100000 years undeevolve, only survive because affirmative action.
Hail Snail!
Stupid French.
parasite kill nigger