Attached: woman.png (746x543, 268K)
What in the actual fuck is wrong with modern females?
Bentley Thomas
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Caleb Robinson
Women are concensus creatures that gravitate towards authority. It's easy to tell who is actually in authority based on how women are behaving. We know that Jews dominate all elements of cultural and social life because women are degenerates. This is what happens when Men lose control, and we're in part to blame for it all.
Caleb Phillips
>unapologetically me
God I fucking hate when they say that, especially when they are good looking and fit. Fuck these dumb, vapid broads.
Jayden Smith
>Jews promote degeneracy and feminism.
>What in the actual fuck is wrong with modern females?
Pick one.
Ethan Smith
It always comes down to daddy issues.
Here's a tip for you. On any first date always ask them if their father ever spanked them. If he did then she is potentially fine. If she was never spanked you will have to spank her.
Ayden Myers
Tell me more about why it’s the Jews fault you can’t get laid
Hudson Kelly
men stopped the thot patrol
Jaxon Bailey
>i didnt hit the wall i swear see my ass is still alright
Shes coping
Matthew Garcia
Twitter is 90% bots 9% unemployed people, and 1% important figures who use twitter for announcements. Who cares.
Blake Powell
The problem is that you dont matter anymore.
Your judgement means less and less every single day. As you grow angrier and retreat deeper into your isolation
Isaac Baker
>Tell me more about why it’s the Jews fault you can’t get laid
You mistakenly believe that the purpose of life is to get laid.
You believe that because you're fine with the degenerate, sexualized society that the Jews have created.
You're basically a nigger, muh dikkin your way through life.
Tyler Kelly
I don't want to be here anymore
Justin King
I have never had pussy over 30yo that was any good.
Its all so used up it isnt even fun to fuck anymore.
Ethan Ward
>Tell me more about why it’s the Jews fault you can’t get laid
On the contrary, these days I have to reject women a couple of times a week because it's obvious they're degenerate whores. I'm not upset because I can't get any pussy, I'm upset that my civilization is burning down around me in slow motion.
Josiah Torres
she looks 50. My wife is 33 and not as wide or thick as this slut. jeez.
Luke Howard
One who can have multiple orgasms finds difficulty in forming allegiances. Allegiance to self is therefore the optimum choice.
Jayden Fisher
>she's not fit, tho
Adam Johnson
>body positivity
>apologetically me
This drivel is such a red flag for any decent guy lol.
Women truly are fucking retards.
Christopher Adams
Most women are hookers, if they don't outright sell it they seek someone who can hand them everything.
They really have no dignity
First post is spot on
Easton Reed
Benjamin Brown
Do people still feel some sort of attraction to pictures like these?
I've been here for so long, I can't even pretend to feel aroused by this, even if I try. I literally feel more sexually aroused watching videos on K-31 bolt action rifles. Is this what it feels like to be completely desensitized to sexuality?
Easton Edwards
Bentley Jenkins
That isn’t what he said. Getting laid is too easy nowadays. Period
Evan Bailey
Why is it always a fucking leaf?
Easton Collins
>did your daddy ever spank you
I'm sure only the finest quality women will entertain that topic of discussion on the first date.
Ethan Morris
They're women. This is what women are like when you don't discipline them.
Samuel Evans
>they seek someone who can hand them everything.
There is nothing with this you fucking retard. Problem starts when they want to be STRONK INDEPENDENT WOMYN.
Jayden Sanchez
Israel is just as degenerate as the west user, you tell me
Aaron Davis
In my younger days I probably would have lusted after a woman like this. Now I am really getting somewhere with cutting porn out of my life, and am far less attracted to her. She is caked in makeup and is fat. Might be curvy sure, but still more fat than she should be.
This is ignoring the fact that she is completely unladylike and unfeminine by posting this shit on social media.
So don't feel bad Mr Kike, you might be completely unattracted to her for all the right reasons, nothing to do with desensitizing yourself.
Joshua Carter
>implying you faggots would tap that ass
Dominic Morales
Thomas Cooper
There are many ways to bring the subject up simpleton. Make up a story about the time your dad gave you the belt or some shit and then simply ask did you ever do anything and get spanked?
fuck use you mind for once faggot.
Levi Wilson
I ain't no god damn boomer
Aiden Baker
>Women are concensus creatures that gravitate towards authority.
This applies to men too.
Dylan Lopez
You'd figure after 2 decades of this that people would catch on. Rap culture leads to degeneracy, it is the main weapon used to destroy the fabric of a moral society. It's spread across the Western World and is now being wielded in East Asia. The craziest shit I've ever seen was a South Korean rapper. We're in purgatory of some clown world hell.
Ayden King
Hits wall
Wants desperately to be relevant
Oliver Nguyen
No it doesn't. Stop projecting your Swedishness onto the rest of us, cuck.
Michael Sullivan
I don't even care anymore. They're fucking stupid.
Gavin Stewart
>Israel is just as degenerate as the west
Nope - infinitely worse. Whatever you do, never go to Tel-Aviv.
Thanks burger
Tyler Nelson
> buys wife with gibs and raises daughter with the values of a hooker
Why is my wife and daughter Both degenerates
Austin Jenkins
“What is wrong with modern females” and “women these days are all degenerate” is just “born in le wrong generation” for incels.
Some woman aren’t your specific marriage material trophy wife. Who the fuck cares? This is the cringiest most incel way to live.
>muh women are thots
Christian Evans
You are right
But also the need to be progressive and the need to tolerate everything, witch is so strong in westeners have it three cents. They are litlle to no women like this in Slavic countries
Nathaniel Cooper
Kevin Adams
I just hope time doesnt run out for me and I get resigned to having to settle for a chick like OP, or worse. I'm doing pretty interesting things with my life but I'm damn close to the wrong side of 30.
Brody Parker
No, Sven.
Your brown, Muslim neighbors will show you just how wrong you are.
Asher Wright
I find that the higher IQ females I have known often seem to be those with the least amount of self-consciousness, or maybe their mode of expression just tends to highlight the inner contradictions of female nature in the fullest. I am thinking of women in senior level university courses. The posturing for attention, the painful need to be constantly recognized, the vain intellectualism, etc, fueled by what I can only surmise to be deficient self-consciousness. Their high IQ does not seem to remedy that and in fact pushes them to further extremes in other parts of their nature.
Jordan Myers
Imagine how retarded the boomers were that they fell for the 'we're as capable and smart as men' meme?
Just look at these walking train-wrecks.
Liam Evans
Thats because Israel has gotten more mongrelized than America, 47% face
Gabriel Scott
You're confusing low self esteem for high iq.
Samuel Baker
>happy birthday to me
lol, that's sad, why do people pander to transparent cope? imagine a straight guy writing "happy birthday to me" and how people would react
Aiden Young
Josiah Russell
In part, sure. We're all human beings. But what you need to do is watch Season 2 of Bear Grylls: The Island. That fully demonstrates, in a natural environment, how groups of men and women act under less than ideal conditions.
Men do not act on consensus. Right is right, wrong is wrong. Mechanically minded. Women are not that way. What happened in a series of events depends entirely on their emotional state at the time thinking/recounting the event. They're subjective, emotional creatures. When women try to accomplish something, they have to get together, get everyone's opinion(no matter how meaningless), and reach a consensus. If a woman disagrees with the consensus, she goes along with it for the sake of "being in the group". Men, however, act the complete opposite. Men, automatically, arrange themselves into hierarchies of competence. They don't need to talk to others to accomplish tasks, they just go out and do them. For tasks that require more than one person, they naturally arrange themselves into the most efficient groups to accomplish that task, based on competence.
It's night and day.
That's because all Slavic countries have only had to live under Capitalism for 30 years. While Communism was shite in almost every way, one thing it did do was protect you from the degeneracy of Liberalism. We're decades ahead of you, but you're catching up fast.
Colton Thompson
>sex is a blessing from god
>believing in god
lmao weeb cope
Landon Roberts
>this was not posted by a pornstar
Nathan Moore
>literally feel more sexually aroused watching videos on K-31 bolt action rifles
I knew there was some cool Israelis out there.
Evan Morris
whats wrong in tel-aviv?
Camden Nguyen
>muh wall
Stop coping. In modern society woman is a God tier creature
Carson Hughes
Kinda like this
David Ross
Jack Powell
In short
Gavin Perry
>2/10 bait
Samuel Roberts
You're a pervert. Dress up in your leather outfit and get fucked by a faggot, you disgusting sicko.
Lucas Harris
>t. jew trying desperately to soften Jow Forums on Israel
wow, what a based kike.
I totally forgot how those rats have my people scheduled for genocide.
Caleb Jackson
Just imagine the lovely smell her behind makes.
Brayden Mitchell
Here we go with the typical Jewish defense of white men being concerned about the state of society.
>muh angry incels
>they mad at Jews cause they can't get pussy
Hey moron, it's easier and practically free to get pussy from literally any 5/10. Nobody wants the idea of society youre offering, Shlomo. Unironically neck yourself, kike.
Aaron Parker
>wahh jews
>wahh muh puritanical virgin women
>*faps to third tranny hentai comic*
Lmao literally have sex
Jack Brooks
what's the problem, bigot?
>and then one day, for no reason at all...
Robert Hall
Getting raped by a pack of muslims doesnt mean you've had sex nigel
Lincoln Johnson
>It's easy to tell who is actually in authority based on how women are behaving.
>We know that Jews dominate all elements of cultural and social life because women are degenerates.
so close.
Look how man act. They give whores attention. The shorter the skirt the more heads turn. How much porn do you have on your hard drive? dozens of gigabytes? terabytes?
Women do follow mens lead. The men are degenerate.
Why is that though? Do you think its normal for men to be aroused all day every day? Does this have anything to do with circumcision leaving the head of the penis unprotected where it is subtly stroked all day long by clothing?
Its a pretty timely coincidence. the fall of western values and degradation of western society into a smut pit through the 1900s just as circumcision became prevalent in the united states during the 1900s. Doctors and jews spreading misinformation about masturbation causing generic "disease", blindness, hairy palms to scare uneducated and uninformed mothers into doing the mutilation on their son under the guise of it "preventing masturbation" and "self harm". Its almost as if the entire procedure was designed to cause arousal and predisposition to degeneracy. These events happened around the same time the idea for the weimar republic were happening, a degenerate jewish state in Germany known for transexualism and rampant degeneracy. Are these two things a coincidence or were they planned? When would the jews have gotten together and planned this? Could it have been at World Zionist Congress just before the 1900s? Could they have intended for America to be the backup Wiemar republic should Wiemar fail? An awful lot of jews came here after ww2.
Jacob Parker
>gayer than San Francisco
>People completely detached from the rest of the country
>Most leftist part of the entire country (except for South Tel-Aviv, which are redpilled because of the influx of literal refugees)
Literally a state within a state - economically, culturally and ideologically. If you're gonna nuke this place, just drop it on Tel Aviv and leave the rest of us alone.
David Diaz
>women in senior level university courses
How is chanting political mantras for 8 hours a day at all indicative of intelligence?
Aaron Stewart
The very presence of you inferior males make them behave this way
Julian Scott
Eat shit you subversive little heeb.
White Genocide Is Real - In Their Own Words:
Brandon Miller
>aborted millions of negro babies
Xavier Wright
nice projection, faggot
Bentley Davis
Non-whites hate Asian women because they won't date you
Easton Collins
I personally prefer the Lee Enfield because of the higher rate of fire and more ammo
Don't feel bad, you're scheduled after the Europeans.
Carter Rogers
"The ultimate goal is the forcible-coordination of all countries of the world: That shall be achieved by mixing the races with the goal to create a light brown race in Europe.
For that reason, 1.5 million immigrants from the third world shall migrate to Europe every year. The result would be a population with an average IQ of 90 that is too dumb to grasp anything, but intelligent enough to work.
The European countries would never again be competitors in the struggle for global domination and a multiple millennia old culture would be destroyed. Irrational people who will fight against this 'mingling of races', and put up any resistance against the global world order, should be killed." - Thomas P.M. Barnett, Jew, director of the Israeli military consultancy 'Wikistrat' in his book 'The Pentagon's New Map', 2004
"It is in the Jewish interest, it is in Humanities interest that whites experience a genocide. Until white children are burned alive, white women raped, mutilated, murdered and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorized; only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have." ~ Rabbi Ishmael Levitts
"Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed-not 'deconstructed' but destroyed." ~ Jewish Retired Harvard Professor, Noel Ignatiev
"The Messiah of Israel will only come when Christ, Europe, and Christianity, are totally defeated. Therefore, I ask you: Is this good news that Islam is invading Europe? Yes, this is great news!" ~ Rabbi David Touitou
Austin Scott
What a lardass. 0/10 would not bang
Thomas Long
"All of the other people have committed crimes, but the Jews are the only ones who have boasted about committing them. They are, all of them, born with a raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race." ~ Voltaire
"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply." ~ Jewish world banker, Nathan Mayer Rothschild
“I fear the Jewish banks with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America. And use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos that the earth should become their inheritance.” - Prussian statesman Otto von Bismark, 1889
"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” - Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate
Brandon Martin
What part does Rollo have to play in giving this dumb slut the attention she wants?
he played himself.
Benjamin Russell
"Berlin transformed itself into the Babel of the world. Germans brought to perversion all their vehemence and love of system. Made-up boys with artificial waistlines promenaded along the Kurfustendamm. Even ancient Rome had not known orgies like the Berlin transvestite balls, where hundreds of men in women's clothes, and women in men's clothes, danced under the benevolent eyes of the police. Amid the general collapse of values, a kind of insanity took hold of precisely those middle class circles which had been unshakeable in their order. Young ladies proudly boasted that they were perverted: to be suspected of virginity at 16 would have been a disgrace in every school in Berlin." - Stefan Zweig, Austrian writer, on the rapid growth of open perversion within the Weimar Republic in Germany under Jewish media influence, after WWI, just prior to Hitler's rise (sound familiar?)
"The Jews were responsible for bringing ne groes into the Rhineland. It suits the purpose of the cool calculation Jew who would use this means of introducing a process of bastardization into the very centre of the European Continent." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
"We must be aware of the existence of the demonic teachings of the Jews who assert things like the existence of equality in the phenomenal world, thereby distorting public order in our nation's society and destroying governmental control. Not only this, these demonic conspirators hold the deep-seated delusion and blind belief that they alone have been chosen by God and are therefore an exceptionally superior people. The result of all this is a treacherous design to usurp and dominate the entire world, thus provoking the great upheavals of today." ~ Hakuum Yasutani, Japanese Buddhist Zen Master, 1943
Kevin Lee
They've never been told "no".
Sebastian Rivera
>implying kikes won't be well exposed by then
kike, you rats are already openly panicking and doing stupid shit.
Never had as many goyim knowing as we do now.
But you just keep playing like you've got it all locked up.
Logan Brooks
Keep coping
SMV of 50 yo hoe>SMV of CHAD
Samuel Cox
>imagine wasting even a single second of your adult life giving a shit about these retarded clowns
Caleb Phillips
>They are litlle to no women like this in Slavic countries
I can't speak for other slavic countries, but I know that our women tend to be even more degenerate than the western whores we see presented on Jow Forums.
Yes, communism did shield us against the degeneracy, but we mustn't forget that what brought it down in Poland was in part a fascination in the western world, like teenagers rebelling against their parents and gravitating towards that which they warned them against, our women are now embracing the western degeneracy twice as much as the french, english or burger, just so they could hope to catch up and be part of this enlightened western society.
Jason Gutierrez
>Women are concensus creatures that gravitate towards authority. It's easy to tell who is actually in authority based on how women are behaving. We know that Jews dominate all elements of cultural and social life because women are degenerates. This is what happens when Men lose control, and we're in part to blame for it all.
Isaiah Gonzalez
>took miles of nigger dick
>tries to use talmudic faggotry to justify
kill yourself you pathetic kike
Joseph Lewis
Interesting, unironically (I do not use it but seems generally probable). Genuine question, what would be your similar breakdown of Jow Forums (which is all that I use other than YT)?
Sebastian Moore
Carson Taylor
t. boomer
Carter Murphy
She's just trolling for attention.
Andrew Jones
Equality only matters to the extent that the social fabric is maintained. If your equality is different from the cultural norm in your host country, find a new host country.
Joseph Richardson
Nothing. They are now what the always where save for the fact the leash was removed and they where given freedom fairly recently. Even the corseted and petticoat layered lady of the 19th century was capable of debasement and betrayal. She just got a smack in the mouth once in awhile to keep the bitch in check.
Nolan Rivera
It used to be 20-30s being the prime slut years for women before they can settle down.
Now the media is pushing it to 20-40s to be okay for women to slut it up.
Samuel Morgan
Luis Howard
Tyler Wilson
I pick both. Jews promoting degeneracy and feminism led to the current state of women
Robert Barnes
We have to gas all jews women ?
Is that what you mean
( im not an fluent english speaker )