Why do black people do this?

Rarely a week goes by when I don't see a rando black couple refer to each other as King and Queen. Do they not realize this is incest? Traditionally, Kings and Queens are brother and sister. A Kings spouse is a Duchess and a Queens spouse is a Duke. So why do black people in intimate relationships refer to each other and King and Queen? Do they like incest?

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That guy is adopted. You can tell cause he looks like a house nig with those skinny ass arms this dindu dindu a single day of hard work in his life.

>whiteboy seething
go get yo own culture and stop trying to understand ours

In Stone Age societies, because they're so small, everyone becomes a King, Queen, Prince or Princess. Then they might have a slave class underneath them.
The Maori in NZ are the same, every daughter is a Princess...which is cringy enough but it gets worse as a lot of white NZers that have a bit of Maori blood are like "I have Maori Princess DNA/ blood in me". Sooo special, royal mud hut dynasties.

Monarchy is European you larpfagging idiot.


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nig and nog

But I call my white gf my queen!

To pay respects to their Egyptian ancestors

>Do they like incest?

Yes they do. Blacks fuck their cousins, children and grandchildren.