Seeing the image of my daughter, face down in the dirt, legs apart and underwear pulled down round her knees, brought me to tears.
I love Africa so much," she beamed. "One day, I want to live there and adopt orphans
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And no one cared.
Toll paid in full. S.
Play with niggers, get nigged.
>And no one cared.
play stupid games, win stupid prizes
>Seeing the image of my daughter, face down in the dirt, legs apart and underwear pulled down round her knees
It’s unfortunate that there is a toll, but there is, and it must be paid.
Wow someone got murdered/raped in a shitty country. This is huge news and i really care about this. Thanks for posting OP.
>Ms Warren's mother Nicole Cafarella told Fairfax Media that her daughter was "just one of those girls that wanted to travel the world and see everything she could before she was 30".
hahahahahaha roastie got roasted
eat. pray. love. die.
Post it...
That's what she gets for going to a country with an AK-47 on its flag. Should have gone to Malawi instead.
White women are legit insane not even niggers like their own continent.
where’s the pic tho
>"just one of those girls that wanted to travel the world and see everything she could before she was 30".
>I want to take as many foreign and strange dicks as I can before I hit the wall
this. i have no sympathy for ignorant virtue signaling social media addicted cunts like this.
women have no real sense of how dangerous the world is.
and women like this actually believe in the basic goodness in ppl until they learn the hard way that yeah most ppl are evil and niggers especially.
Fetishizing niggers ends up in death, lol. What are the odds?
Yeah we're gonna need the pic. And nothing else.
How can you say natural selection doesn't exist when people willingly travel to third world countries, wasting their precious youth ""helping""?
What a dumb bitch. Her parents should feel bad for not warning her about niggers. That is just bad upbringing.
Nobody cares about white people. Not even white people.
"please nig me" she whispered.
I actually met a based woman who knew real shit like this, she corrected me when i had that retarded attitude
She bought me dvds and dropped me at the grocery store
Imagine feigning concern over the internet for someone you don't even know. Thoughts and prayers.
post the gore you useless twat
I'm too tired of being tired to care anymore. Every single case similar to this will constantly be, "Whoa, I can't believe this would happen to such a poor, innocent, sweet, travel-loving, girl with a great smile and personality! She'll be missed. :^)"
At this point it makes me feel fucking sick that their go-to response is "Aww, that's too bad..." and not "We should tell pretty white girls to NOT do this shit and die raped and finished with nothing in life."
Well, the police say she wasn’t raped and died of a drug overdose on the beach. Can’t blame Africans for that now can you? Racist
Indeed. Altruistic genes were a positive thing in tribes, and the genes would still get passed on as they would still have kids (even if they were less likely to) but in a globalized world they're just going to be selected out. I can't count the number of women I meet who don't want a kid and will adopt instead. Their genes are dead.
can someone post the fucking pics
Toll status: paid
Found the roastie
Uh yea this is the current state of white people.
>duuuuurrr i wanna live in a country where my ancestors divided and enslaved half the continent
>duuur i wanna live were its hundreds of degrees, poverty stricken, drought every fucking year, drugs in every corner, on going conflict
Why did she just move to zimbabwe? Or obe of the technological cities with less to no murder at all? Just assimilate.
Why would you colonize on land plagued by historys of on going war?
Even the black farmers there get raided and fucked with. Whites arent completely exclusive to this.
Edgier than lib-cunt going to aids country and getting herself murdered?
the travelling basic bitch meme needs to die. christ.
Thoughts and prayers
I used to be the same way maple bro, believing that most ppl are good until after about 20 years i finally realized that everyone is evil until they prove otherwise. You can only be burned so many times by evil fuckers before you finally just wake up and realize the world isnt such a nice place no matter where u are. Ppl for the most part are fucking evil and given the right circumstances everyone is a potential savage.
>she loved Africa
>Africa loved her back in the African way.
so everyone got what they wanted from what they loved.
stupid girl
I would normally be in the same boat and usually am when it comes to parents that "defend" the scumbag that murdered their child. This case seems a bit different, however, that the father actually went to try and get justice for his daughter and it seemed the family didn't want her to go in the first place.
I blame liberalism for this murder and the niggers in Mozambique, every single one of them. The only thing I fault the father for is not going on a kill streak while he was there investigating.
But did you know everything about the world by 20? Did you live in a foreign country alone at 20.
Where were you at 20?
>I love Africa so much
>I want to live there and adopt orphans
Toll status: paid in full
>The flag of Mozambique includes the image of an AK-47 with a bayonet attached to the barrel crossed by a farming mattock superimposed on an open book. It is one of three national flags among UN member states that features a firearm, along with those of Guatemala and Haiti.
True, Africa is a beautiful country.
Too bad it's littered with niggers.
She had a white boyfriend, feel like that invalidates 75% of all the replies.
theres this new invention called the "internet"
it allows you to travel the entire world with the press of a button
check it out
as a knife
>be a travelling shallow ass normie from 1st world country who posts their life on social media
>go to 3rd world country and for some reason expect things not to be radically different in terms of safety measures
>get violently killed
it doesn't because that guy didn't keep her from going.
>She had a white boyfriend
he drove her to the airport
>bye honey have fun on your sex tourism "research" trip
That's only because there are barely any niggers in Australia
If the father did actually end up receiving any sort of justice, to me it'd still only feel like an insignificant step towards solving this reoccurring issue of travel-addiction.
I really don't want to be bitter, but it is getting ridiculous that ANOTHER girl felt the need to abandon her nation to """"help"""" those poor, savage negroids and jerk off a whale or two.
Anyone who said don't go, something bad will happen to you is a bigoted racist who doesn't understand complicated social issues due to their privilege!
And also, still alive.
Unlike her.
A woman is the missing link between a child and a grown man
I believe in Darwinism.....
Stupid people need to die so they can't procreate and have stupid babies.
If you think going to AFREEKA and hanging around gorillas in people clothes is a good idea, then you probably aren't smart enough to survive.
Trusting NIGGERS takes a special kind of stupid.....going to AFREEKA is about the same as going to the south side of chicago for a vacation.
One less stupid person in the if only somebody could find a magic genie in a bottle and use their wish to kill all niggers!
most chicks that have a love for drugs and raves do this
yeaaa boi
i wonder what the majority of their blood type is... hahahahahahaha
rest in porta potty
She went so she had to die.
>travelling in Africa she was raped and murdered
If you go you will die too you disgusting demon.
ooooh noooo that sucks
I was cleaving guards and necromancers in the far away land of Cyrodil. I promise you my experience was more memorable and vivid than this bitches elephant rides.
Did she get Blacked?
I actually wonder why people visit the most fucked countries. Rwanda, Swaziland, Botswana, Zambia and Namibia are fine. Christ do people not have self awareness to not go to shitholes?
So she died of drug overdose or alcohol poisoning, that could have happened everywhere.
>Tuesday night, the end of the six week program with Africa Underwater, Warren went out with some friends to celebrate the end of the program.[4] On Wednesday morning, Warren's body was discovered by a fisherman in or near a toilet block near a street market in Tofo
>Six months after her death, the first formal police report in the case handed indicated that Warren died of a drug overdose even though there was no forensic evidence of drugs in her system.[8]
Toll paid.
I bet she creamed her panties at the sight of that BBC about to sledgehammer her little pussy to death. She virtue signaled to the very end.
Are you retarded?
Has anyone tried to compile a list of the amount of white women (both South African and visitors) who died in Africa? Pretty surreal how many white female bodies have become part of the soil of Africa when you think about it
native africans are rather small, they haven't been selectively bred by perverted jews for 200 years
Stfu NPC
How many fucking dumb white bitches need to die this way till they fucking get it? Holy FUCK!!!! Women’s suffrage was the mistake of the millennium.
>given the right circumstances everyone is a potential savage
This is what so many young people don't understand. I've seen many people swear they wouldn't do X and then turn around and do X a week later, but it's ok because they have a weak justification for it lmao. Prime example is people posting on kikebook "people who cheat are garbage" then they cheat on their SO, clown world.
>t. retard who didn't read the article
(((the police)))
yeah she was addicted to bbc and died of an overdose.
>I love Africa so much," she beamed. "One day, I want to live there and adopt orphans
I’m masturbating to this. Anyone have the pics?
Parents are to blame perhaps more than the killers. How can you raise a woman that believed she won't get raped and murdered traveling alone in those places?
The niggers can only kill her once but the parents set her up to killed in 80% of the world by multiple potential races.
This is where it happened
Imagine getting raped in murdered with the smell of piss and shit in the air
She looks part Abo
Her family in Melbourne was told she had been raped and murdered.
However, Mozambique police from the country's Inhambane province maintain she was not raped, had no bruising and showed no sign of violence or a struggle.
"It looks like a sudden death," police spokesman Detective Juma Dauto said. "We are in doubt as to what could have happened."
Detective Dauto told Fairfax Media that Ms Warren was found in a public change room near the beach at 5am.
He said police had no suspects and had been told that Ms Warren was alone.
He said witnesses saw her go into the toilet block "20 or 30 minutes" before a group of fishermen found her body.
No. No. No. Hahahaha. Sorry no.
And look what she got rape and death
Yea, I'm sure her Boomer dad would have been able to stop his liberated Millenial feminist daughter from doing what she wanted and she definitely wouldn't have shamed him on social media and possibly called the cops if the argument got heated. No doubt his oppressive and racist attitude would have justified his wife to cheat on him and speed up the inevitable divorcerape. She's the only one to blame here.
A tipical day for a Thot
>implying anyone cares about some bitch winning a Darwin award.
Feminism is a self correcting problem