Why dont Americans just post the non-hispanic white population statistics?

Why dont Americans just post the non-hispanic white population statistics?

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We want to and tried, but every kike in the country rallied to stop it. It's so people don't know how lost we are and get shocked into action.

This shit is fake and your literally just subtracted the white percent by ten every year. Some of these in the south are actually getting whiter do to boomer immigration. Saged.

But yes America is getting less white and needs to be fixed but use real statistics.

we like to delude ourselves into thinking there's an easy non-violent solution that lets us keep our vidyas, imageboards, and easy lives

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Many moslems, hindoos, and jews claim to be "white" - so you have to narrow down further to the non-hispanic Christian whites.

From my point of view you guys dont seem to have a problem with White population declining. As far as I know your white population is slightly growing in some parts and in some parts stagnating. However you have a big problem with migration from the south. Basically the white population doesnt decline but the other population increases significantly and therefore the white percentage decreases and whites as time goes on have less of a say in politics (there is a larger poll).

There about 3.5 million Arabs and 5.3 million Jews. So about 2 of the population. Some of those Arabs are in the other category.

Yeah, the main problem is non-white immigration. Spics and dindus abort and kill each other to where their population would go down otherwise. We also get several hundred thousand immigrants form Eastern Europe a year. This props up our population.


You're delusional. Just post the non-hispanic white population statistics and there will be an end to this horror.


For non-Hispanic white women in 2017, among the 50
states and District of Columbia, the TFR was highest in Utah
• The lowest TFR for non-Hispanic white women in 2017 was
in the District of Columbia (1,012.0).
• No state had a TFR for non-Hispanic white women that was
at or above the population replacement level (2,100.0)

For Hispanic women in 2017, among the 50 states and
District of Columbia, Alabama had the highest TFR (3,085.0)
• The lowest TFRs for Hispanic women in 2017 were in
Vermont (1,200.5) and Maine (1,281.5).
• In 2017, TFRs for Hispanic women were above the
replacement level (2,100.0) in 29 states.

Attached: Non Hispanic birth rate.jpg (1080x1189, 533K)



These new numbers show, for the first time, an absolute decline in the nation’s white population of more than 9,000 whites between 2015 and 2016 and more than 31,000 whites between 2016 and 2017.
The non-Hispanic white alone group was the only race group to experience population decline between 2016 and 2017 (-0.02 percent). Of all the alone-or-in-combination race groups, the white alone-or-in-combination group grew the slowest (0.5 percent).

White Deaths Exceed Births in a Majority of U.S. States



Annual Estimates of the Resident Population by Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin from April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2016:
In 2020, there are projected to bemore nonwhite children than non-hispanic white childrenin the U.S.


Nonwhites account for more than half of the populations of Hawaii, the District of Columbia, California, New Mexico, Texas and Nevada. And, in the next 10 to 15 years, another half dozen minority majority states will likely be joined by as many as eight other states where whites now make up less than 60% of the population.
Census Bureau projections show that the U.S. population will be majority-minority sometime between 2030 and 2040.

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Dumbass, you didn’t read a word I said. Nice though, you actually have real statistics this time so good for you. Also your a leaf so you shouldn’t be talking you take in as much is with a way smaller population.

Why aren't the Hispanics white for Americans? These are the descendants of Spaniards, white Europeans. Most of them are even Christians. I don't understand your dislike. Can anyone explain this to a German?

I mean there is a big hole in your political system. I was astounded when I found out everyone can become an American citizen through some "birth right citizenship" thing... With that not only non-white people get in your country but they also have lots of first generation kids!
And to be fair eveything youget from Europe just helps you. Even Eastern Europeans are hardworking people and will fill the jobs you dont like to work. They easily assimilate in your culture and have the same views as you. I dont know why the hate towards them.

You said
>Some of these in the south are actually getting whiter do to boomer immigration. Saged.
The sources I provided proved you wrong. Boomer immigration barely provides any increase in non-hispanic white population.


The foreign-born population residing in the U.S. reached a record 44.4 million, or 13.6% of the U.S. population, in 2017. This immigrant population has more than quadrupled since the 1960s, when the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act took effect.
Mexico is thetop origin countryof the U.S. immigrant population. In 2017, 11.2 million immigrants living in the U.S. were from there, accounting for 25% of all U.S. immigrants.


109 U.S. Counties Become Majority-Minority Since 2000
The latest Pew Research Center study finds that between 2000 and 2018, 109 U.S. counties across 22 states have had their non-Hispanic white populations drop below 50 percent, while the Hispanic, Asian, and black American populations have all grown

Attached: Whitest-Non-Hispanic1.gif (925x623, 152K)


Definitions from OMB & ACS guide the Census Bureau in classifying written responses to the race

White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as “White” or report entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan, or Caucasian.
The racial classifications used by the Census Bureau adhere to the October 30, 1997, Federal register notice entitled, “Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity” issued by OMB. If an individual did not provide a race response, the race or races of the householder or other household members were imputed using specific rules of precedence of household relationship. For example, if race was missing for a natural-born child in the household, then either the race or races of the householder, another natural-born child, or spouse of the householder were imputed.
If race was not reported for anyone in the household, then the race or races of a householder in a previously processed household were imputed.


White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "White" or report entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan, or Caucasian.

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There not Spanish, they are le 56%. Here take a look. The only ones that are Spanish are from south South America and Cuba. Even then they are few in numbers.

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They're not Spanish at all, they're Mestizo. 3rd world scum who deserve nothing less than to be sent back to their shitty countries.


By 2010, the number of Hispanics identifying as white has increased by a wide margin since the year 2000 on the 2010 Census form, of the over 50 million people who identified as Hispanic and Latino Americans a majority 53% identified as "white"

The U.S. Census Bureau shows that the percentage of Hispanics rose from 9% in 1990 to 12.5% in 2000.


A majority of Peurto Ricans identify as white


Per the2010 Census, more than half of U.S. Hispanics describe themselves as “white alone".


According the Pew Research 2015 National Survey of Latinos, all but three percent of foreign-born Americans with Hispanic ancestryidentifyas Hispanic or Latino. Just slightly over one-in-ten of U.S. adults with Hispanic ancestry do not identify as such.



From 2010 to 2018, the U.S. population’s median age increased by 1.0 years. Amongst The white alone-or-in-combination population


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The people have like 90% native Indian blood and the rest a negro and white mix. There are a few upper-class mexicans that are white and are like 90% European. Catholic policy was to try to mix the racees, so hispanics are mixed. Protestants in America refused to mix with the natives. That's why Americans are white and mexicans aren't.

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The Eastern European ones are fine. I harbor no hate towards they definitely help us and commit crime at the same rate as native whites do. Which is to say little to none. They also use welfare at the same rate. As the native whites.

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Wtf is that forecast even supposed to be


A detailed look at this linked data shows that many people changed responses in a way that adds or drops a second race or changes ethnicity (Hispanic to non-Hispanic or vice versa). Many other common response changes involved a change to or from non-Hispanic white – in other words, the person was categorized as a majority group member in one census and a minority group member in the other. The most common of these changes were to/from non-Hispanic black or non-Hispanic American Indian.


U.S. Census Bureau data from the 2000 and 2010 censuses in which responses have been linked at the individual level (N = 162 million). Approximately 9.8 million people (6.1 %) in our data have a different race and/or Hispanic-origin response in 2010 than they did in 2000

From 1905 to 1923, Arab groups lobbied and sued for a change in their racial classification to White. Dow v United States (1915), established that Syrians were officially white. It was 1943 when the Immigration and Naturalization Service declared finally that all Arabs were to be considered white.



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