Thank you and fuck jews

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Thank you all who participated in this

We have only achieved 489 posts

Hey OP, looks like you're having some difficulty keeping your thread up. Let me lend you a helping hand.

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Thank you

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Wat is dis niggiserbi?

weed makes you temporarily gay

Go ahead, fuck us
Do it faggot

this actually isn't entirely untrue

t. man with regrets

I imagine the Tomoko's feet, after a long day of being a neet, must be absolutely disgusting from marinating in sweat, grease and bacteria. When she removes her shoes at the end of the day, she probably gets flustered at just how smelly and toxic her bare feet are; her own body betraying all standards of decency by producing an unbelievably lewd and slimy, biohazardous zone of filth within her own footwear. What a waste of new ballet flats to slip those putrid pale things inside them! Shoes designed to look pretty and appealing, now soiled and turned into unusable, smelly, ruined trash by her own festering feet. It's almost amazing how an odor so potent and foul can come from a girl so cute. What a contrast!

The contrast would be captivating. On one side, you've got her beautiful, pale, shapely, happy feet. They're works of art, and can arouse anyone with their perfection. On the other hand, you've got endless of amounts of a stink so foul it can make plants wilt and birds fall from the sky just by spreading her toes! Imagine seeing the Tumko dip her feet in the ocean and turning it into a bubbling, stinky green mess with her odor and killing all the fish, or having her grab your nose with her feet and making you take deep breaths!

Tomoko's cute, pale, smelly, neet feet!

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>tomoko will never make you take deep breaths through her stinky pale toes and infect your lungs with her smell, giving you her feet induced pneumonia

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was in the thread,have a hand op

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NO you'er just gay

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>t. closet fags or insecure teens
which one is it?

Why the fuck are y'all losers obsessing over cartoon feet

Why did I keep reading after the first sentence

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because you love stinky neet girl feet.

huffing smelly girl feet and making ur lungs stink is good

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>huffing smelly girl feet and making ur lungs stink is good

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it is

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We must destroy the Jew. Name the Jew. Dispel the Jew from our countries. Ban them from positions of government. Understand their tactics, and shed light on their evil ways. Coin our own words, anti-white, anti-science, anti-humanitarian, anti-liberty. We must liberate our selves from the “liberty” they claim. You liberty is chains, our liberty is to free ourselves of your false enlightenment. To add meaning instead of allow the demeaning of our souls into a void. To open the box of systematically taught misinformation to rot our critical thought. To speak the common language of niggers, spics, hicks, and sand niggers to not ditch their wits and fix this cliche they hitch into our identity. To restrain compulsion with aim of revolution against this backwards propulsion toward a hell they call progress. They fund each side of each war. The Jews aren’t even Jews they hate themselves and are divided themselves. From Sabatti Zwick to Jacob Frank from Adam Weishaupt to Karl Marx from the Illuminati to the Freemasons from the Rothschilds to WW1. We will correct the record. We will sell the truth, and reengineer the noosphere. We will always know who (((who))) and align our efforts against humanity’s worst enemy. They used to hide, but now they glow. They used to laugh, but now they cry. They cry as they strike you. They cry as they fight you. Their secret is out, and now it shall never be forgotten. They cannot burn all the information that has been leaked. All their actions they will most assuredly reap. As every hour passes, and every day turns, we understand our enemy, and they become weak.

Feet are for losers

fuck off kike

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Fuck off korea, ill sic japan on you

im italian

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So you gonna switch to my side if we fight?

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smelling vampire feet makes you a vampire

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Anime? More Like ANIGAY

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hope remi gases you with her 500 year unwashed feet

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Its all chink shit to me

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i would sniff flan's feet even though she'd probably bite me and make me rub them for centuries afterwards

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More Tomoko pastas please.

Imagine Tomoko's feet at the end of a long school week.

She's worn the same stockings every day for two weeks and hasn't showered in three days... even after gym class, because she's too shy to shower in front of other girls.

When she takes off her shoes at the end of a long day a stinging odor of ammonia is the first thing to hit your nose, followed by a musty, almost moldy wetness. Buried underneath this olfactory assault you can detect notes of corn chips, ripe cheese and vinegar. You'd be able to see white powder (dried sweat / salt) covering the toes and soles of her stockings.

If you gave her feet about 10 minutes to dry and removed her stockings, you'd notice her pink, calloused soles would be a yellowish color on the heels and balls / pads of the feet. If you were to stick your nose right underneath her toes at this point, the sour, vinegary, dried cranberries stench would be so pungent it might burn your nostrils.
Those shoes she wears to school every day... if the insoles started out a light color, they're now black in the shape of her sole. You could clearly see her black toe, ball/pad and heel imprints in the insoles. In the middle of these imprints would be deposits of black gunk consisting of dead skin, sweat and dirt. This gunk would also be all over the bottom of Tomoko's stockings. If you were to collect this gunk into a ball and smell it, it would smell like death.

If you were to begin licking Tomoko's stockinged soles, the first thing you'd notice, aside from the smell, would be the strong bitter and salty flavors. The salt would be from sweat... but the bitterness would be from that horrid smelling black gunk. If Tomoko were in a sadistic mood and felt like making you lick them clean... you'd be licking them for hours and that black gunk simply would not come off. She might end up making you scrape it off with your teeth

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Her toenails are probably long and unkempt... probably a yellowish tint, with tremendous amounts of dirt and sock lint built up underneath her toenails. The smell underneath her long toenails is probably something like a rotten carcass.
I imagine Tomoko has rather short, curvy feet with very small, round toes... so short, in fact, that if you were to look at her four smaller toes on each foot from the bottom, you wouldn't see the midsection of those toes, just the round, grape-like tip of each toe, next to a big, plump, round big toe which dwarfs them.

She'd have a few dark hairs sticking out of her big toes and some thinner, lighter colored hairs on some of her other toes. On the outer side of each big toe she'd have a yellow callous.

The pads, balls and heels of her feet would be quite calloused, with some broken callouses having some dead skin dangling from them. All this dead skin would serve as a feeding ground for the bacteria responsible for smelly feet.

I'd imagine Tomoko would be so thrilled to have anyone sexually interested in her in any way that she'd be more than willing to oblige your fetish for her feet. If you asked, she'd gladly let you lay down underneath her computer desk while she played around on her computer. You'd lie on your back, take off her shoes, a rush of warm stink would envelop you and you'd place her soaking wet, warm soles right on your face. You'd end up setting your nose right underneath her cute little sweaty, slimy, stinky toes and enjoy the musty, sour stench, the weight of her feet crushing your face and the hot wetness of her stockinged soles, stroking yourself off while Tomoko used her magic wand on herself, causing her to sweat and curl her toes on your nose.

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You want feet? Fuck you you get hammer

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>deep breath, mortal. I just washed them 2 centuries ago.

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Bless you...

Feet are gross

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wrong. Italians all love feet. Italy is a feet. Remi and flan are italians.

Also french girls make wine by stepping on grapes with their stinky brown feet.

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>drinking wine

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wine made with stinky, swarthy french lady feet.

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Don’t worry op we can do it this time

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>french girls
Irish girls are superior

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irish girls have some of the smelliest feet in europe. They say their smell is what infected the land centuries ago and killed all the healthy potatoes.

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Truly worst Korea.

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potato famine is fake news look into it

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irish girls still have smelly feet though. Very pale.

Some irish girls on the west coast of ireland got infected with mud genes since spanish girls polluted with north african girl feet smell shipwrecked in ireland. That's why some irish girls have brown feet.

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