Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - SACHSEN Edition

>upcoming elections
Brandenburg: Sep. 1 2019 #ltwbb
Saxony: Sep. 1 2019 #ltwsn
Thuringia: Oct. 27 2019 #ltwth

>Election analysis 2014-2019

>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>What do
Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion.
Get Jow Forums.
Get a job.
Spread flyers and stickers.
Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>English language analysis

>Counter culture
>Laut Gedacht
>Ruhrpott Roulette

>Get active

>AfD TV (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:

One of these flags is based.

The EU on the plate.

breed with asian women to form a germanic-asian superrace, that's the only way to save europe

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ah the whiny butthurt bitches of europe congregation.

based pickup-drivers

Are eastern boomers this based?

Der Osten ist halt irrelevant

88 mm pick-up haubitze when?

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So lads, warm up your shit posting accounts for tomorrow already. Also, if needed, post your twitter accounts for mutual following

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>post your twitter accounts
Nice try BKA!

Low energy as allways...........

>twitter accounts
Normie, fapiss.

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how are you going to mine all the salt? Such a stupid hipsterpost

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I don't use any social media, except for Jow Forums.

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more like BfV... they have all the "V-Mann" missions and honeypots running in germany.

Oh, and yes, and there's enough salt to mine on Jow Forums, already.


Ich bin der V-Mann, der Mann der alles kann.

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kek based ronnyposting

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Kannst du dich auch fapissen?

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Vw truck... cute. Is that tow hitch even functional?


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>in meinem Tweet steht nichts zur AfD


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>Mit Unterstützung der Linkspartei wurde Anfang Juli auch die erste Hürde für ein Volksbegehren „Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen“ genommen. >Dieses sieht vor, private Wohnungsgesellschaften, die mehr als 3.000 Wohnungen besitzen, zu enteignen und deutlich unter Marktwert zu entschädigen. Betroffen wären mindestens 243.000 Wohnungen zehn großer Vermieter. Die Kosten für den Steuerzahler sollen bis zu 36 Milliarden Euro betragen. Auch auf Bundesebene gelten Enteignungen bei SPD und Grünen seit einiger Zeit als probates Mittel gegen Wohnungsmangel.
>Die Vorstellung, man könnte das Problem hoher Mieten durch Enteignungen aus der Welt schaffen, findet sich schon in Friedrich Engels Schrift „Zur Wohnungsfrage“. Der Vordenker des Kommunismus meinte zwar, dass die Wohnungsnot erst dann beendet werden könnte, wenn Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung der arbeitenden Klasse überhaupt beseitigt wären.
>Zur Wohnungszwangswirtschaft in der DDR gehörte auch die Mietpreisbindung – die ebenfalls auf das NS-Regime zurückging. Am 20. April 1936 hatte die Reichsregierung angeordnet, die Mieten in Deutschland einzufrieren. Hitlers Mietendeckel blieb auch unter den Alliierten in Kraft und wurde durch die Preisanordnung Nr. 415 vom 6. Mai 1955 schließlich zu DDR-Recht. >Doch während die Nationalsozialisten auch alle anderen Preise einfroren, wurden in der DDR Löhne und Preise wiederholt neu festgesetzt.
>Die Deckungslücke musste durch immer höhere Kredite der DDR-Staatsbank geschlossen werden. Trotz eines großzügigen Schuldenerlasses im Jahr 1993 lasten dadurch bis heute riesige Altschulden auf den kommunalen Wohnungsunternehmen und Genossenschaften im Osten. Allein in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern betragen diese derzeit rund 520 Millionen Euro.
>Nach staatlichen Erhebungen waren 1989 40 Prozent der Mehrfamilienhäuser in der DDR schwer geschädigt und elf Prozent sogar gänzlich unbewohnbar.

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>„Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen“
Das kommt doch nicht mal in dieser Niggerrepublik durch.

> Dabei waren bereits 1,3 Millionen verfallene Wohnungen abgerissen worden – wodurch, wie ein ZK-Papier vorrechnete, mehr Schutt entstand als durch den Zweiten Weltkrieg.
>Da getreu der Marxschen Lehre der Boden keinen Wert hat, weil er nicht das Ergebnis von Arbeit ist, wurde er bis Mitte der 1960-er Jahre bei Bauvorhaben kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt. >Dies führte nicht nur zur Verschwendung großer landwirtschaftlicher Nutzflächen, sondern zog auch enorme Erschließungskosten nach sich, weil es sich für die Betriebe am Stadtrand leichter bauen ließ. >Als Illusion stellte sich ebenso Ulbrichts Vorstellung heraus, Nahrungsaufnahme, Wäschewaschen und Kinderaufzucht würden in den sozialistischen Neubauvierteln nur noch gemeinschaftlich erfolgen – es fehlte schlichtweg an entsprechenden Versorgungseinrichtungen.
>Zwar wurden in der Honecker-Ära netto gut 2,1 Millionen Wohnungen neu errichtet. >Doch wegen der Vernachlässigung des Altbaubestandes gingen im selben Zeitraum zugleich 1,1 Millionen Wohnungen verloren. Auch nach 40 Jahren Sozialismus hatten die staatlichen Eingriffe deshalb nicht die Wohnungsfrage gelöst. Im Gegenteil: Mit nahezu 800.000 geprüften Anträgen auf umgehende Zuweisung einer Wohnung lag die Zahl der Wohnungssuchenden Ende 1989 sogar höher als 1950.

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*macht sich im Faden breit*

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Okay, boys.
elections soon. how's the feeling?
Can a few local anons speak up how the atmosphere is?

*nimmt etzala den Faden fest*

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>how's the feeling?
Endsieg feeling!

Based Saxon or besieged Brandenburger?

South-West Brandenburg

you will get the red pill, that is Red Red Green or Red Green Black
Also all the Antifa faggots will work as 'Wahlhelfer' counting votes and will falsify and make void any AFD votes. Thats the reality in this country

you lazy fuck can go be an election observer

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The red pill is only red-red-green because red-red-green does not work and because it doesn't, it will make people hate the system more than anything.

The greens don't fear anything in the world but to actually govern, because then they'd have to actually work.

So is there any hope for you germans, or are you totally fuckered?

Imagine unironically supporting the afd

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hier lief eben ein suffkopf rum

he randomly shouted things like
> "scheiß afd!" = "shit afd!"
> "komm doch rüber ich schlag dich zusammen" = "come over and I beat the shit out of you"
> "scheiße", "uaaaah" etc. randomly

there are people who were partying who made fun of him by making small noises and he looked around the streets and wondered where the noise came from

he should take his meds

ah, and before that some turks were talking and one was angry about his room mate regularly fucking with her sister (?) and he hates hearing the noises

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Pretty fucked

Daily reminder to watch and share redpilled youtube videos such as the following ones:

We have approx. 5 years to make a change, otherwise we will have Eurabia.

What about Baden-Würtemberg, they state is doing well; despite having a "Grüne" government.

Sütti here is rooting for you.
give these faggots a run for their money.

Wuv Germans.

>We have approx. 5 years to make a change, otherwise we will have Eurabia.
good luck with that, hope you already know that the stats are faked and reality looks a bit different

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Normies need to wake up, they are really missing out on all the love and admiration.

So what's the "reality" then?

>Sütti here
What happend to your tripcode?

Meddl Leude.

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Plot-twist: The guy was (You).

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What good do the leader think will come with letting Islam take over?
Do they honestly think they'll be able to control them?
I can't figure out a actual end game, other than causing another destructive war.

I am not picking sides in this conflict

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>he doesn't like kosher food

He wants to fuck the Fiqqhure Kerstin, but can't; that's the bitter reality.

>destructive war
The plot of "Kill All Whites".

>5 years
Well then, goodbye Germany. It was a nice ride.

>Plot-twist: The guy was (You).
JUST that I do not drink

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Leftists are in an unholy alliance with pisslam. They just don't realize they're just useful idiots who will be discarded yet.
I still wanna know the stats.

Oh no, I am just moving there.

rush in the churches, christpill your neighours, reorganize the church and save the Vaterland.

Für Gott, Vaterland, Familie

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Damn you Biedenkopf

Just chill out and stay in the Saloppe

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start by collecting some different stats and especially look for "old projections" from books et. al... make some graphs, tables, and you will see it

good that I am mischling... I will learn Hebrew just that I can fake being a low IQ jew

Daily reminder to watch and share redpilled youtube videos such as the following ones:

I just don't want Kraut/pol/ to become /soc/.
Tay needs to be quarantined, Kerstin needs to get his dick wet and Latvian needs tweet "i have dirt on the clintons"

the monster will turn on them.

Außer, an Silvester, right; maybe you had an episode of Schizoism and thought to yourself, the the Jewish-controlled AfD is secretly hiding the fact, that today's the New-Year's-Eve of 1847; and then you got drunk.

Was soll denn diese Namenschwuchtelei hier?

>moving from free Gunland to Arab and Somali country
hope for you this is a joke

sind ein Außenposten von uezs

They aren't even fully aware of that. They think the sandnogs will move in, completely integrate and start loving gays, human right, the west and being secular are just like native Germans and nothing in society changes.

hört doch endlich mal auf mich zu beobachten, schwuchtelschutz

meine fresse

>Tay needs to be quarantined, Kerstin needs to get his dick wet and Latvian needs tweet "i have dirt on the clintons"
no, I am in the process of obtaining wizard status... it cannot be undone now.. Each day, I am growing MORE powerful

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If you analyze the Islamic expansion, you know the critical mass for a state's islamization is only about 10% of the total population. If this point is reached, the society will eventually become Islamic.

To have German kids and an easier life. I am a real refugee, escaping opioid crisis.
It's not.

Why do you want German kids?

I just can say this: in absolute terms the number shifted by 5% in around the last 5 years and it will dramatically increase in the next years, most of the whites are stuff like "Romanians" (often turks themselves). In absolute terms.

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Here, a picture to make you feel wanted, RTL-deutscher.

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Because I want beautiful master race children. And call them in their German names, isn't that cute?

I like your canon embeds, but not gona click that shit

watched the first minute of part 1, got bored and it caused schizophrenia

took my meds and now I am either going to bed or play legend league

Ach, Sütterlinronny...

It's already too late for that. The attentions whores will never leave, Tay gets banned daily for over a year now and is still here and the other plagues won't leave either.

you won't find any reak german girls here anymiore
only full body tatooed leftie sluts with piercings and headscarved turks and arabs

go vote for the greens then retard

How about playing league of how to fuqq the Fiqqhure Kerstin.

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5% would mean an influx of at least 4 million mudslimes. Can't be that high.
A little redpill for you: The most popular male name for newborns in Berlin is currently Mohammed.

I found a chubby older German from a dating site, and we are talking everyday, he already mentioned me being able to stay longer if I were pregnant.
I will be in Frankfurt.

He can't.
she's in a ... different league.


You better stay at the Rhein-Main Air Base.

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Right, he's in the league... of losers.

>I found a chubby older German from a dating site
What the hell are you doing with your life kek.

wanna guess who dat is?

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