Internet racists do not exist IRL

IRL you lower your eyes to the first black that passes
IRL you stutter in front of the grocery store
IRL you are socially phobic and overweight
IRL person loves you
Your pseudo-ideas of nausea with bungs, in addition to being irrational and stupid, you can't handle them.
You exist only here, you do the crazy but irl you make you fart
And that's the hard reality. You are unhappy in your lives so you try to drown your anxieties on the Internet under cover of anonymity, where you risk nothing.
So how do you feel about knowing you're no better than a pitiful insect, virgin?

PEACE on you

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Other urls found in this thread:,8599,1993074,00.html

True. Altright autists are cowards

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>IRL person loves you
IRL person ensigned you the bases of the English

exact igo

small-arms are getting revenge for the days when they were victimized by solid niggers at school

why do we still post pictures of this kid
he's a dead meme

>that visible anxiety you cause when merely passing a shitskin
They know I just wait for an excuse

Oh yeah. I would never just go out in the world and start a confrontation with anyone. Nothing I believe is about any of that though. That's animalistic shit. That's literally niggerbullshit. Your post and the thinking it is based in is exactly the sort of barbaric bullshit that made me racist to begin with. The reason I want a white world is to avoid the machismo and confrontation-as-a-means-of-solving-problems bullshit that defines you and led to this post.

first far-right virgin
first small arm

peace on you

OK parasite

it's because you're a victim of life, probably autistic and your only defense is to incite hatred behind your computer.

It's sad in real life.

Fortunately in real life people are not like you.

hatred grumbled your hearts, peace

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Is that how you talk to the devil? Ill hop over this table and choke your ass out.

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the parasite is you who scratches the helpers your fat ass sitting on your gaming chair

I contribute to society and laugh at small arms like you

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Mfw when black couples lower their eyes when they walk past me, it’s amazing what shaving your head and getting fit will do

IRL you are projecting.
The Left is filled with incels, it's why they go gay or trans or turn into furries or whatever
The Left accusing the Right of being socially awkward is hilarious

Do you have a mental illness? Be honest.

okay, virgin

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Okay, but all your pathetic argument is falling apart because I'm not from the left, but from the right.
yes, I'm from the right and all the autistic people who think they're big SS when they're victims who had their snacks stolen at school when they were little and they wouldn't be able to take a tour of the field
you're just pity, take responsibility


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Based and TRUTHpilled. Bump

You are a faggot and we are taking over you country Zinji-lover

>Hey guys, CHAD here. You are all losers.

Cool thanks

"you're a male alpha defender of the white race?" "Yes, I'm a Jow Forums nolife secretly a trap and anime fan."

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No, just the return to the concrete that is difficult for you to accept, you band of waste.


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Projecting again

last year i was stopping at the hardware store in the morning like everyday, i do remodels and shit. i saw a curious sight, a nigger on my island. the nigger had normal clothes on, looked well kept, shirt tucked in. i was immediately impressed. so i looked dead at him to convey my intention, i was going to open the door and hold it for him since i arrived a few feet before he did and didnt look like a normal nigger. as soon as i reached up ahead of him to grab the door, he stomped his feet and puffed his chest assuming i was cutting him off. when he realized this was not the case, he looked down in shame and walked in.
>tfw niggers hold themselves down better than anyone else ever could.

Massive boipussy like your president.

Hello Polites :)

I am just curious why you all are indoors, making racist blogs when the weather and people outside are JUST AMAZING!

Leave your hovels for a spell and you will see that politics (especially the kind espoused here!) is not a very healthy way to spend time and mostly people (irl people that is! lol) get along just fine.

Well either way, I hope you consider it. Love! Peace! Joy!

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Ok bloomer

thank you

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I record you and all of the sudden you know you cant do shit because YOURE too scared, pussy

I am polite to everyone. I just prefer whites. That doesn't mean I need to salute every aryan I see and shout "NIGGER" at the top of my lungs when I see one.
When (and I have) I get called a racial slur, I make sure to retaliate with one. Otherwise, I am pretty cordial to everyone.
Disliking a race and preferring your own over others is "racist" if you're white. I am white. So I am a racist.
But that doesn't mean I hate or wish death on anyone, let alone an entire race. I simply prefer my own and prefer to avoid others.

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>French flag
Hey nigger

Frenchie i'm over two fucking meters tall, i ALWAYS lower my eyes if i want to see someone.
And it'd take a bloody miracle for me to gain weight unless i go on a permanent keto diet (only protein seems to help, funnily enough).

Anyways get help, learn dutch so that you might gain a glimpse of how to be useful.

except that race is a social construct and your fantasies are, even unconsciously, undercovered with hatred

IRL my mentality is basically "I wish a nigger would" It always go through my mind "If this nigger goes crazy how would I take him down"

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>IRL person loves you
Are you illiterate? The fuck you talking about?

"Imao" did you think you were on twitter, you son of a bitch?
I'm a white and proud man, but that has nothing to do with it.
I don't hate people for their ethnic backgrounds and yet I have a strong ethnic conscience

like most people on earth, English is not my language
I don't give a shit about your fag language (which has 40% French words, anyway)

I'd be more likely to make fun of you IRL than a black person because your accents are more hilarious.

>>Plot twist>>

OP is a nonwhite ethnicel jealous of white chads. Has to settle for fat white women at best.

Also hes from france. Nuff said.

go back to jerking off on some shemale if you don't want to accept reality

In the meantime, I wish you PEACE

Look, you stupid French faggot. Do you go up to a dog and yell "je suis better than tu"? The whole premise of your thread is retarded, as is your leader Macron. He's a faggot too. Look man, get off this board, go outside and wade through the trash and feces littering your disgusting streets. Any frustration I have with blacks dwarfs the personal hatred I feel for you for being such a disgusting example of humanity. You suck. Die.

so much hate
I wish you peace bro

(the united states is a fundamentally multicultural country without its own culture)

No prob, Abdul.

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>Race is a social construct!
Except regarding...
>Bone Structure.
>Muscle Structure.
>Teeth placement.
>Skull shape.
>Stem Cell research.
>Transplant Surgery.
>ESPECIALLY bone marrow transplants.
>Genetic Diseases (Like Sicklecell)
Skin is the largest organ on the body. Evolution didn't go skin deep and stop at the neck.
There is more genetic differences between human races than many other animal species.

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Je me demande ce que brenton tarrant en pense.

source ?

est-ce-qu'il pense seulement ?
à part faire mouiller les nolifes de la fachosphère et confirmer le fait que ces types sont des tarés je vois pas trop à quoi il peut penser pour le coup

OP confirmed for muslim
peace be upon you too shitskin


I fucking hate niggers

fuck you nigger bitch fuck

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Oh shit i thought we where just all memeing

You're no better than the kikes. You're the insect.

Lots of them. Give it shot, take the google challenge. You've made it this far on the internet, you don't need me to finish this last bit for you, sport.

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Ok so there are no sources, so it's a simple unfounded belief

Please don't beg me to keep smacking you with sources. Please don't. I'm not sure I could handle it.

Next? Just ask.

Man, it's tough being a leftist shill.,8599,1993074,00.html


All niggers spontaneously disintegrate within one mile of me.

Get rekt faggot.

Then what is Jow Forums???

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Or maybe it's just stupid and uncivilized you mouth breathing ape. It's degenerate and off putting and we wouldn't be this way if you and your ilk wern't literal human garbage.
