How can we force Japan opening its border?
They clearly need more immigrants
How can we force Japan opening its border?
They clearly need more immigrants
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Here's your (You)
you don't need to, it's already starting. abe's regime just signed legislation for at least 400,000 new immigrants from places like india.
if I remember correctly indians got citizenship in the 40s in the US and then a couple decades is all it takes.
also thank tokyo, that shithole.
>implying no economic growth situation is sustainable
haha NO
>implying Jews = economic growth as opposed the cultural destruction
leave them alone, theyre the only sane people left on the planet
Well they are not exactly most sane but good enough
its already happening because they been doing bad economically
Abe has already said "no" to refugees and "no" to revising the immigration process. He is letting in some guest workers on 1 year visas though, but this isn't anything new.
Japanese don't want foreigners and a few foreigners agitating for it won't convince them. They are inventing robots to help elderly people instead of hiring niggers to drop them in the bath tub.
Fuck off Jake.
they should just let a bunch of white people get in there and start fucking their women
and thats how we get rid of the alt right
>when you hit the pipe one too many times and think it is still 2016
>How can we force Japan opening its border?
By killing as many Jews as possible
you cant. accept that your life ends here in america pedro. its ok im sure white power guys in your area will end you before 2020 so dont worry about the election... or what happens to your little girl. im sure some one will take good care of her... with their buddies.... in a remote area
Guest workers on 1 year visas. Not immigrants.
I thought what Anime Land is kike free.
you clearly need to fuck off this board
Stop trying to drag Japan down with us, it's not their fault our country's a complete shit hole. Maybe if they had nuked America a couple of times we could've been like them.
Honestly, Japs are going to get fucked hard by multiracialism and multiculturalism in the future. I don't know why weeps think they're racist when they're not. China on the other hand will keep a han-majority and keep mutliculturalism out of China.
take off that proxy tojo
Three Japanese people interview Jared Taylor:
send in a few well behaved jews to start lobbying
all of asia hates you fucking kikes
No, I am actually Japanese exchange student and not Jew at all
>They clearly need more immigrants
no they don't.
post your eyes
Japanese exchange student comes to America
discovers Jow Forums
Where did it all go wrong?
Send yourself over there. We could use less immigrants.
I noticed that multiculturalism is more functional than ethnostate by living in US
Japan is for big white cock.
I will breed thousands when I get rich.
Japan is a based ethnostate, now bend over libtard
Fake news.
He opened the border for more than 350 000 labor immigrant, to allow them to stay 5 years renewable one time, so up to 10 years (they can marry a jap girl and stay forever). As for high skilled immigrant, it will be more easy for them to bring their families and stay on permanent residentship.
Abe is also starting to get interested in Africa, and the 28-29 august he made a deal with africans leader to bring in african students in japan.
japanese don't care much about immigration, all survey actually show that almost half of them are for it.
Oh and one thing, The new miss japan is racemixed, again :)
Fake and gay. Post your chink eyes,
Keep going pal, japan is being pozzed we need white pill.
imagine being this dumb
USA has 1.4times bigger GDP per capita than Japan.
I wonder why...
not immigrants
>to allow them to stay 5 years renewable one time
Depends on the worker, the ones you're talking about are white gaijin.
It's not going to work, they threw out the Syrians after the first two rapes.
They are a sovereign that is a geopolitical ally.
What we do is not force them to do anything unless they threaten us.
>Depends on the worker, the ones you're talking about are white gaijin.
No. It's for the slave labor. The white gaijin will be able to stay forever and bring his family.
The US has 4 times more crime than japan, 66 times the amount of rape in Japan and 26 times the amount of murder because muh muhlticuhlturalismh
We'll open Israel's borders first and it'll work out so well Japan jump at the chance to emulate them.
12% of new born in Japanese are half Chinese/Korean
This is expected to grow in the future
How does it feel that you're losing your Jomon genes?
Don't act like some problem solver when you started the problems by spreading feminism, individualism and consumerism everywhere
Japan is a little island with 126.8 million people on it. You want to put more? You're clearly not thinking. Then again it's just your opinion.
yes, even in 50 years it will still be considered overpopulated
One of the people in charge of Japanese immigration was just recently caught taking bribes by (((someone))) it.
why japan woman are so cute?
why we need to open border
it's road to collapse
rotten from inside
It's not just the absolute number
It's more about age/geographical distribution
A fucking exchange student and you expouse shit like this? They really don't send their best, do they?
I want a japanese girlfriend.
Judging by that video where idols are gawking over italian men I judge your chances good and bless you with my wizard powers.
>I judge your chances good and bless you with my wizard powers
Are you trying to weed out the competition by preventing other mages being born?
Jewmerica fucked up and forgot to guilt trip Japan like they did to Germany. Now they are trying to do it by bringing up unit 931 or whatever all the time but no one in Japan gives a fuck about that anymore. Not to mention nationalism didn’t die here. So the divide and conquer Jew techniques are not as strong here. Some believe in evola, that the nips are just 30 years away from where America is now. I hope the lessons of multiculturalism are learned by then and serve as a warning.
But not from new immigrants. You're talking about Zainichi Koreans.
First, it’s on the Koseki, which is the family register. If you are not Japanese, it is clearly noted and filed differently.
Secondly, the Koreans are not even fully integrated because they refuse to take Japanese citizenship and remain in this weird limbo of citizen but not really citizen.
what video?
Of course, liberals here are pushing hard to remove Koseki, just like they removed the burakumin designation on Koseki.
Meme magic is too thinly spread to help us as whole, one must ascend above all others to gain true power. Only this way we can break cycle of wizards and nooses and make our dreams reality.
I saw webm in one thread but didnt save it.
Then why don't the Koreans fuck back off to Korea? Oh wait, this sound familiar. Refusing to integrate, bitching about host country, and not leaving.
Yep it’s ridiculous. Japan has done everything to assimilate them and make them citizens but they outright refuse to join society, and instead demand special positions and rights. It’s retarded.
Anyways the Jewish Press will rattle on endlessly about Japan's "birthrate crisis" but they'll never mention that South Korea's birthrate is... well, it hurts me to type, so you should google it.
Just keep in mind that South Korea is East Asia's degeneracy testing ground.
Trust me its not about needing immigrants, ots about WANTING immigrants! There women ;ust for the BBC, and there men want to be cucked by rge BBC, a weak race will bow down to the strong- just like in the western world. Blacks dominate in everything they do and will control Japan in time too
how can we kill more kikes?
clearly the need more gas
There are over a billion Indians, and only 130 million Japanese. For an Indian to move Japan is an act of biological warfare. This really pisses me off. One billion chinese, one billion indians, and soon one billion Africans but Japan isn't even allowed to remain Japanese? Fucking pure evil.
So Japan has to be an overcrowded shitty mutt Island? It HAS to be. Of course Mr.Adelstein wishes to subvert and destroy Japan.
uhhh so does it reduce their IQ or increase it? I think they made some high IQ tier humans
Increase. The native jomon abbos were basic creatures. The intelligence came from the chink invader blood.
Tell that to a jap and watch how mad they get.
thanks chang i will
Burn in hell faggot
this shit is tiring
BLACKED anime when?
Make realistic sex dolls and just wait a generation. Should be empty before long.