What is Jow Forums's general consensus on this guy?
What is Jow Forums's general consensus on this guy?
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Loved his movie vertigo
FDR was cool, but he was a bit socialist for my tastes
Terrible detective.
The anti-poo
Jewish women are cute, pretty, beautiful, sexy, smart, wealthy, traditional, religious, have nice Khazar Milkers, and White enough to have White babies with.
Jewesses are the real alternative to White women. Take the Jewesspill anons.
Horrible horrible person
Fat drunk faggot.
shitty commander in WW1
Couldn't even be an anti-communist correctly, gave half of Europe to the Red Army.
The beauty of the Jewish woman must not perish from this Earth.
This was hilarious youtu.be
greatest statesman of the 20th century. alpha chad great orarator. wonderful wit. and a raging partyer. would definantly like to hang out with this man and get stinking drunk with him.
We must secure the existence of our peoples and a future for Mischling children.
>gave half of Europe to the Red Army.
as oppose to giving ALL of europe to hitler?
Fucking Boomer faggot GET OUT.
He tried to destroy commie fag but with no support. Too bad those faggot fuckers suceeded
The face that gave a million cancer
who is this
Sucked (((banker))) cock during WWI and WWII.
she looks the best in the green and blue dresses. would definantly smash.
Not sure if troll, but I think that's Winston Churchill.
he's a dick
And oi wot a looker
Mega faggot.
Sorry for the samefagging, I was searching
Is Churchill
People need to stop saying general consensus. Consensus means "general opinion". So when you say "general consensus" you're saying "general general opinion."
And when you say "general consensus of opinion" you're saying "general general opinion of opinion."
It's ignernt.
Churchill was a powerful and magnetic personality who swept everything before him. Whether he was as wise as he was charismatic is another question.
listen you fucking useless eaters, pigman was high ranking freemasonic criminal who took part in the midnight rapesnuff orgy rituals, you useless little meat eating diaper baby shittards
youre infants
t. Pathetic excuse for a human.
Based and Jewesspilled.
i liked him in Drive
Didn't this faggot also genocide Dutch settler's in Africa during the 1890's?
I loved his later movies
Kek this guy had the same idea
had an ashkenazi back in the day. she was real fun. too bad i wouldn't convert.
Pretty sure a Zionist fucked him in the ass
>To wage War; against a Monstrous Tyranny, never supassed in the dark and lamentable catalog of human crime
Say what you want about the guy, he could give a fucking speech.
nah, more like an inbed journalist
You should have made her convert.
lol tried. not going to happen. besides, my family is pretty split religeously between catholicism and romanian orthodoxy.
He had Tesla killed. Fuck FDR.
Warmongering,fat,disgusting and alcoholic (((puppet))).
destroyed the empire, so he's pretty based
>What is Jow Forums's general consensus on this guy?
puppet of kikes and facilitator of kikery and cuckery.
He was pretty based.
One of the worst war criminals ever.
Jew slave warmonger. caused WWIII and is responsible for the deaths of millions over his rabid hatred of a revitalized Germany and his greed for Jewish money.
Zionist shill and betrayer of Europe, however he did do one good thing and that was starving pajeets to death.
How’s that democracy working out for you, moshe?
Most of the stuff about Crowly is made up B.S.
Kike faggot cocksucker!
Planet or Flat Earth owes Neville Chamberlain a most sincere and heartfelt groveling apology...
loved the part about sucking cock
one of the worst persons that ever lived