Nobody is talking about the shooter at Ladd Stadium. I wonder why? ;)

Nobody is talking about the shooter at Ladd Stadium. I wonder why? ;)

Attached: (604x854, 413K)

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Doesn’t fit the narrative does it? has a great article on this

Oh OK. Mr.Obvious spreading fake news now I see.

Probably because it was organic.

Wait, how many mass shootings happened today?

about tree fiddy

Das raycis!

>Mobile AL
>lad peebles stadium
It was definitely niggers. That stadium is in the hood lmao.

It was that fucking Leprechaun.

oh my goodness that is so heartbreaking, I pee my pants

They never caught that fuxker.

Attached: lep.jpg (800x450, 134K)

that didnt look very serious. sounded like someone banging on the bleachers

it was niggers

why they make him wear the NASA astronaut suit

Anyone surprised?

A pre mediatated mass shooting and a couple of fucking idiots shooting at each other over a fight are two different things.

How dumb could you possibly be?

O another black mass shooting psychopath even the retarded liberals can't deny, blacks need to be banned from all civilized countries.

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Fucking manlets.

oh look its mr. know it all.

This is the nog

Attached: Capture+_2019-08-31-13-40-58.png (605x700, 582K)

>amateur sketch

then tell media to stop using the big figure

Because a failed shooting where nobody died isnt as big news as 5 confirmed death, 21 sounded and following the same pattern of multiple previous shootings. An angry nigger that couldn't even kill isn't news, even more with having a bigger news at the next day

Shooter is black, right down the memory hole. Media shredding all information related to it.

literally as soon as it was released he was a nigger the media went silent, same with social media

See You guys got screwed by the market. Sorry the news don't cater to your feelings but it's a business

Attached: CodyBshooter.png (640x480, 457K)