How can a science classify these skulls as one species?

I honestly believe that if Neanderthals were not extinct they would not be considered a different species, and if negroids were extinct their fossils would be considered a separate species. It’s political correctness, all of it.. Until I found this place I thought I was the only one thinking this in science class.

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Other urls found in this thread:

For political reasons

Seriously, how in the fuck are pic related considered the same species as Swedes, but fossilized hominids that are almost identical to homo sapiens are considered separate species even though they could most certainly interbreed? The scientific community post-WWII is a fucking joke.

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well it depends on what period of neanderthal you're looking at.

The neanderthal skulls from 500'000 years ago was obviously less evolved than those from 40'000 years ago.

But yes, we are neanderthal hybrids while africans are a different species.

Checked. Because the rich consider us all niggers and don't care if dealing with these archaeohominids is an incredible nuisance for us

DUDE I have been thinking the same thing. If Denisovans or Neandrathals existed today they would 100% be considered 'human'. Honest to God, Australian Aboriginals aren't really that far off from Neanderthals

That's where your wrong.
Walk down the street in a major city after examining hominid skulls and tell me that humanity is anything less than a broad genus that can mostly interbreed.

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>For political reasons
This. When I first heard of the Solutreans I went online to see what the story was and it was all "white supremacist theory"

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>Neanderthals were not extinct
Already you assume too much. "homo sapiens" never existed. "Cro magnon" "Neanderthals" "homo habilis" homo erectus" "australopithecus" all still walk the earth.

Travel to Sub Saharan Africa or the Amazon jungle and tell me that humanity doesn't branch off into sub-species

Yes anthropology with regard to differences between the human subspecies is a joke, that's a given. Discard the idea that science is "impartial" when it comes to politically sensitive subjects, the social and anthropological science faculties of modern universities are de facto theological institutions (given that progessivism is our civic religion) and are subject to faith-based reasoning and political influence as such

only the male genetics survived from the neanderthals to this day.

Most likely the neanderthal men raped out of africa migrants 70'000 years ago and the hybrid became europeans, north africans.

While subsaharian africans stayed the same

Answer OP's question

Wait a minute, i just realized that they classify species as being able to procreate with eachother but these same people who make this claim and say neanderthals aren't human also say that humans and neanderthals had childen together to create the modern white man.

So according to these people are neanderthals the same species or not?

What's even funnier is that we're taught in school that humans migrated out of africa 70'000 years ago.

While the truth is our male ancestors left africa 500'000 years ago and lived in europe as neanderthals...

But since of the jew propaganda we're told a big lie

They are actually considered the same species. They are considered different SUBspecies. But you are right that people refuse to mention the existence of subspecies today.

Damn you're very smart go tell a scientist that and educate his retard ass!


Most modern scientists are arguing they are a subspecies, different race.

We share 3% of their dna and that's the same as 5 generations ago you had a 100% neanderthal ancestor.

Also, we don't know if the other 97% are from neanderthals or not, all we can tell from science is that those 3% for sure are from neanderthals.

I wouldn't be surprised if we were more or less neanderthals with some crossbreeding and regular natural selection along the way.

We are in fact neanderthals since our ancestors are neanderthals.

Their lineage never stopped, they're our ancestors and we're in fact descemdats of neanderthals

>were not extinct they would not be considered a different species
because we cracked neaderthals dna and they are definantly a different species. 50 years ago it was thought that humans evolved from them. but genetics has destroyed that theory.

because jews, dude.
because jews.

lol no wrong.

We did evolve from them read up on science

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If this is considered a different species from you, but an abo or a pygmy from the Congo is, then your system is either flawed or purposely misleading. If a population of Neanderthals has survived to the modern day, they would be given full human status and calling them non-human would be considered a hate crime.

Except for the fact that they’re white so they’d probably be flooded with rapefugees like the rest of us.

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blessed digits

Looks just like a modern-day Greek to me

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yea ur most likely right.

I believe in God, but, why would he create something as stupid as niggers? I don't understand

how are they stupid theyve survived as long as white people also whites were stabbing eachother with sticks as close as 1000 years ago

You’re just thinking of him wrong, Jose. Discard the Jewish religious lens and see him as a force from which all order and form originates, not as some man in the sky perfectly forming things out of clay. God is an energy, a drive, and spirit behind life and nature and all that exists. Evolution is just the process by which he manifests that order and improves life forms. God is a part of us, not something separate.

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>how are they stupid

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they are stupid because they have smaller brains and are less evolved, less intelligent

crocodiles have also survived, like 60million years, how many nobel prizes have crocodiles won?

Also the fact we are so closely related to neanderthals explains alot of the differences in intelligence.

Neanderthal 1410cm3
White 1400 cm3
Asian 1400cm3
Black 1280cm3

We've evolved from the neanderthals who lived in europe for 500'000years while niggers started migrating out of africa 70'000 years ago

What happened, well the neanderthals fucked their women, killed the tiny african men.

The rest is history

God didn’t make niggers stupid, they made themselves stupid. Evolution is a product of free will, and the collective decisions and behavior of a race shapes the morphological development of a race — physically, spiritually, and mentally. That is karma, that is divine blessing/curse, whatever you may call it, but it is very fair, a cosmic justice in a sense, and that understanding of the nature of what one may call “God” is sufficient for me.

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Go ask Kyle Odom about genetics.

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This guy gets it

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Also you can tell this happened since we only find neanderthal dna on male dna in modern humans outside of subsaharian africa.

They've compared mithochondric dna from females and found no trace of neanderthal dna there.

When you learn history you get the feeling africans migrated out of africa and killed off the neanderthals.

While in reality we descend from neanderthal men and "african" women.

That's why blacks fucking white girls is so bad, it's destroying what's left of the neanderthal race

Australoid skull and a caucasian skull.

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So...Aboriginals was intelligence kangz and sheit?

Euro Neanderthals > Negroid abos

Cro Magnons unite

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Perhaps afro americans have neanderthal dna though.

Most likely the former white slave owners breed their slaves to destroy all african male genetics

What i am?
I'm mixed am i a new species?

Well, that sure puts things in another perspective, thnaks a lot, m8

Wise words. The heritable sin is a terrible thing.

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if ur father is recently from subsaharian africa ur for sure another species

You are a fucking moron.
I don't even know where to start correcting you...

Whites are genetically closer to negroids than Abos, retard.
Do some research, ffs.

Please, post the source.

Nice flag, nigger

You have no idea what you're talking about.

I've read every recent research study on the topic.

All people outside of subsaharian africa carry neanderthal dna on their male genetics.

This is a fact.

We all descend from the neanderthal men that lived in europe for 500'000 years.

Subsaharian africans do not.

People go to 5th dimension earth after their peaceful philosophy leads to genocide at the hands of the cabal?

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Thanks, retard.

No my father is a white man

Friendly reminder that all humans have neanderthal admixture except Africans.

Well, native americans are more closer to Neanderthals than Europeans, so...Based on this logic, N. Am. should be more smart than Europeans.
The thing is...not too much, not too little...Moderated.

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Taxonomy is a joke. It should all be classified by genetics, but yes, genetic distance to Neanderthals is greater, I believe.

The nigger skulls are almost the same as the Swede, they are a subspecies . On the other hand, Aboriginals do not seem quite human

ur good then

>How can a science classify these skulls as one species?
>Seriously, how in the fuck are pic related considered the same species as Swedes, but fossilized hominids that are almost identical to homo sapiens are considered separate species even though they could most certainly interbreed?
the answer is christianity

when the west first started to document other hominids, as it began its third wave of expansion during the renaissance period, christianity was still very strong, and the church made a point that all were to be considered human

separate but closely related species of humans would go against creationism, and the fact that human was not an animal, but separate

literally the only reason

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The negative ones choose to remain and build themselves into a hellworld and this will be allowed for educational purposes.

For a short time.

asians have more neanderthal dna than white people

>The nigger skulls are almost the same as the Swede

This logic works if you say "The iranian skull(caucasian skull) are almost the same as the Swede(caucasian skull), not negroid one, negroid are pretty different from the caucasian........................

nigger skulls are nowhere close to a swedes skull

I doubt it. Neanderthals were physically incapable of speech. However us crossbreeds got their larger brain capacity and the early homo capacity for speech.
And now we have computers. All thanks to racemixing.
Deal with it, homos.

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Probably wasn't even a nigger who drew that, rather a pagan.

They truly are atheism 3.0

youren not the only one think. In fact I don’t think you’re thinking at all you racist shithead

As you can see the mouth on nigger skulls resembles that of a monkey with a protruded mouth

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You're almost there.

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You’re retarded

Neanderthals had white skin.

It's a wonder we're even allowed to mention them.

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nice pilpul

maybe adress the point?
or maybe you dont want to because you dont want to mention its true?

The answer is Aristotle .
species=human=Homo sapiens=different-race=nigger=/=white

The expansion of civilization is good, really good, the problem is the jewish open borders.

Said the retard who thinks mememnism works

You’re so dumb

That's right, fella..........


>Mated with Astralopithicus

Actually that makes a lot of sense..

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>tfw every race but niggers are cucks
Oh god, why....

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The thing is , Africans have a lot of variety going west to east and north to south. Some are closer to Caucasians. Clasification is a bitch if you only consider the place of origin

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Not sure what you're saying.

All humans have neanderthal dna on their male genes

It's true neanderthal split up into subspecies like denisovans.

But homo erectus left africa like 1.9million years ago and neanderthals evolved from them, along with other species of humans.

Perhaps the maze is even more complicated, but afaik modern science shows all humans living outside of subsaharian africa have neanderthal dna on their males genes.

this aint for snowflakes

we're not niggers that left africa 70'000 years ago, that's why we have civilisations while africans live in poo hutts and have 70iq

>You have no idea what you're talking about.
Yes, I do.
>I've read every recent research study on the topic.
No, you didn't.
>All people outside of subsaharian africa carry neanderthal dna on their male genetics.
Okay, that was the only thing that you didn't get wrong.
>This is a fact.
>We all descend from the neanderthal men that lived in europe for 500'000 years.
No, it's only a small admixture that rarely exceeds 5%.

Glownigger detected

none of them are "close" to caucasians, they dont share the same ancestors.

We evolved separaetly from subsaharian africans, and it seems like we split from them almost 2million years ago on our male genetic side.


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we're evolving right now. the mixing has begun

>none of them are "close" to caucasians
How about Ethiopians ?

One of us one of us !

I have read them all, and once again you show you don't know what you're talking about.

Even 3% neanderthal dna is the same as a 100% neanderthal ancestor only 5 generations back.

Scientists cant say how much of our genes are from the neanderthals, only that 3% are for sure from them.

If you wanna continue this conversation i can start linking studies to whatever you think is wrong.


if that's true then just lol...

ethiopia is subsaharian africa

The mixing is undoing all the evolutionary progress of the European (aesthetic, mental, spiritual, etc) and reducing humanity to less than the mean. Mixing with negroids is genetic suicide.

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Of course that there's the caucasians africans like Somalis,Ethiopians and etc...Classifications isn't only the skull, but the genetic part(haplogroups,autosomal DNA,skin,hair and eye color prediction) and the skin color,hair, eye and etc...

Yes, sure i am....