Seen in Boston, Massachusetts (home of today's straight pride parade)

seen in Boston, Massachusetts (home of today's straight pride parade)

when is the terf turf war going to start?

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When niggers do as niggers do

Wtf is terf


Stands for "Trans Exlusionary Radical Feminist"

Feminists that don't accept trannies

Go Terrapins! Go /UMD/

Never, because the actual number of people who care about this shit in real-life is vanishingly small.

Feminists that hate Trans-persons

Based femnazis

It's the funniest thing, honestly. Trannys and the LGBT are trying to make dykes suck their female dicks. TERF is a derogatory term for the girls that won't do it.

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Feminists who don’t consider trannies to be real women.

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. You don't have to seek help but don't try to tell me that your psychosis is normal.

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the goal of a terf war, own the terfs

aka Feminists

Yeah, basically most Feminists. Especially with those trolly “trans” guys who just slap on a dress and call themselves lesbians (like that Australian) to just win easy sport trophies. Those stories enrage feminists so much.

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Lmao I bet trannies literally think they are Feminazis.

fuck terry????

I might root for trannies then, so take each other out.

Let them fight.

I can only imagine how infuriating it is, after decades of fighting for your own corner of the world only to have your previous allies stop and say : "No, you HAVE to suck this obese mentally unsound man's penis, or we will turn against you"

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So it's women that hate me so much they won't recognize crazy men who chop their dicks off as women? Or are they lesbians who hate crazy men that cut their dicks off.
Is this based and redpilled? I have no fucking clue.