1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. >that ye may know that ye have eternal life
God is an asshole. He's letting cannibal pedos run the world. He never intervenes not even to give mercy to the children
Colton Fisher
God is not a man
Adam Ortiz
>Why isn't God a super hero? >Why is no one doing anything about the elite even though we voted and gave our money and our support to these people and still do it to this very day? Cry more you fucking faggot. You're pretty good at it. The elite only gotten their power from stupid fucks like you shoveling their money and support into their brands and companies.
Josiah Adams
Verses proving salvation to anyone that believes and not of works. youtu.be/Q8DXwZQtBbM
I’ve been reading my bible and praying the rosary. I’m a sinner and feel bad that I didn’t recognize Christ as my savior for as long as I did. >will I go to heaven I ask the lord for mercy everyday but if I was to be honest with myself? I don’t know if I’d let me in my house...let alone the kingdom of heaven. Still though my life is better knowing Christ and the gospel.
Tyler Rogers
Who says we're not already dead? I'm pretty sure we're living in hell. Not even joking.
Sebastian Watson
I think you would be pretty sure user...
Jose Cox
I did say I was pretty sure. Unfortunately this is something I've been thinking about and bringing up with people IRL. They don't want to believe.
Carter Ward
>Heaven >God >son of God >Bible Not interested in your silly make-believe hocus pocus.
Cameron Miller
I literally found Jesus yesterday...
Today? No... Yesterday. Absolutly; ayylmao, Judgemental ass religion
God isn't real and if he was I'd rather go to hell. Any being capable of the horrors in the old testament is a monster and I don't want to be anywhere near him.
Dylan Lewis
I was molested as a kid and it fucked my head up about relationships and try as I might I always revert back to watching gay porn even though I've never acted on those desires. I'm a broken mess inside who fakes a smile every day hoping for a change of heart. This video helps, user. Thanks.
Thank you OP for quoting the words of Jews at me, so that I might better determine whether or not I'll have the privilege of being allowed into kike heaven when I eventually die.
God's creation needs to be destroyed, the stupid faggot made a fucking huge mistake. what a retard.
Gabriel Cook
That would be up to god, I don't fucking know. If he's merciful enough to forgive all of the degenerate shit I say and do every day then maybe. Any offshoot of Christianity that believes there's a guaranteed way to be "saved" regardless of how much you sin is a heathen religion, like those faggot ass evangelicals.
>Christianity is Judaism for goys >t. the redpilled
Justin Long
How do you know the Bible wasn't written by the Devil and spread as a false word to deceive you into believing you're saved when really you've been corrupted by an idea of heaven or an afterlife to influence your morality rather than it coming from your individual reasoning?
Ayden Baker
...there is no heaven or hell, its a jewish concept to keep idiot whites and muslims in line.