Thoughts on Billie Eilish?
Thoughts on Billie Eilish?
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Random whore
She’s a dude right???
Fpkp + fpbp
take xany spread your pussies and FUCK 12 year old girls FUCK like me your role model cmon little girls!
Sold soul to (((satan))). Killed her friend in ritual murder.
state should execute
She looks like emo Scarlett Johansson when she was uglier. Dem tiddies tho.
Dude looks like a lady.
industry plant
For you.
nobody knows who she is
#1 superstar omg billie
fucking kikes and their PR machine artificially rocketed her to prominence out of nowhere. pop culture is not politics.
Tig ol bitties on a teen so pretty. She gotta nice voice and tight, fresh moist.
Every 14 year old girl now think it's cool to burn the coal, want to die and do drugs
So post the picture of the nigger doggy-styling her. Don't pretend she's not an (((industry))) plant to further corrupt young, white females. Also, her """""""""""""""""music"""""""""""""""""" sucks.
There's a "conspiracy theory" she's a boy put on hormones at a young age.
Her best hit single is titled "Bad Guy" which would be a "hiding in plain sight" trick we know (((they))) love to dunk on us with.
Her name is "Billy" too which is a guys name.
first and only time I hear about this thot irl is from a literal autistic tranny who lives on twitter, only other place I hear about this thot is right fucking here because Jow Forums just can't help themselves
Why is she talked about?
It's like she sold her soul to the devil to become famous, talked about, and for people to like her slow boring songs in which she doesn't even sing but talks instead.
There must be some psychological reason why people are interested in her. I think her aloofness and stoic personality give people the impression that she doesn't need your attention, which makes people interested due to the reverse-psychology
useless whore
Generic flavor of the month #1749302
William Eyelash has massive Khazar milkers that she keeps hidden. I respect that.
Industry plant emcel faggot zoom zoomer
She had to fuck a lot of kids to be at the top, sacrifice a lot of kids to be at the top, drink a lot of blood to be at the top
I saw an interview where she said she loved anime (spirited away) as a kid. She said that her brother was traumatized and had to go to therapy for it, and she was glad that it happened to him. Sounds like an evil little boy to me.
I mean, her tits look ok from here, but she kind of has that slutface thing going.
"Slut brainwash" is a good way to describe her music that I try to use whenever I hear it irl. Phrase stolen from Jow Forums, of course.
Compared to the ususal crap thats popular some of her songs sounds ok. I mean those degenerates who sell their souls to the kike used to make good music but that didnt seem to be the case for like 20 years. Heard a Bad Guy techno remix i really liked.
Dont care about the person though. Degenerate nigger pet. Probably raped by kikes since a very young age.
She gots famous on the youtubes.
literally who?
She also has delcious milkers. I wonder what milk fat % comes out of those puppers? Would probably go well with some tyson dino tendies & BBQ sauce. I only drink 3.5% or more.
prob wouldnt´t fuck
Is that you Trap?
Industry rekt
post more pics of her milkers
wtf is wrong with it's fingers? Bitch is a crab pretending to be human.
Literally who?
This is not political. Jannies perm ban OP pls
The jew
His white slut pet
and the nigger companion
Holy shit its like pottery
imagine the delta in another 5 years
She's a Jewess. Wake up for god's sake.
Why does she look like a 40-some soccermom?
None. /thread.
I like her
That’s just cringe and fuckin creepy. Looks like that thing that from Super Mario
that's a fricken demon
Imagine giving up any of your mental energy to the latest music industry puppet.
The standard trio of degenerescence
Germans really like techno. Any explanation as to why?
don't know who he is but the thing is this picture is certainly a tranny
What the fuck, why do we keep having this thread? saged
Primitive yet advanced