Capture The Flag! /CTF/

Calling Out Kikes Edition: You may link any and all Kike Spotlighting, we could turn them into Rainbow memes.

We Take Pride, and Capture The Rainbow!
(We turn the Pride Flag into a Hate symbol.)

Thread Theme:

In this Thread:
this guy Said a lot.
These are some Ideas, we could make some new Memes with! Always hoping for new Ideas!

With Pride We Fly Our Flag! PRAISE KEK!!!

Attached: 1556460256108.gif (1040x445, 117K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Peace Love and Life! We Fly Our Flag with Pride! PRAISE KEK!!!

Attached: 1567256429573.png (800x596, 387K)

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A nazi gave my great grandpa a cigar once, he lit it and it exploded in his face. He was angered and chased the nazi so fast that they both ran off of a cliff and continued running straight ahead as if to defy gravity. When the nazi noticed there was no hard soil beneath them he stopped and pointed down into the void to alert my great grandpa. My great grandpa jumped in shock, desperately grabbing at air before finally pulling a picket sign from his back that read the word "Yikes!" and plummeted to his doom, leaving a hole in the ground in the shape of his body.

The nazis pushed my grandfather out of an airplane and when he pulled the rip cord on his parachute a bunch of dirty laundry came out

The nazis dropped a grand piano on my grandpa, there was a picture my grandma kept of his body when they found it. His head was dangling out of the top and he had piano keys in his mouth, as if they were teeth. War is hell.

My grandfather died when the nazis dropped a 50 ton weight on him and when they removed it his body started springing up and down while producing accordion sounds

Oh and also, Nazis turned me and my family into lampshades in the spring of 1973!

Attached: 392ea43e-bf68-486e-b837-1ce8283b1149.png (1600x1475, 963K)

The Triggering this will cause is real, it hasn't even begun.

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Mods deleted Kike Call Out Post

Attached: Screenshot_20190901-042228.png (1080x2160, 376K)

I've heard about that game, I'll have to go check it out at some point.

You wouldn't happen to have a convenient link to the game or know it by name?

Attached: 1557743202630.gif (511x512, 105K)


Attached: Untitled.png (900x1215, 40K)

Regardless, your bumps are appreciated. Thank you, PRAISE KEK!!!

Attached: 1566122340799.png (1920x1080, 483K)

>Ben Garrison signature

Attached: 1556784369665.jpg (598x300, 56K)

Trannies and Faggots Hate Him

Attached: 1563304669207m.jpg (1024x745, 216K)
His posts were all deleted.
This tells a lot. Are the mods really involved in the grooming of mass shooters?

Attached: 1555045457943.png (684x880, 539K)

Possibly some of them. Possibly all of them? At least one/A few of them.

bump because I believe this is a good idea and it could definitely work

Attached: 1515703771655.jpg (1000x760, 146K)

I posted Screencaps in this thread.

Attached: 1556420088681m.jpg (771x1024, 106K)

With Pride We Fly Our Flag! PRAISE KEK!!!

Attached: 1557706794715m.jpg (1024x768, 108K)

This need to be seen.

Attached: 1556542908521m (1).jpg (598x1024, 91K)

Attached: 1557578264455.png (1020x679, 1.1M)

Post the screencaps here too.

Checked and kek blessed. On it.

Attached: Screenshot_20190901-042235.png (1080x2160, 379K)

PRAISE KEK!!! With Pride We Stride!

Attached: Screenshot_20190901-042241.png (1080x2160, 342K)

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>We turn the Pride Flag into a Hate symbol
Wasn't that already attempted? Did it have any results?

More people should see this. Bump.

Pic related is literally REEEposting by some Triggered Trannies. Was a beautiful thread.


Attached: Screenshot_20190825-041717.png (1080x2160, 302K)

Pic related is an Idea.

Attached: 1558663216947.jpg (800x865, 720K)


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> Still going with the kek meme
Cringe m8

Attached: 1557578722810.png (750x563, 477K)

I'm just a good user doing his best. After what I've seen, I praise Kek.


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Bumps required.

Attached: 1567242269817.jpg (777x480, 25K)

Based, PRAISE KEK!!!

Attached: 1555669192211m.jpg (1024x702, 70K)

More People need to see this.

Attached: 1567334368690m.jpg (958x1024, 116K)

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We Fly Our Flag!

Attached: 1555660530648.jpg (473x255, 44K)

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This is a good point, gays love to have gay lifestyles, whites love to be around people who are also white.

Why are they allowed to tell everyone else who they should love?

Fuck those faggots.

Also, fuck niggers.

Attached: 146_51wOMVmrNMLSY445jpg.jpg (312x445, 33K)

What kind of schizo posting is this? Take your meds sweetie.


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lovely work lads bump

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