The most BASED man in the entire EU

Janusz Korwin Mikke is the epitome of red pilled.
>Loves whites
>Hates niggers
>Knows men are smarter than women
Tell me Jow Forums is anyone more based than him? I'll answer that. NO!!

Attached: KEK.jpg (725x484, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>hates faggs
>hates trannies

He’s clearly North African

He's nationality is Swedish-German-Polish

So is he from Syria or turkey?

Based Jow Forumsak

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Mix of Polish, German and Swedish nobility. All of nobles were more or less mixed with other european noble families
Interview with sargoy just so you can verify that he's based

I don’t give a shit he’s as brown as a Sicilian thus I don’t trust his dirty mouth

His inability to bite his tongue and restrain himself from voicing some radical opinions unfortunetly renders him a clown in the eyes of the general public. Instead of trying to convince people he always needs to sperg out with 'chess for retards' or something, ensuring any support he might have gathered vanishes

He's cool but what said, he needs to learn to shut the fuck up sometimes.
>his party doing good
>BTFO'ing opponents in debates
>he's on everybodys mouth
>suddenly he spews something like "taxation under hitler wasn't as high", "all women are raped a little bit", "women are less inteligent and should earn less".

>all women are raped a little bit
topkek. Did he actually say that?

did google translate of what he said:
>If you, sir, knew anything about women, you would know that you are always a little bit rapey with them (...) Women always pretend to be resisting the rape.

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The only important question is does he hate kikes or not. Does he?

>Loves whites
>Hates niggers
It's a little bit tricky because he is a civcuck lolbertarian and he will never say that he hates niggers.
But he hates retards, brainlets and marxists so he does indeed hate almost all niggers in practice.

Does he hate kikes?

Well most women have rape fantasies so maybe he was talking about that. Does sound bad though.

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He's even more based than i thought.

he also hates the EU you utter plonker

He said once that judeo Bolshevism is his main enemy.


pews defends him

Korwin for emperor of mankind

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>invasion of human trash
>the look on the women's faces
>emperor of mankind
based and korwinpilled

Polska stronk

He already has a nickname "the king" in poland

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It could just be a tan, man. Calm down. He literally looks Like Kaiser Wilhelm from the first world war or something. Or the lighting, who knows

there is only one man more based:

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he's just an old man who stopped giving a fuck

He's based. But I can't stand listening to him for more than two minutes. He sounds a bit like an engine that won't start.


>HAHA dawaj Mordo głosujemy na BASED konfederacje XDDDD
>Krół Kurwin XDDD
Zawołaj mnie jak jak będzie miał 5%.
Tak btw to na kogo panowie będziecie głosowac niedlugo?
Ja Pis

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He is indeed based but we do not give him the status of king Korwin

That's what happens when you take all the redpilles

You're a mutt, am I right Memeflaggot?

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pisiory zamknęły sklepy w niedzielę i teraz cały dzień będę siedział w piwnicy, a tak to bym sobie kupił i obalił jakiegoś Monsterka. Już wolałem złodziei z PO.

Konfederacja to mem, ale nie ma na kogo innego głosować

kogo cytujesz?

Thanos Polski
Thanos Polski

Doubt it. He only speaks out against most blatant kikery like those recent demands for reparations and doesn't really name the jew.

Pedałów co pierdolą jaki zajebisty jest Korwin, a później i tak na niego nie głosują.

oh look another """based""" (((conservatard boomer)))

>Zawołaj mnie jak jak będzie miał 5%.
i wtedy zaczniesz na nich głosować? ehh, demokracja to był jednak błąd

>muh "zmarnowany głos"
głosuje się według własnego sumienia, a nie bo inni głosują

He is great and all but one thing is clear - he's not a politician. He tries to use politics to change the world but it's not for him

HAHAHAHA A myślisz że co ja robie?
Based Anglo

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But that is all true.

just a schizo pervert. Idk how he got so many old rags in his bed, taking into account what he says.

Also, stop using memeflags, OP. You're a faggot.

fuck off, bekowicz

jajcarze z konfederacji po raz kolejny postanowili wyruchać "młodych konserwatywnych-libertarian"