Are slavs being genocides as well?

I know white genocide is a thing, but are (((they))) actively trying to genocide slavs aswell?

Attached: North_Slavs_and_South_Slavs.png (931x633, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Debar_uprising

Can't genocide the home country.


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Yes. Jews are making Russians and Ukrainians kill each other so they can steal their land and resources. They incite chetnicy to do violence.

Yeah, like since 1917. Good morning.

West is being genocided, East will be genocided. We Slavs, are most unyielding people, westerners respect and trust their goverments while we respect and trust only our family, beocuse of communsim most Slavs view state as almost hostile or at very least extremly annoying. Thats why its hard to genocide us, if our gov want to do one thing, most of us does the opposite

That's because most things our gov does are retarded, at least in Slovenia

Same in Poland, its compelty fucking idiotic. And we can see that quite clearly. While in the West, they mostly trust their states, they moslty cant even think of breaking the law, even if law is fucking idiotic

Of course they do!!
Have you heard about the Balkans?!?! Theres a war there ever decade or so!!! All those wars are staged mainly by American jewish puppets in the CIA, UN, NATO and other organisations so they can overthrow populist politicians and parties!!!

Who would even try to genocide Balkans? You guys are doing quite a good job on your own

Slavs are good at genociding themselves

And also the fact more East you go, there's more retards. The west part of Slavlandia is way better

Who let you into this thread?

High turanic admixture in east

Yes. Ever heard of bolshevism?

They can try all they want, but there's no historical or cultural precedent to guilt any Slavic nation into actively settling millions of blacks and browns as an act of repentance for a history that Slavs don't have unlike the West.
History and culture are a stonewall towards the Western SJW NPC scripts.

The bigger problem is Poland because they've gone full retard in trying to appear as Western as possible for gibs against Russia, and that means looking nu-Western by selling their women to blacks even though they have no historical obligations towards the black race whatsoever.

We aren't though, our populations are the same if not bigger than they were before WW1. Birth rates are a meme to look at without the context of century-long stats and more, but you should already know that menorahnigger.

Unless gypsies are somehow connected with the Jews then answer is no.

Yeah. Even Slovenia, the most western South slavic country has dirty gypsies if you go to the Eastern part.

>respect and trust
i dont trust or respect myself, not to say any other faggots in this fucked world

Yeah that was the main motivation behind this thread. I figured niggers can't blame us for anything. Still a chance they're including us tho

They're trying to lie and tell countries like Poland that demographic replacement migration will be good for their economy.

bulgaria is the only country in EU that has a mafia ruled government

Gypsies and shiptars are the only ones I've noticed should be deported from the countries.

Nigga we oun this website

I always forget that Bulgaria is in the EU. What effects does the EU have on your country?

The west part of Slavlandia is way more fucked up. I have been to Slovenia a few times and I was shocked how big of a cucks you guys are. Gays in the parks, childless couples, empty streets, no kids on the playgrounds, saw some blackies in Ljubljana, Antifa punks on the streets, Antifa signs on the buildings and so on. You are only better than the rest of ex Yu countries because Yugoslaviadumped all the industry there but socially you are far more corrupted!!!

shiptars and bulgarians are friends

millions of euro funds for building shit but most of it is pocketed

You just a troll bitch gtfo we despise cucks like you!!!

>shiptars and bulgarians are friends
I see you are quick at forgiving Albanians for burning half the churches in Kosovo that were all built by Bulgaria around the 12th century.

Yes industrially we are by far the best southern slavic country. As far as politics go, I've already established our government is terrible. Much better to have some faggot than to live next to turks and gypsies.

Srsly Bulgaria, what happened to you? You used to be the best slavs, now you're a corrupt mafia state. Does no one in your country care about your former glory?

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they thought they were serbian

anyway we did some bad stuff to them in WW1 in kosovo too but it doesn't matter

>they thought they were serbian
They knew perfectly well what they were, both the Byzantine and the Bulgarian ones.
Just like they get wet at the goal of taking Macedonia and burning any historic Bulgarian presence there as well so you can't do shit about it. If you are fine with this, by all means, Allahu Akbar my friend :^)


>They knew perfectly well what they were, both the Byzantine and the Bulgarian ones.
no they didn't, never seen an albanian hate bulgarians or vice versa
>They knew perfectly well what they were, both the Byzantine and the Bulgarian ones.
historically albanians from macedonia and bulgarian rebels were friends together and fought against turks and serbs–Debar_uprising

Care to elaborate?

You still dare to talk about fighting against the Turks when you betrayed the Balkan League and gave Turkey all of East Thracia on a platter? That's funny friendo.
Also the Christian Bulgarians in the regions don't seem to agree with your personal sentiments towards Albanians.

Yes. They will storm east Europe once west is done. No gibs here so no black and muslim freeloaders.

>You still dare to talk about fighting against the Turks when you betrayed the Balkan League and gave Turkey all of East Thracia on a platter?
>Also the Christian Bulgarians in the regions don't seem to agree with your personal sentiments towards Albanians.
i don't know about them but from personal experience albanians always roll with bulgarians in foreign countries if they meet up

scrapped the army and turned us poor

but in all honesty it's because we were on the losing side of both world wars

>i don't know about them but from personal experience albanians always roll with bulgarians in foreign countries if they meet up
All Balkan people roll with each other outside of our countries, because they don't give a shit about this region, especially criminals. Serbian and Albanian crime organizations hold hands with each other in Kosovo for instance despite ethnic conflict.

You're an idiot, Gypsies are the least of our problems. We are being replaced by balkaniggers from former Yugoslavia. All our charming cities are turning into Balkan shitholes. Ljubljana is governed by a Serb, Velenje is known as little Bosnia, basically no one on the coast speaks Slovene. They're already more than 1/4 of the population and no end is in sight under the current government

i don't know what you're talking about bro they fucking hate serbs
all of them that i've met

caucasus needs some colonization

Yeah I know that the Bosnian niggers are swarming us, but at this point with our stupid politicians what is there to do?

Russians are in the process of being multiculturalized by Putin but European slavs are fine in terms of nigger muslim invasion.

Guys, let's be honest. You're pretty much all white anyway, there's no point in bickering about what slightly-different ethnic group is where in your country or whatever happened in the past. You are all balkaniggers and you need to stand up together and genocide the turkroaches and kikes. It's the only way to save the white race at this point.

You haven't been to Chicago then, everyone plays nice there. Though compared to Albanians hating us, nobody is hated by foreigners more than Albanians in irony.

Soviet was jewish

Caucasus needs full-scale genocide, especially Chechnya.

Too bad Putin won't allow it, he has been cosying up with Muslims too much.

didn't you already genocide them but then decided to bring them back?

There's a weird lack of kraut posters in this thread.
Anons, la krauturas, the eternal destroyers of Europe are lurking in this thread, trying to find something useful they could use to destroy us. Beware the krautoid, for it is his lifes dream, from time eternal, to see white people dead and our lands demolished.

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>Mfw country doesn't allow me to buy guns legally
>mfw probably gonna get raped by some Muslim nigger

Well in Slovenia, occupying Serbian marxists are substituting population with Albanians and other populi.

no they have self control now

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Kek must be nice to meet those 5 people

They're good dogs.

Hey, don't blame us for your due diligence as an EU nation.

Well he looks like he's trying at least.

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Yeah and there's too many Slovenes too retarded to see it.

man what's white anyway? most turks look no different than south europeans

can you explain why north albanians are so skinny? i've mostly met south albanians and they have normal body weight

That's because lots of south "Europeans" are barely white

Tsar did not allow it back then, and now we live in a "progressive" society, so even if we get a based nationalistic leader who will decide to exterminate caucasian monkeys, the rest of the world will not let this happen.

fuck Slavs except Serbs

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The most western parts(on the border with Ukraine and Belarus) are in fact 100% Russian, not 98%, cuz the minorities there are respectively Ukranians and Belarusians, who do not differ from us at all, but are not counted as Russian.

And that's the problem. If for instance Germany decided they had enough of the shit skins , pretty much every nation would go against them. If the white nations tried to ally in some kind of rebellion or something of that sort, they would be called out for conspiracy way before they could do it.

All i know is that North-West Albania houses a concentration of Catholics, albeit they are a minority in the nation.
Orthodox are in the south.
Noth-East and Central are predominantly Muslim.

why do you wanna genocide them anyway they live on their own land which you conquered

Yo u still triggered about ur brown skin?

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Everyone getting slow roasted. (((They))) want one retarded global race of muds with a sub-80 IQ that in theory won't ever resist.

*german French speaking eurocuck tsar did not allow it
You just need to free yourself of western money system and you can do whatever the fuck you want, like you did before germans tsars and during CCCP.

Pick one

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Yes slav brothers rise up! Help us save cucked Sweden

They are a bunch of criminals and terrorists, google all the incidents with Chechens in Europe, and Europe has only 300k of them while we have 1.5 million of Chechens+Ingush(they are the same ethnicity, just different tribes, similar to you and monkeydonians or us and hohols.)

Only way to save Sweden these days is a full on genocide on the shit skins

You funny little pole. I bet you are not a Slav, rather an uncivilised pig descendant of the Mongolian desert raiders. Or probably a Jew.

Surely then they would be too retarded to work? They need at least an average of 90 IQ to keep the decent slave labor going

Also, we had to conquer them only because they kept attacking our caravans om the way to Georgia, nobody gave a single fuck about them before that.

It’s not true

haplogroup are meme so by that picture only polish belarus and slovenes are slavs

Interesting graph if we look from a wider perspective.

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My dude we are doing a fine job by ourselves already... Uneducated scum everywhere, mafias running around doing whatever they want, criminals and scum everywhere. Anyone worth anything is leaving or planning to leave as soon as they can which leaves the country in ruins with less and less qualified people working serious jobs like healthcare, security etc.
TL;DR Communism already ruined slavs beyond saving

Nobody educated ancient slaves, still built pyramids.

Poland is an ethnic shithole thanks to letting jews in.

Which pyramids you mean?

Hopefully they are too God knows we need fewer slavs in this world.

The Jews in academia are pushing the communist ideology hard and they're succeeding. They're doing to the US what the Bolshevik's did to Russia.

Oh look, a paki found Jow Forums

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Communism contained your shit and the larping for a better future at least provided an excuse to care.
Now you're colonies for the west, welcome to the modern western empire.

Slavs are not a race. They are a linguistic group. Nothing more, nothing less

Balkans is rightfull Albanian clay

autosomal DNA is where its at
haplogroup is great for studying migration paths and can be valuable tool for historic context though.

Attached: DNAclusters.png (1500x1200, 316K)

germany is arab rightful land

t.Albanian diaspora

I love this map. Finland is so pure from the slav infestation.

And yet I remember all the "slavs are not white" threads on pol.

Turks who speak german are just as German as you.