
Just found out about these things. What's their end game? What are they all about?

Attached: aboriginals.jpg (406x308, 30K)

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Diesel and booze

Accelerated evolution through huffing gasoline


Have any stories?

They use their sexy feminine wiles to entice Aussie men into producing mulatto babies.

End game is to drink as much as they can and sniff petrol as much as they can

Yeah, but they're all just depressing & end with an abo vomiting on himself. They're just a sad shitshow honestly.

Just local fauna

Huffing petrol


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They're actually a sad story. Humans should have left them in their natural habitat. But we tried to domesticate them and it failed. They're not domesticatable.
Before domestication, though, this species of Hominid (evidently) was capable of running as fast as Usain Bolt and throwing a spear with the same force as an NFL QB or MLB pitcher.
A fascinating creature, the Abbo.

The traditional Aboriginal greeting in the Redfern area is a slurred version of "gotta ciggiebro".

>be 14
>grow up in a pretty white area outside of Sydney, never really had any interactions with abbos
>first time catching train to Sydney with friends
>hop of train at central station
>see small Asian cleaner arguing with a morbidly obese aboriginal women
>cleaner yelling at the women, I can't understand her asian accent
>aboriginal woman starts squatting over the cleaners mop bucket and starts pissing
>meanwhile is looking the cleaner deadass straight in the eye while she yells "IT'S MY BUCKET NOW" mid-piss
>mind you this is in full view of hundreds of commuters in public in one of the passageways connecting the platforms

They should be left alone to determine their own destiny. White western men have other things to deal with.


Attached: been-here-for-40-thousand-years-invented-a-stick.jpg (407x405, 86K)

No wonder we killed so many of them.

The practice penile subduction, have the thickest skulls and lowest iqs of any race and are literally not the same species as whites

>The practice penile subduction
What is that?

lol. What I've always wondered though, is how the fuck did they survive in Australia for SO LONG before white people showed up and started taking care of them?

>how the fuck did they survive in Australia for SO LONG
eating each other

>meanwhile is looking the cleaner deadass straight in the eye while she yells "IT'S MY BUCKET NOW" mid-piss

Not gonna lie I laughed for a solid minute

they beat the shit out of their kids that's why their skull is like a helmet
they abuse their kids and the new generation is always fucked up

Its also called whistlecock.

Basically split the underside/base of the cock.

Attached: sub.jpg (264x191, 8K)

Gotta admit, thats pretty alpha in a disgusting subhuman sort of way.

Before we tried domesticating them, they were faster runners than niggers and stronger than whites. They were the most gifted hunters on the planet. They adapted to Australia. Low IQ, High Athleticism.
We ruined that, though.

>What's their end game?
lol they don't plan beyond their next huff of gasoline.
>What are they all about?
huffing gasoline.

>>what are they about


throwing sticks at lizards and painting caves. they were literally in the stone age. they were prehistoric, like the american indians and sub-saharan africans. they had no writing, no metallurgy, and couldn't count. just like american indians.

>|Lets invent the wheel"

>"Nah lets split our cocks same as we have for the last 30,000 years"..

Attached: sub 2.jpg (265x190, 12K)

The safety of Abbokanda

>no one posted it

are they really lower tier niggers? kek

>street shitting
>phone scamming
>boeing max crashing
>gypsy thieving
>petrol huffing
>curry peddling
indiabos invading a cunt near you


Gin fight...

My old home town


Classic, nigga is like weebum na immon nah Beno nah

is that english that they are speaking?

Just up the road..


Attached: aborigine-walking-the-dog.jpg (533x400, 33K)

Try the next vid, its even worse.

You can hear an abbo fight from kilometers away if theres a mob.

Attached: 1386759538567.jpg (640x427, 59K)

they fillet their cock to fuck other men with their cuntcocks


>What's their end game?
Make streetshitters look good.

haahah is he dead of just sleeping in fucking mattress
also I saw that second video, how can you live among them?
how normal conversation with one of them looks? how are they doing in school? what are their politics affiliation? I have so many questions..

Almost lost my sides when the fat bitches decided to put em up for no discernible reason.
Then another pair went off no reason.

What the fuck, man? These are not humans.

indians are of australoid-veddoid race. they're absolutely subhuman

You are all different levels of Iran_N people, not Aryans

Indians have little to none Aryan blood anyway

Most of the "Aryans" (ie, people with high CHG, Iranic admixture) are Punjabis and Kashmiris, who are like 5% of the total population


CHG had blue eyes and fair skin

Modern Indians are mutts and larpers. Even the name is derived from a river that doesn't actually exist in their country. Its pathetic.

caucasoid is misapplied as the default race for anyone that exhibits superficial traits as: straight hair, non-snub nose, non-everted lips, round eyes

Have you heard of Australia?
Would you say that White British civilization established modern Australia or would you say that it was Australoid that created modern Australia?

You see, one group creates and spreads civilization, the other, native group, merely leeches of the foreign civilization

Never conflate the native abo with the White civilization creators.

CHG, Iran_N, Georgians, Zagros, Elamites, Sumerians, Dravidians and BMAC people were related to each other
I'm partial to the North Caucasic hypothesis. That language group used to exist on both sides of the Caucasus, and either way it would put them in the right place to have a flood myth that they would eventually transmit to their semitic neighbors in mesopotamia. Plus their own myths about migrating from the north.

you were slaves to the Jews who used your australoid monkey asses to work the fields, while selling the Jew sold the plantation crops to British

You could not pass as a southern European
They are white and you are not

that's because indians love to call themselves caucasoids and want white approval and white confirmation

they hate when you tell them the truth, that they are a bunch of AUSTRALOID

The Aryans were the Whites. There were only a few of them and they bred a large number of Abos. The resulting mutts were the Indians. But they're not "tanned Whites" at all. There was no fresh flow of European genes in India. They interned with Semites and more Abos over the generations. They're brown mongrels.

>came here to laugh at the Indians
>realized we Europeans were culturally enriched by the exact same people
Guess that makes us cousins after all.

they are Australoid, specifically Veddoid
the Australoid is the proto-race of Caucasoids and Mongoloids

How is it bizarre and fake if that's what all the genetic studies prove? East Euros are closest to Andronovo and Sintashta and those are the groups that invaded Persian and India, end of story. Therefore East Euros are the closest related living people to "Aryans" (because that is what the invaders of Persia and India called themselves) not Germans

Sintashta came from Belarus. CWC mixed there with Belarusian HG/Farmers and then went East.

they are genetically related to noongas,

Bleached abos larping as aryans

the Onge component refers to the natives before the IVC. The west Asian migrations fit a little too well with the increase in size and complexity of the settlements. So the west Asian component is the key to wewuzzing about the IVC

Keep in mind, modern Indians have more of the Onge component than the IVC migrants to central Asia

The only reason we are able to talk about Proto-Indo-European, is because we have fully complete remainders of the culture left in the Avestan religion

you can still go cock hunting with your whore friends. it doesn't matter whether you're hooking up with natives or immigrants anyway, since you're going to be too drunk to remember any of them like the typical anglo whore you are.

best pajeet is a shit tier latina

Superpower by 2030, right?

I once saw an educational video for Abos were they are trying to teach them not to sleep on roads.

Attached: 1546966305730.png (600x600, 824K)

yunge le hungdunga bunga le

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>Huge 2nd Indian migration return to Australia as recently as 4000 years ago

>genetic study in India found similarities among Indian archaic populations and Aboriginal people, indicating a Southern migration route, with expanding populations from Southeast Asia migrating to Indonesia and Australia

>Aboriginal genomes consist of up to 11% Indian DNA which is uniformly spread through Northern Australia, indicating a substantial gene flow between Indian populations and Northern Australia occurred around 4,230 years ago. Changes in tool technology, food processing and the Dingo appear in the archaeological record around this time, suggesting there may have been migration from India.[15][16]


the Elamites were georgian though, they just added a bit of a caucasoid look to the australoid indians. however indians are all australoid stock with varying mixture of elamite, arab, mongol etc

its a similar story with somalians who are negroid stock with varying mixture of arabs, persians, indians

You can even see the Australoid in Zakaria, what a fucking disingenuous and bitter chimp. He's a complete piece of shit.

a good chunk of South Asia's accomplishments were derived from the Bactrian Kingdoms of Afghanistan. Before they were over whelmed by the invading Australoid natives
Indians take advantage of this by claiming Afghan achievements as their own.

stop trying to cling on desperately to the White man's shit, pajeet. Even abos don't claim the civilization established by British empire in Australia. Australian abos have more shame and honor than poojeets

Get over it. The Whites establish civilizations, your abo ancestors invade and breed out the Whites and destroy it

Why are indians so ashamed of their australoid race?


Abos are indians that moved to australia.

>All the dogs in that video
That's animal cruelty letting so many dogs roam free among those creatures. Your government really should do something about that

Ive seen that in Kalgoorlie, lots of them live in the scrub around town and get pissed every day and lie in the dirt and sleep.
You cant, my old fast food shop had to close because of endless breakins and thieving. They have no shame about it and are pretty well catch and release by the coppers as jail sentences are racist or something.
There are good ones but they get called sellouts by the vermin.
School consists of fucking things up for everyone else, calling white chicks racist because they wont fuck them and repeated suspensions.
Politics is Labor party (our socialists) because they promise more gibs.
Abbo fights usually turn into a rolling melee with different groups taking a swing.
Copper mate of mine says never aim for the head, just go for their knees.

Attached: aborigines-boozing-01.jpg (576x384, 61K)

IVC was built by Zagros migrants, who themselves had a very close affinity to CHG. So, the closest modern day relatives of the IVC people would most likely be those of Caucasus nations such as Georgia and Circassia.

australoids are the closest to south indians and east asians, they aren't the closest to whites
australoids are actually unreduced chinks, they also have 0 haplogroup and D haplogroup(which is found in japanese ainus)
han chinese have australoid blood

Original inhabitants of Indian subcontinent were australoid negritos and weddoids(similar to australion abbos but probably somewhat more inteligent and less agressive since modern indians are pussy whipped beta keks just like white mem and dravidians were able to create their own civilisation unlike australian abbos), They were conquered by invading aryans who created caste system but aryans were always tiny minority and mixed with the abos and had insignificant contribution to the pool of abos of india.

The majority of modern Indians have adopted either Dravid (Elamite) or Hindi (Aryan) languages that replaced their ancestral Australoid (Veddoid) languages.


South Asia breakdown on page 34 of the pdf, steppe_EMBA breakdown on page 30 of the pdf.

combine the worst Indian you can think of with a papuan and sprinkle it with brahmin and you got a gypsy

Australoids emerged from Proto-Ethiopids
australoids are an african group that originated in east africa and still exist there (Eritrea/Amhara)

mestizo spics do the same thing

spics/poos have the elliot rodgers hapa syndrome

they are butthurt about not being White and this defines their entire miserable existence and subhuman race

why poos reaching so hard to be Caucasian, when poos just an australoid mestizo?

poos are mixed with Abos, who are not even human.

>never aim for the head
Unless you're really good at hitting exactly what you're supposed to hit on the head (jaw), that's sound advice.

retards put Indians in the Caucasian category but all genetic studies show that Indians are Australoid and have very small amounts of Caucasian genetics and mostly comes from Persians. They are also pretty much the only non Islamic “Caucasians” with extremely low IQ, very bad hygiene and primitive way of life for gods sake they still poop out in the open. Side note- they are also VERY VERY unattractive and have very dark skin compared to thier nearby neighbors. Any Indians with lighter skin tones rare* look pretty much like Persians. What’s the deal with these pajeets? Would also like to add that even though Indians Are shit tier Pakistanis are 100000000 times worse.

India would have been infinitely better if it was like 60% Andronovo + 30% Iran_N + 10% west Siberian hunter-gatherers (in terms of the average admixture). the Andronovo migrants went wayyyy too soft with the native Australoids.


pure Australoids still exist throughout Arabia, Persia, East Asia, but most have been largely mixed with the invading populations

India is the Australoid powerhouse of Asia

CHG existed thousands of years before the Iran_N population emerged from them.

I’m usually good about spotting aboriginal features in people but for some reason I couldn’t place the guy in pic related and assumed he was some kind of Gypsy that somehow wound up here. Turns out he’s an (abo) quadroon


>Pajeets accepting white culture
Lol what? Poo's continue their arranged marriage and other weird traditions in bong land, where most pajeets are 3rd gen. They are amongst least likely to accept white culture which is why they have to go back.

also prevelant in east asians and native americans with australoid origins

Indians are Mullato Australoid Gypsies


Nothing as sad as a boong dog.

>A man who tried to warn authorities about vicious dogs roaming a Northern Territory town camp was told they were part of Aboriginal culture, a coronial inquest has heard.

>Michael Anthony Hardy, 26, died in July after being attacked by a pack of dogs.
>Mr Lockyer told the inquest that for 10 years he had warned both the Alice Springs Town Council and Tangentyere Council about the rising population of savage dogs.

>He says at times he had been laughed at and was told nothing could be done.

>He says on one occasion he was told the dogs were an Aboriginal Dreaming.

Attached: abo.jpg (940x529, 130K)

Sounds like gypsies in Europe (besides politics cause they can't speak language of country they are in).
How can someone behave like this in 21st century. It's like you would time-travel to stone age and brought one of them to our times.

English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?

I sit in court occasionally and its just fucking awful.

We had a 12 year old picked up for burglaries in the lockup.
There wasnt a single family member considered "responsible" (ie: sober) enough to release him to for the whole weekend.
So the little turdlet stayed in the watchouse.

Attached: abbo science fiction from 20,000 years into the future.jpg (960x1440, 208K)

's all about the music mane

Attached: A88O.jpg (480x480, 36K)

Irresponsible, aggressive, narrow-minded, victim and mob mentality.. classic niggs

Abbos are all about a few things

>Drinking to excess
>drinking or huffing gas
>threatening to cut you if you don't give them a ciggie
>Not bathing
>Not being human

I think those pretty much sum it up from my experiences.

Attached: 1564956945145.png (1120x627, 949K)

>how normal conversation with one of them looks?
Self serve wagie:
“Uhm excuse me”
Sheboon speed walking out through the store entrance with a full trolley of coke cheese meat bonds socks batteries chocolates beef jerky and lollies:

Wild sex machines. You should go fuck one now.

fucking kek

Attached: 1560894365412.jpg (655x817, 65K)

getting fed

Not with a rented dick.

Attached: Excelente.jpg (500x261, 59K)


They’re a bunch of useless cunts - a total lost cause. The government provides them with a buffet of gibs, but still they do nothing and are going extinct. They’re completely disenfranchised from our society and have no connection to their roots - they wander around like lost souls. There’s nothing we can do to save them. During the day, they sit in the gutter collecting flies and huffing petrol fumes; at night, they wander around aimlessly, screeching like feral cats, often stabbing each other and self-harming.

>My old home town
small world

look how she distances from her while posing to photo
civilized people can react that way even if they don't want to look racist
there was article or some study I don't really remember when they caught the fact that democrats in US are talking much slower and don't use big words when talking to minorities

yeah english believe it or not

If you think niggers are bad, reduce their iq by half, double the stink and double the white guilt the normies have. It's a fucking shit show. A small blessing is they usually drink themselves to an early death so it keeps their population down to pretty much nothing.

Not sure which one is more out of proportion

>Imagine niggers but somehow worse
How to keep Amerifats away from Australia

it sounds like some african language with aussie accent lol

I want to read this, please find it

Another Feraldton refugee.

Rangeway, Spalding & Mullewa!

Attached: PortHedland43B.2.jpg (480x360, 36K)

>Politics is Labor party (our socialists) because they promise more gibs.

Thats what gets to me the most, every fucking country in the world has a fucking traitor party playing the cheapest politicians game: "vote for me and ill give your free stuff". What do these fucking politicians think to themselves, are they retarded? Do they realise there arent infinite resouces? Or is the communist infiltration conspiracy theory hold weight?

Interesting read.

sorry for jewish site
enjoy reading

darn tootin

>What's their end game? What are they all about?
Even though it's illegal to tell the truth they are evolution in reverse. They, if left to their own devices will regress to single celled organisms. The only question that geneticists have now is will it be as an amoeba or a paramecium...

Is that Brooklyn? Looks like Jay-z's family...

>In the case of a young girl the initiation ceremony happens at the onset of the first menstruation, when scars are incised on their buttocks. She is then ###deflowered by members of her own marriage class,### after which she can cohabit with all young men who are classed as possible husbands.

>For the young man circumcision is followed by subincision when his beard starts to grow. The young man is seated on rock while his penis is split open with a stone knife along its full length on the underside. The penis, once split open, is pressed flat against the rock on which the young man is sitting. The Aboriginals explained that this is done in order to make it “lighter and more beautiful".
