So nobody will be on bad side of storm yet y'all still acting like this is Katrina 2.0 sad.
Jordan Collins
How did /soc/ get involved with this?
Nicholas Taylor
Hudson Turner
kys you weeb tranny
Ryder Ross
Bahamas are kill. RIP
Bentley Lopez
Why are mods allowing these threads. Clearly half the discussion is related now that namefags have taken over. Very little posting is Jow Forums related. The storm isn't even a happening. Its just rain and wind blowing around at sea.
Eli Hill
77 confirm, the suffering ends soon fellow Floridaman
Blake Kelly
My wife's son is at UCF. Is he gonna be ok?
Nathaniel Gomez
>weeb Why are you on Jow Forums, you came on along with the centipedes?
man, what a bunch of negative nancies starting this thread off. be nice to confederate, he's a good guy and a vet of these parts. also he drank too much last night and told us he's considering suicide from all the isolation. okay here's a pretty gif. Toronto has been wiped off the map btw
>being so fucking stupid you don't even understand how much you're shitting up the board When AHSG eventually gets banned it'll be the fault of dumb niggers like you. Now gtfo namefag. Your kind and your bullshit isn't welcome on Jow Forums.
Asher Harris
Ya that's true, there's always these fags every year who hate fun and hurricanes. It is what it is.
Josiah Ross
the nigs have zero fucks. this is gonna be so good. But i need a translator. I think they're speaking some english... >getting drunk >have no idea cat5 imminent >humps ten cases of Coca-Cola >"we no go shelta dey da scared gheys" guess I'm not sleeping either... this is just fuckin gold. If I have to pay taxes for these dumbshits then I'm getting my money back in laughs!
So after the EWRC how fast is Dorian gonna strengthen more? Someone said very strong cat 5 with 230 mph winds but that sounds absurd. Or maybe not so absurd.
Dominic Parker
Yeah if this thread wasn't here it would make room for another highly desired BBC or Twitter thread.
Carson Rivera
This or put it in /an/ this happening shit is the worst. When it becomes an actual crisis then post but when it's the nothing burger it always is keep it out. I swear people were acting like Barry was an actual threat. Delusional
Colton Morales
You are aware WE made /AHSG/ ya?
Isaac Robinson
Jeremiah James
is that fucking boonkgang
Joshua Foster
>t. newfag Go back to /ptg/ and fucking stay there, one if you're a rule fag this fits under this board's topics, but also /ahsg/ is one of the great traditions now kys boomer.
>DUDE THEZE NAMEFAGS ARE LIKE TRADITION LOL XD Its not a tradition shit for brains. AHSG was built by anons, not a handful of namefags and their dick sucking groupies.
Aiden Wood
On a serious note, which school has the best thots in Florida?
This will not even make landfall due to landfall being when eye goes over land this will be some strong wind and rain with maybe some storm surge but again nobody will be on bad side to receive the devastating storm surge
What? /ahsg/ has been a thing for years. Are you ok retard?
Ethan Gutierrez
>Let's hype up a tropical storm that does no damage You niggers are sad
Hudson Sanders
You didn't make shit retard. Anons have and will always be the driving force of AHSG. How dare you post something so egotistical and wrong. Fucking nigger faggot cancer is what you are in these threads.
Jack Flores
What the fuck are they saying?
And a house of literally faggots???? I thought the water was okay down there?
i think their aunt is responding in the chat from the eastside of the island. I don't speak fluent chicken tho. ACTUAL CHAT MESSAGE: > "A ONE REASON Y MI NAH TOO SY NTN YAH NOW A TRU DI ATORM N MI WAA UNUH FI BE SAFE...JUST WAIT MAN"
AHSG is a tradition. A handful of egofagging namefags whoring over the threads and dragging their personal baggage into Jow Forums to set up camp shit things up isn't.
>Bitching about namefags constantly is different than sucking their dick Namefags can be lame but the drama that (You) are producing is part of the problem
your need to have an identity here is so fucking pathetic. no one's gonna remember you after they leave this thread. i saged i just wanted to say on all levels, you're a dumb nigger. and no one here will ever respect you.
Mason Morales
Horrry Shiiiit! Those numerical figures cannot be false!
Everyone is on the bad side. Do you know how these things work? Speaking of which why no hurricanes in southern hemisphere?
Nolan Cook
>922 MB! what does this mean? brainlet here btw
Camden Campbell
904 here, let’s stay focused on what’s important and stop the infighting. My new sod is already water logged, and will not survive this storm. Without a doubt, the single greatest loss Dorian will bring to our hemisphere. Press f to pay respects, brothers.
The bad side the north east side you ignorant nigger. I have lived on gulf coast my entire life and don't need a fucking Yankee lecturing me on storms. Y'all are delusional faggots anyways
Mason Brooks
for some reason this comment made me laugh the hardest all night you know the hype of this board has changed global politics forever right? btw, if you want to be on many nukes do you think israel has? where's all the wh*teboianons when you need em?