White supremacy debunked in one image

White supremacy debunked in one image.

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out of everything invented in the history of the earth, this 'list' must constitute about 0.0000000001%

GG muh Nogger.
get back to posting penis you inferior little runt

Wait until he finds out they were either in teams with white people or inventing a certain type of a product, or both. Also the Aztecs invented peanut butter

>Congratulation You have finished the Base Tech Tree, press Ok to advance into the Civilization Era

nice bait faggot. fake and gay

Stop genociding us and making excuses for it

>horse riding saddle

I see they're pretending the Middle East, Mediterranean, and SubSaharan are the same region again.


Its so funny when they call us uncivilized when we INVENTED civilization!!!!


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Black people getting owned by Jews...

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using a rapper as a source, lol the horse shoe theory is legit

White men wrote the book on tractor repair though. Checkmate nigger.

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Mesopotamia wasn't in Africa so trying to take credit for it is we wuz kings tier.

That list isn't accurate.

Peanut butter was invented by a white Canadian dentist.
George Washington Carved wrote a book called 101 things to do with peanuts, and "make peanutbutter" was one of them. That's what popularized peanut butter, but he didn't invent it.

The telephone system? Really? GTFO asshole.

> '

Sure, some black people might be of above-average intelligence. But the statistical average is that black people tend to be less intelligent than white people. Also:


Cherry picking AND confirmation bias two cheap logical fallacies in one thought free post...nice.

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>written in a white man's language

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>we wuz inventors and shieeet

>cotton planter


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It was illegal for Americans to be financially involved in slavery after the Slave Trade Act of 1800 was passed you historically illiterate retard. Since they couldn't make money doing it who do you think was involved? It was completely illegal to import slaves at all after 1808, when America was only 20 years old. Europeans were sold into slavery for DECADES after the practice of slavery was banned in the west. Asshole. Plus there are more slaves in the world today then there ever was in 19th century America. And YOU benefit from it, you motherfucking hypocrite.

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>misused apostrophes in the title
Is this bait?

Literally every invention I look up on this list has a white man as its actual inventor you dumb nigger.

The bell curve is even more interesting than that. Let's say you take a sample with an IQ of 70 and another one with an IQ of 130. The percentage of people having a IQ of 130 in the 70 groups is as high as the other way around. But also, the odds of getting them would be, in a normal 100 IQ sample, as rare as a 160 IQ or 40 IQ, which is rare as fuck, considering you're well into deep genius territory at 160 and a vegetable at 40. So, taking the smartest niggers (black Americans) with a IQ of 85, for them to be above "average" which is 115, it would be as frequent as 130 IQ in the norm. What I am getting at, is that it isn't impossible for a nigger to be extremely smart, but don't go look in the ghetto for one, your chances are lowest there.

The first slave owner in america was a black man. He sued the government to keep his indentured servants for life and won. You filthy niggers did slavery to yourselves.

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you forgot fire

neither one are a fallacy and you didn't prove or even try to argue that he committed either one

so you're pretty retarded. try reading the 'confirmation bias' article a little harder

i mean obviously op is a retarded nigger but you haven't shown yourself to be better than him but you claim to be. that's worse. you're a fucking nigger.


>all that subjective language in a 'definition'
kill every NPC

>neither one are a fallacy and you didn't prove or even try to argue that he committed either one
Fuck off that image is obviously cherry picked it is NOT the norm and you fucking know it you intellectually dishonest fraud. And the confirmation bias is self evident. Go be a retard somewhere else Kunta I don't want to hear it.

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Retard it's obvious you didn't READ THE FUCKING STICKY before you started posting. And you and the other retards who need to start over again in kindergarten
can't refute points by simply saying
>nuh-uh it's not true cuz I said it wasn't nya nya nya
okay you fucking tard squad?

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keep your 71 IQ nigger

It was invented in Iran but I guess that is in Africa

Black history debunked on one image.

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Op debunkt in one image...
Supremacy is a meme dude black people got rap basketball and secret handshakes whites got creating civilization btfo

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