Why can't women do anything right?

Are women just born to ruin societies?

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thats pretty based

tfw no gf to torture my cock and balls

kys faggots

That’s fucking hot.

Looks like our bro here wouldn't pussy out even while she was crushing his balls.
Must be one tough badass.

That’s how you know she loves you.

God I wish those were my balls

That's hot af

checked nad based

i'm surprised the man wasn't arrested for arguing


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Protip: never trust a woman with thin lips.

IDK why exactly, just experience. Trust me.

Dudes a pussy for not knocking her lights out.

not a single bruise or mark on her face... either that guy is a pussy or we have failed


The one in pic looks mentally deranged.

She knew he was a bitch and wouldn't do anything. That's why she did it. Women only do what they know or at least what they think they can get away with.

>tfw no gf with the grip strength of the hulk
why even live bros?


Fucking kike subhuman, where can I find more?

fetal alcohol syndrome

god I wish that were me

GOD I wish that were me

this can be you

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Moses says her hand has to be amputated.
Deuteronomy 25:11

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Why he just simply broke her jaw with a gentle punch?

low test

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100% should have kicked her in the face, repeatedly.

Reminder: There is NEVER a reason to hit a woman!

I've gotten religious, and started reading the Bible. God says there are not only reasons to hit a woman, but reasons to stone her to death, set her on fire, or cut off her hands.

>Deuteronomy 25:11
haha how'd you know that lmao

How would you not go full animal flight or fight in this situation. I understand it fucking hurts, but you want to protect those bad boys at all cost.

Had that happen to me once. Couldn't talk. Couldn't breath. Was in a shock like state the pain was so intense. After she let go i collapsed on the ground. After composing myself enough to respond all I did was glare up and an gave her 1 word of advice. "Run".

Had she not did so I probably would have hospitalized her. I'm not even a violent person but that will provoke an extreme fight or flight response with flight not being possible.

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I knew it too and I've been an atheist for 20 years. Same area where men with no balls can't join in the congregation. All stressing Hebrews being fertile.

They made cock and ball torture a real thing

Why didnt he just grab her ovaries and do the same thing

that's abuse, user.

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lucky guy
no women dared to touch mine yet

That is a true feminist squeezing the balls of patriarchy, not these crybabies that have their lives subsidized by men.

I'd let her squeeze my nutz, if you know what I mean.

Women that touch my balls do so gently and lovingly, with their tongues or hands or mouths.

I cannot even imagine the kind of onions beta you have to be to let a woman do that to you, especially to have her mugshot look like that without double black eyes and a neck brace. Smh.

God I wish that were me

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Man hatin' closet lez? Or...

She will age terribly

Why do women pluck out their eyebrows and then paint them on??????


Now that is one jewish oven

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So is she single now?

Time for stoning

What a cuck lol. He let this woman emasculate him. Anyone grabs my testicles I grab their windpipe and when they are done squeezing than so am I. If my testicles are crushed than so is their windpipe.

Breanna was way hotter

the absolute state of white women, and the saddest part is you virgins would probably want to fuck this nigger loving psycho. sad.

She does not appear to regret

why, tho?

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You could say.. She had him by the balls

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What. The. Fuck?

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Fucking immediately broke her nose. Disgusting.

No one is touching my balls, ever. I don't care about my dick.

Immediately turned it off