How come all of these shooters in America, and once in New Zealand, were all white males?

How come all of these shooters in America, and once in New Zealand, were all white males?

Attached: ceiling cat.jpg (640x492, 194K)

because we are the most dangerous race on the planet and must be feared and respected.

>shooters in US
>all white

Attached: download.jpg (142x142, 6K)

Because niggers can't aim

13% of the population...
drop the memeflag shlomo

Because we are being exterminated by evil bankers, feminists, muslims and niggers.

And some of us want to fight back.

May coach red pill lead the white race to victory.

They're not.

Attached: masshooters.jpg (1280x720, 210K)

this is just a couple threads down

Attached: 1567354937125.jpg (295x363, 69K)

that's not a man, that's a boy xaxaxaxxaxaxa