How old were you when you realized that Boomers and Gen X gave away our futures so they could die in comfy retirement...

How old were you when you realized that Boomers and Gen X gave away our futures so they could die in comfy retirement with two McMansions?

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Other urls found in this thread:

.gif related, it's my viewpoint on boomers and Xers

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That's not even 0.001% of what boomers did to us.


Older GenX here.
We are a small generation, we commercialised the internet so millennials and zoomers wouldn’t have to do any proper work and could sit around pecking at keyboards and phones rather that work in factories and outdoors. Our parents, the Boomers ended the Cold War, went to the moon, ended hunger and real poverty in huwhite countries, and visited the moon.

The question I and other Xers always ask ourselves is when are millennials going to do anything at all?

You have no threat of WW3, no true poverty, cures for just about every ailment baring a few notable ones, mostly clean air with no smog, no lead in fuels stunting your brains, yet you are still incapable of just about anything, including getting a girlfriend. We didn’t even have credit cards, you you crybabies complain because you have endless access to debt finance and can rent just about everything by the second now from music to scooters.

You are the most fucking useless generation ever.

link to full pic? I need a wank bruv

Gen X here, I can assure you we never had shit to give away or take from you. We have been fucked hard by boomers, the dot com crash, housing crash and the great recession.

>You have no threat of WW3, no true poverty, cures for just about every ailment baring a few notable ones, mostly clean air with no smog

>GenXer lies as well as sells out the West
Color me surprised. You probably think London is better off mostly non-British.

Thank you, fellow GenX.

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OP is a nigger tranny faggot posting from a hug box.

I think everybody realized that when Americans were legitimately afraid that Japan and other Asian economies are going to basically buy out the US by the late 80's because Boomers were selling out so hard. Remember that brief period of time in the late 80's and early 90's where the Japanese were the villains in the movies?

Your generation shat the fucking bed and now we can't afford a fucking thing. That's why we are trapped in a cunting stasis

>gen x
Fuck you nigger we never had a say

Media also made fun of their products.... anything made in Japan was a piece of shit.

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The entire 80s boom and increase in stat card of living in the UK was not down to thatcherism, at least not in the way people imagine it might be, it was down to debt. If you subtract debt from joe average then you’ll see has has the same standard of living as perhaps the mid 1970s.

Most of the population fell for the debt meme.

This was then expanded upon with the student debt meme and the 50% university meme.

The next meme to go bang is the starter home part ownership meme. Those modern places are worth nothing because in another 10 years they will be falling apart.

How old were you when you realized you're a useless cuck child, that can't be bothered to actually work for what you want, and should have an heroed yourself long before making this sad little post?

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Always knew, but it me hard on Jow Forums

Pic related

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Preach brother

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>Fuck you nigger we never had a say

>elects Clinton and Bush
Fuck you traitors, you were the ones who could have stopped the Boomer train from going off the tracks

ironic post

I was 14.
Then I grew up and realized it's the Globalist jews.

The real problem is we shat out an entire populace of forever children, who have no drive to do anything more than update social media for likes.
You found the problem.
It's you and those like you.

>believing the age-related d&c memes
Always a brainlet who falls for it, and it’s you, the OP kike

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> GenX
> Retirement
> McMansion
How young and clueless must you be to link Boomers and GenX? Gen X aren't even retirement age, and they'll be hit hardest from Boomers bankrupting the pensions system.
As for property, you do know it was GenX that got robbed in 2008, and who paid 10x higher property prices than Boomers - with lower job security AND higher birth rates.

Boomers and GenX are polarities.

Oh boy here come the BIDF, the Boomer Internet Defense Force, conveniently forgetting what inflation is. $10 in 1980 is the equivalent of $29.75 in 2017.
>waddya mean you can't live on 8 bucks an hour u dum millenial
>just work harder hurr durr muh bootsraps

Just get a job loser and maybe your dad is right, traps are gay

this post nails it

try being outnumbered and overshadowed by the faggots who brought you modern degeneracy


>the children of Gen X are pussies
wonder why

your kike and nigger addled brains couldn't figure out how to keep society alive

Boomers got screwed by inflation is what you are saying you Millennial retards live in the time of deflation and negative interest rates and you still complain

I'm Genx, and we have done no such thing.
I'm still working.

The absolute cheek of claiming someone is entitled, coming from Boomers is what gets me. They are easily the most entitled generation of them all, it's classic projection. The reason Clinical Psychology even exists is that because baby boomers are such cookie-cutter retards.

As a GenX myself, I find your cope quite interesting. You basically litred all the plagues of your society. "We" didn't do shit, we watched the army deploy their societal control apparatus, the internet. The walkman, and multiple vidya+movie home entertainment mediums is all X can take credit for.

Just stop. GenX is a cancer too.

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Are you retarded? We’re too small a percentage to boomers to ever override them and now we’re being overridden by zoomers, boomers have been in absolute charge since the 60s and are JUST NOW as they are dying off giving up control to zoomers, gen x was always such a small population their effect in politics was basically non-existent, look at a age-demographics map some time. I’ll give you a hint, we’re the thin waistline between boomers and zoomers

t. fellow gen x-user

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Oh fuuuuuck you. Don’t bring us gen xers Into this mess.

let's be honest here,all generations since ww2 are brainwashed sociopath cunts that are sinking the world lower into madness to live a miserable,numb,dumbed down life as good goys.

on the other hand,boomers were raised by the war generation,they could've absorbed whatever was left of tradition,but they decided instead to smoke and fuck. their only excuse is,they were brainwashed since childhood. millenials/zoomers are just lost kids numbing themselfes in front of a computer,and giving the situation we are in,can you really blame them?

calling them 'stupid' and 'addicted' is almost aways narcissistic projection

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The faggotry was started by Boomers, and largely resisted by X. It wasn't until Obama that the homo agenda really took off with diversity officers. Diversity officers are all millenials, or old niggerbitches. The 90s had gay bashing. We used to smash up gay bars and the media didn't report it. All that changed with Obama and his millenial supporters.

Millennials are the entitled ones. They think they deserve things because they were told falsely that people had them 100 years ago. How is that not entitlement?

>die in comfy retirement with two McMansions

At least over boomers are getting a bit panicky since they can't sell houses they bought as "investments" with "reasonable" prices to fulfill their retirement dreams.

Add CIA mind fucking
Drug running..ETC.

Open borders
Roe Wade
Televised fear
on tap....

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shut the fuck up Boomer

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Last year about is when it this vague fact really became crystalized in my mind. Seeing all the brand new giant mansions getting built around here. Then I applied for a mortgage and the amount i qualify for couldnt buy an empty lot, and the monthly payment would be more than my rent. I got married a few weeks ago and my wife's pregnant. I make 54k a year, and live in the san francisco bay area.

Bitch, please.
If you fags would put half as much effort into supporting yourself, as you do becoming a "social influencer", you'd be the most succesful generation yet.
Instead, we have this.

In the end the people are fucking dumb regardless of generations. Giving women the right to vote has been the beginning of the end. The process of subversion has been inching its way ever since, I think what happened during Obama years is the advent of social media like kikebook and jewtube. The information revolution. So EVERYTHING accelerated to finalize the plan before people share too much information and wake up too many white men.

Millennial here
gay divide and rule

>In the Gospel of Mark 3:25, Jesus states, "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand."

You’re a cunt, mate

shut the fuck up Boomer

This Gen X totally agrees... our generation was tiny in comparison to the preceding generation and the boomers were in their prime and in total control when we were coming up. When I entered the job market, after earning my degree in 1990, it sucked due to Bush 1’s recession and dismal job market. My point is that Gen X has had its share of struggles created by the boom douches.

Make me you noodle armed tranny

OP is glownigger kike engaging in demoralization psyop. Divide and conquer is classic jew tactics.

In the US some of the final nails were in the coffin in 1917 with the beginning of the (((Federal reserve))) the (((irs))) and the 17th ammendment. (((Roosevelt))) pounded some more nails in the coffin with the debt from WWII, SSI, stealing the country's gold, etc. By the end of the 60s while the first of the boomers were getting sent off to Vietnam to be butchered for the ((( military industrial complex))) the economy and real wealth were about shot. The 1970s saw the invention of (((consumer credit))) meaning DEBT on a scale never seen before. The end of the 70s saw a recession from the lack of real production. The Reagan admin and (((Greenspan))) legitimized the policy of endless govt debt.
Track it back further. Boomers were fucked before they were born. And since publishing and media have been run by (((them))) for over a century theboomers had no chance. Millennials and zoomers have the net and can at least find the info on (((how and who))) brought this about

Typical generation cuck response, when presented with fact.

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>gen x
>gen z
ALL shit

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shut the fuck up Boomer

>Gen X

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>muh divide and conquer
This thread is ridiculous bait. Well done. Stop being morons.

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>made life easy
>wow why are people so weak willed and lazy?
Why do boomers have no awareness? Its a timeless truth that hard times make strong men, and easy times make weak men

Why don't Millennials get self awareness since they never bothered to get educated or get a job?

Boomers didn't go to the fucking moon....The oldest boomers were in their early 20's and were
getting high when they faked the moon landings

Millennial here, turned myself into a crypto millionaire and run my own crypto fund now.
I wage cucked as a factory worker for 12hrs a day 6 days a week to buy Bitcoin when it was sub $20.
Could do anything I want but what I'm not going to do is wage cuck under boomers and have xyz percent of my earnings go to paying their scam pensions. etc
Boomers fucked future generations bc they wanted to live better lives themselves.
Why u boomer faggots are pissed off is bc us millennials are refusing to use the scam systems u created.
We're not paying into your pensions and we're not paying for your debt either bc we invented our own money, we know your fiat scams are essentially worthless.
So now you all will start dying off just when the new crypto money we created to escape your scam infested monetary system is taking off.

How does it feel being outdated and obsolete and having your own children build a future designed for you not to be a part of it? lol

Stay assmad.

Crypto Bro Millennials

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>we commercialised the internet so millennials and zoomers wouldn’t have to do any proper work and could sit around pecking at keyboards and phones rather that work in factories and outdoors
No you created the internet so you could have a stranglehold on information and basically do all the shit the boomers did to you on the younger generations, thankfully you failed

>Our parents, the Boomers ended the Cold War, went to the moon, ended hunger and real poverty in huwhite countries, and visited the moon
They subsided everything because they thought their children could pay for it, ruined the economies of developing nation's turning them into over-dependent shitholes, and did nothing in space after you got to the moon

>You have no threat of WW3, no true poverty, cures for just about every ailment baring a few notable ones, mostly clean air with no smog, no lead in fuels stunting your brains, yet you are still incapable of just about anything, including getting a girlfriend. We didn’t even have credit cards, you you crybabies complain because you have endless access to debt finance and can rent just about everything by the second now from music to scooters. You are the most fucking useless generation ever.
Better for the entire human race to be useless than to be as vindictive and retarded than the Boomers or Xers. You guys had everything that the Greatest Generation fought for and fell straight into desperately trying the pollute it with greed. Your souls are weighed down by the gravity of the same Earth you choke

Based and cryptopilled

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How old will you be when your kids realize that you spent your entire youth on websites like Jow Forums whining about "Boomers" and "Gen X?" I'm just kidding user, you'll die alone, don't worry.

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Blaming others for your own bad choices and failures OP
What's next? Gibs me the money?
Move to Chicago, faggot

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>Gen X
>ever going to be able to retire or afford a house

>hate your roots
nice try

No, that post is complete and utter nonsense. Almost everything he tries to claim was done to compensate for something else was actually done way before that something else ever happened. None of that shit is true, what really happened is kikes wanted to take wealth from whites, so they did.

I wanna be a crypto bro millienial

Buy: BTC, ETH, LINK, and RSR.

Focus mostly on buying 3 million RSR (Reserve Rights) right now.
You'll be a mega millionaire in 5 years.

It's the only crypto to ever be backed by the Builderberg group. And I'm not even memeing.

join this discord with Jow Forums bros

Tell em that Jack sent you.

Can anyone tell me where to find the full pic of OP's pic related?

Pls i need to know where this is from

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Reminder the lights are decoration. No one’s in there.

He's fuggin her with a massive roll of shekels in the full image.

>You have no threat of WW3, no true poverty

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25 years

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Where can i find it?

Armchair generation

>all generations since ww2 are brainwashed sociopath cunts that are sinking the world lower into madness to live a miserable,numb,dumbed down life as good goys.
True. Every generation plays its part.

I for one will get in my porsche and ride at the sound of Phil Collins while in the company of hookers and blow.

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30. It took a while for me to see exactly what happened to us but there's no denying it. Our parents sold us for comfort.


Webb = Greatest Gen.
Mueller = Greatest Gen
Phillips = Greatest Gen

it was when boomers started taking over it all went to shit

at least you didn’t bring up muh global climate change — anyway, stay mad

i love it when the engine revs

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fap fap fap

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Not the one im looking for user

is this a video game?

Fuck you.

Gen X got fucked over so hard that we decided to watch the world burn instead of participating in this degeneracy or helping it for that matter.

We warned you about the boomers and you didn't listen. Now you got the 2nd worst generation dictating what you can say or can't say and the zoomers are joining in with the millennials.

Gen X is the only Patrician Generation left, skeptical as fuck, yes, not lending a helping hand, yes and as long as you fuckers don't fight back, we simply won't.

We eat the popcorn and watch you suffer.

Please Hold My Bags: The Post

Absolutely this. Our generation got fucked by our parents and now by our kids. The world that I was supposed to inherit does not even exist anymore.

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if you only knew who i was but you dont.

>my posts here in this thread will haunt you in just a few short years as you missed out on the easiest investment opportunity of your little lifetime.

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From what I’ve personally seen with baby boomers, they are irrationally anti anti anti anything that even slightly resembles pre-1960’s values and they have this odd neurosis that I can’t really explain, they just have this really odd way of doing things, like obsessive-compulsive rituals.

They did too many drugs while their brains were still developing and LSD truly did warp their minds. These are damaged people who unfortunately molded an entire generation of mentally deficient, child-like, malignant narcissists seemingly divorced from reality. Millennials want the world, yet they don’t want to get their hands dirty.

Maybe it’s a good thing they aren’t reproducing as much, their kids are going to be so fucked up I feel terrible for them. Look around and see all the corrupted children talking like complete perverts. I was at Safeway last year and overheard these two 10 year old kids referencing YouTube videos then suddenly the boy asked her “do you spit or swallow” and she replied “uhmmm, swallow.” 2 minutes later his dad walks out with the groceries and they all walk to the car like everything is completely normal.

Kids aren’t even acting like kids anymore, they act like sex-obsessed orphans with no parental guidance.

I know you're a scammer because of sales pitches like these:
>It's the only crypto to ever be backed by the Builderberg group

Which are blatantly false, and you can't even write BILDERBERG propely lmao dumb crypto faggot


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post this on her twitter.

checked. and im only shutting you down bc of the triple 7's

Peter Thiel recently attended Builderberg, matter of fact hes on the council that determines WHO even gets invited to the meetings. Thiel is one of the biggest investors in the Reserve Protocol btw. Checkmate faggot.

He invited this guy:

Who is pushing for a stable coin to be the world reserve currency.

Don't want to spoonfeed u too much, but if u have any brains and arent the stereotypical alcoholic Russian, im sure you can see where this is going.

I know what its like to be poor so all that im doing here with these posts is helping other anons to unfuck themselves financially since the boomers and xers have done nothing except shit on them.

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you jelly?

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