Why does every american here hate this country?

why does every american here hate this country?

Whiteness envy?

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whiter than you

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>African and Mongoloid DNA

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I just hate you in particular.

not a single speck of african dna on there, juarez.


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still whiter than any american

Why are Italians called "guineas" in reference to an African coast then?

Because your a Persian rape baby and not white.
Saged and /threaded

Because they have beautiful cities and created art and human civilization while Americans never did.

the whole world wants it dead
the only country that dared to defy (((them))) in their own land
so it must be made an example of

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They just tanned white
Because of the Mediterranean sea and it's hot summer climate

Idk, best country in Europe by far

It depends, my dear gook.
North is fine, the south are saracen rape babies larping as white.

I think it's mostly Jews LARPing as "fellow white" people.

Murica was discovered by an italian.

Italy harbor 70% of all human historic heritage.

Italians invented:
-Electrochemical Batteries
-Automatic rifles
-Double-entry bookkeeping system
-Intel 4004
-Latin alphabet
-Nuclear reactors
-Stock exchange
-Tensor calculus
-Medical thermometers
-Air superiority
-Marine infantry
-The mile
-Coffee machines

Also Italian spread all ove europe:
-Roman law
-Civil codes

Italians do it better,


columbus was a kike though
we don't want totake credit for that shit
italy and Germany were not colonial
colonialism is of the jew

It really is weird. Italians are pretty based and incredibly racist but people around here just hate them. Don't feel the same about Spaniards who were owned for decades by Muslims.

Amerigo Vespucci -> America

Your entire country took the name from an italian.
Every time you say america, you celebrate an italian,

Complete bs. Americans love Italy.


Stop shilling

My waifu is Italian.

On the other hand, I've never met a Korean I like. All of them are backstabbing assholes with a massive chip on their shoulder.

Cool off bud.

4th time i've seen you post this today. I will keep replying to you until you explain why you are larping this much

You're not white Kim Lee.

You don't have to be a faggot Moon.

But you're based and we're the successors to Rome :^)

In all seriousness Italy is awesome. Spent my Spring Break there earlier this year and would highly recommend to anyone with an interest in history and good food. Great respect for pasta bros

They are world class civilizers and kebab removers but that actually makes them less white, faggot.

I love you Hellenic bro

good point

Humans hate niggers

Literally all of these things exept for pizza are Lombard/Tuscan creations.
The very concept of 'it*ly' is a joke .

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It's jewish d&c shilling.

Italy always kicks off the big events that change the world
Whens the next one happening?

>took the name from' and It*lian
From a Tuscan.

There are no siculo-neapolitan Columbus, Vespucci, Verrazzano.

There are no Lombard/Tuscan Al Capone or John Gotti.

'It*ly' does not exist, period.

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I'm cool with Italy, I just hate east coast faggot guido manlets who think they are tough. I honestly don't know who is more annoying, A NYC faggot, NYC jew, or NYC guido.

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It used to when it was overwehlmingly Lombard and Tuscan. Now it is majority Siculo-neapolitan and it is morphing into a sterile semitic mestizos hellhole.

Because the vatican is there, you memeflagging faggot. You think any of us would give a shit about italy of all places if they didnt have the most manipulative powerhouse of authority over christianity in the entirety of creation?

>'It*ly' does not exist, period.

From a Venetian.
I'm fine to restoring Repubblica Serenissima, mate.

Americans are the ones who worship that shithole

because "muh american education".

I don't hate Italy or Italians.

They are arguably the most based European both historically and in the modern day (Roman Empire and Salvini/attempt to not get browned to death as much as Sweden).

Besides Christianity and the European Union the only other comparable force that's united much of Europe was under the Romans who had Greco-Roman paganism.

I like Italy


Mad Jelly because Italians have a real culture.

Sorry, I have to join too

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