Hello anons! Welcome to Catholic/pol/ where we talk about the importance of faith in politics and society in general. What matters most is NOT Left OR Right, But GOOD and EVIL. Abortion for example is EVIL, no exceptions.
Adultery is WRONG. Period. Homosexual activity is WRONG. Period. Embrace the true catholic faith and embrace God!
> Rosary
>Sensus Fidelium
(The Cathechism of St. Pius X ) : catholicbook.com
Catholic anons come and join the discussion AVE MARIA!
So, did you go to mass this morning my fellow Catholics ?
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>So, did you go to mass this morning my fellow Catholics ?
Yes, it was very inspiring. It's the second time I've been to mass. I tend to get all choked up in saying the rosary and during the Eucharist.
I had knee surgery so my knee hurts a great deal, but I think of Jesus being tormented and nailed to the cross. How can I not kneel?
I hope to be confirmed in the Church one day.
Catholic art & memes are welcome. Sculptures, paintings, drawings, Gondolas, Spurdos, Christ Chan are very much welcomed. No OSAS heresy spam, please
I hope you do. It is a wonderful thing to be with Christ. he is ALWAYS loving, despite our faults.
I when I had my knee surgery, I prayed to Saint Rocco for a speedy recovery and for faith. Shortly after that, I was inspired and my eyes were opened.
I could see that the Holy Mother Church was the one true Church, and while the people were faithful, Western Civilization rose and flourished. And when they turned away from God, they fell and were cursed with degeneracy.
My whole life was one of trying to achieve things like happiness, a family, a good wife. I thought I could do this on my own. No. You need the Church. One sin leads to anther. You should follow the one true church. There is no other way.
glow harder jesuit faggot
Jesus wasn't even a real person, you Jewish cocksuckers
>pic related
Agree. Do not forget having a family is one thing. BUT HOLY families are another thing entirely. Having a family is "easy"- any degenerate heathen can attest to accidental parenthood. But to have a family dedicated to God is another thing entirely.
Reminder that Catholicism is anti-White and that Catholics deserve to be exterminated.
more evidence for Jesus than Caesar.
>Catholic art
No such thing. There is only European art.
Hello shill. i see you make this argument all the time and it STILL isn't true
The most beautiful art is inspired by Catholicism
Sad. But Jesus said you would hate us.
I shall pray for you.
>more evidence for Jesus than Caesar.
Liar. We have archaeological, numismatic and primary source evidence for Caesar. None of that for Jesus, it goes without saying.
Define European art. Would modernist European rubbish be considered "art" lol
>I shall pray for you.
Why? People all over the world are dying in agonising pain; why would you waste a single moment praying for someone who is completely healthy?
Salvation is of the jews
It's actually a very good painting. But the catholic paintings are still better.
Rubbish. The book God inspired is more proof than anything made by caeser. Because it is divinely inspired. Also pic in Quote me stuff from the book. Why show the cover if you can read its contents.
I already proved it directly from the catechism. The Catholic Church is liberal, globalist, and anti-White. Catholics wrote the United Nations declaration on human rights. You are trash and you deserve to be rotting in a mass pit grave
You're spiritually sick and blind.
I not even going to talk to you because it just makes you worse.
Just think, tho, you spend your Sunday spewing hate at Catholics who have done nothing to you. sick.
Temporal pain will fade. The eternal pain of Hell will never end. Better to suffer anything here in this life, which will end in the blink of an eye, than to suffer forever in the next.
Stop stealing our patronage.
who did this painting I know Is Catholic
Such utter nonsense. Anyway, your priorities are out of wack.
>The book God inspired
The bible is full of contradictions. Therefore it cannot possibly be divinely inspired. Therefore anyone who thinks it IS divinely inspired is a moron.
>Quote me stuff from the book
Sure user, what would you like to know?
>The bible is full of contradictions.
Again. Not globalist. Not Secular. Not anti-white. it is not anti any race. It is Christ's church. it is pro God, Pro-life, Pro parenthood, Pro family. etc
>>The bible is full of contradictions.
The Gospel authors can't even agree whether Jesus was born in 6-4 BC or in 4 AD, as you perfectly well know, Mr Lying for Jesus
>The most beautiful art is inspired by Catholicism
False. The most beautiful art is inspired by European culture, as rediscovered in the Renaissance. Catholic "art" is flat ugly kindergarten-tier iconography. Pic related
Why the fuck are christcucks and cathocucks even on Jow Forums? Don't you people have some altar boys to rape?
Jow Forums is for white doctrines, not Middle Eastern fairy tale fanfics
>we wuz da reel artists n sheeeeeit
>Not globalist.
>1911 Human interdependence is increasing and gradually spreading throughout the world. The unity of the human family, embracing people who enjoy equal natural dignity, implies a universal common good. This good calls for an organization of the community of nations able to "provide for the different needs of men; this will involve the sphere of social life to which belong questions of food, hygiene, education, . . . and certain situations arising here and there, as for example . . . alleviating the miseries of refugees dispersed throughout the world, and assisting migrants and their families."29
>Not anti-white. it is not anti any race
It is anti successful and "more prosperous" races, i.e. Whites. Proof:
>2241 The more prosperous nations are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin. Public authorities should see to it that the natural right is respected that places a guest under the protection of those who receive him.
We've been over this in a different thread. You posted some supposed contradictions and I debunked them all, then you were just like "hurr durr you're a dumbo"
"You're wrong but I can't say why because I don't have the intellect to express myself in anything other than monosyllables"
so you're praying to Mickey Mouse? oooga woooga bum bum bum
>You posted some supposed contradictions and I debunked them all
Wait, are you that guy who thinks quoting stuff about earthquakes stands as a full debunking?
oops saved writings from other post
Not worth arguing with some who is historically illiterate.
You arbitrarily believe one source above another source.
At that point it is jist faith. Your made up pseudo religion requires you to believe whatever you read that allegedly "debunks" the Bible, regardless of whether it ia true or not. I don't typically argue with radicals because they don't use logic anyway.
I'm now grateful to the Lord Christ for all that I have.
I tend to avoid the holier than tho Catholics who chide me for things I can never have. There is no reason to do that. It is a sin to allow myself to be tempted to reject the church because of such chiding.
> about earthquakes stands
No idea what you're talking about
Still should be illegal though
Abortion is murder
Pro-abortionists will suffer in Hell.
Considering classical european artistic techniques were lost by christniggers and only rediscovered a thousand years later, yes. We wuz the real artists. Christnigger art is trash. I had better technique than these shit iconographers when I was in elementary school.
Cool story
Probably time to go. Too many degenerates spewing their sexual degeneracy all over the thread.
>Not worth arguing with some who is historically illiterate.
When you say "ha ha you're historically illiterate" what you really mean is "you disagree with me"
Imagine needing an imaginary jew friend to pray to. How pathetic. Also, who is kissing refugee feet on daily basis again? As in, quite literally bending down on the ground and literally putting his lips on the disgusting subhuman stubs of non-European invaders? I could've sworn he was some higher-up official in the Cathocuck Church
>some woolen robed levantine hooknose was planning to control goyim 2000 years ago.
super cool story
>has no response
>cool story
Catholicism and Judaism are two sides of the same coin. Protestant religion is better.
No, it means, you are historically illiterate.
By all means, post some evidence of your claims.
Good for you user. The church is the Bride of Christ. Do not forget that
"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."
Must suck knowing that your beliefs are never going to be realized. Your best shot was 80 years ago and it got roflstomped.
Beimg Catholic means your side always wins. Feels great.
You won't be reigning you will be burning
He is right. You are acting like a fool. i will pray for you, user
The middle-age had a different mentality. Symbolism and harmony was rated very high back then. The great art of the Italian renaissance was mostly catholic.
May God bless my Catholic brothers in faith
>By all means, post some evidence of your claims.
The only evidence we have for Jesus consists of seven "epistles" which might or might not be collectively authentic, and which describe a Jesus who only ever appears in visions
No one reigns in Hell.
Silly people who think God will allow them any pleasure whatsoever in Hell. How foolish.
Not your position to decide who burns and who is saved. That is up to God. Not man
Wrong. Paul explicitly talks about Christ as a living man. The Gospels were all written before 100 AD, with most being written before 70 AD.
Eyewitness testimony is admissible evidence in the Court of Law.
More than two billion people profess to be Christian. Most belong to churches that teach the Trinity—the doctrine that the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit together form one God. How did the Trinity become an official doctrine? More important, is this teaching in harmony with the Bible?
THE Bible was completed in the first century C.E. Teachings that led to the development of the Trinity began to be officially formulated in 325C.E.—more than two centuries later—at a council in the city of Nicaea in Asia Minor, now Iznik, Turkey. According to theNew Catholic Encyclopedia,the creed attributed to the Council of Nicaea set out the first official definition of ‘Christian orthodoxy,’ including the definition of God and Christ. Why, though, was it deemed necessary to define God and Christ centuries after the Bible was completed? Is the Bible unclear on these important topics?
When Constantine became sole ruler of the Roman Empire, professed Christians were divided over the relationship between God and Christ. Was Jesus God? Or was he created by God? To settle the matter, Constantine summoned church leaders to Nicaea, not because he sought religious truth, but because he did not want religion to divide his empire.
“To us there is but one God, the Father.”—1Corinthians 8:6,King James Version
Constantine asked the bishops, who may have numbered into the hundreds, to come to a unanimous accord, but his request was in vain. He then proposed that the council adopt the ambiguous notion that Jesus was “of one substance” (homoousios) with the Father. This unbiblical Greek philosophical term laid the foundation for the Trinity doctrine as later set forth in the church creeds. Indeed, by the end of the fourth century, the Trinity had essentially taken the form it has today, including the so-called third part of the godhead, the holy spirit.
Jesus said that “the true worshipers will worship the Father with ... truth.” (John 4:23) That truth has been recorded in the Bible. (John 17:17) Does the Bible teach that the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit are three persons in one God?
For one thing, the Bible does not mention the word “Trinity.” For another, Jesus never claimed to be equal to God. Instead, Jesus worshipped God. (Luke 22:41-44) A third line of evidence concerns Jesus’ relationship with his followers. Even after he was raised from the dead to the spirit realm, Jesus called his followers “my brothers.” (Matthew 28:10) Were they brothers of Almighty God? Of course not! But through their faith in Christ—God’s preeminent Son—they too became sons of the one Father. (Galatians 3:26) Compare some additional scriptures with the following statement from the creed attributed to the Council of Nicaea.
What the Nicene Creed says:
“We believe ... in one Lord Jesus Christ ... that is of the substance of the Father, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God.”
What the Bible says:
“My Father isgreaterthan I [Jesus].”—John 14:28.*
“I [Jesus] ascend untomy Father,and your Father, and tomy God,and your God.”—John 20:17.
“To us there is butone God,the Father.”—1Corinthians 8:6.
“Blessed bethe God and Fatherof our Lord Jesus Christ.”—1Peter 1:3.
“These things saith the Amen [Jesus], ... the beginning of thecreation of God.”—Revelation 3:14.*
“The Nicene Creed is actually not the product of the First Council of Nicea (325) ... but of the First Council of Constantinople (381),” saysThe New Westminster Dictionary of Church History.
“The Council of Nicea in 325 stated the crucial formula for [the yet future Trinity] doctrine in its confession that the Son is ‘of the same substance ... as the Father.’”—Encyclopædia Britannica.
In heaven there is a King. In Hell all are equal.
Catholicism has NOTHING to do with God, it's just lazy fake spirituality
a stupid concept
Can only cum in an altar boy's ass so many times in the day.
>Wrong. Paul explicitly talks about Christ as a living man
Citation needed
>The Gospels were all written before 100 AD
You have no idea when Matthew, Luke and John were written, and neither does anyone else
>with most being written before 70 AD.
Since they all reference the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, this is impossible unless they all had access to a time machine
>Eyewitness testimony is admissible evidence in the Court of Law.
None of the gospel authors claim to be eyewitnesses
Almost every Cath hates Francis. He's an MS faggot how never should have get on the papal chair. The Cath Church is the strongest institution of the world, survived 2000 years and it's still here. Empires rised and fell.
But you can go back to AD-paganism and pray to your animal farm.
Equally damned. Tortured according to their wickedness. All suffer endlessly, never allowed even to move. Some suffer more horribly.
>People write thousands upon thousands of deep theology and how to connect deeper with God through faith
>Lazy spirituality
Maybe you should do some reading instead of blindly listen to your mega church preacher.
>Since they all reference the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, this is impossible unless they all had access to a time machine
Begging the question fallacy.
>None of the gospel authors claim to be eyewitnesses
Not at all. Without faith, man is a slave to his vices
Google bella Dodd to see how this happened
>Begging the question fallacy.
How can the Gospel authors write about an event that hasn't yet happened if they don't have a time machine?
>>None of the gospel authors claim to be eyewitnesses
Another shit-for-brains who just posts "wrong" in response to everything because ideas make his head hurt
Lots of great thinkers were catholic. Descartes, Blaise Pascal or Montaigne f.e.
>There is only European art.
Good pic.
Side note: Did anyone else lose almost all interest in politics when they became Catholic? It just seems like such a waste of time now. I know it is important in a "worldly" sense but I just can't bring myself to care anymore. Everytime I think about politics I just get a desire to pray and I feel like prayer is so much more effective than any voting, or speech, or politician could ever be.
>tfw entering level 4
>Everytime I think about politics I just get a desire to pray
The weak must make way for the strong, user.
>How can the Gospel authors write about an event that hasn't yet happened if they don't have a time machine?
John 21: 24. Look it up.
I have. I decided to put my Faith FIRST before politics. Politics are too... flexible to by taste., politicians say one thing and then lie and don't do what the promised. It is a shame really
What have your politics ever accomplished?
It all fades into dust eventually.
Whereas the object of my desires and attentions will never fade, but will be eternally new. The everlasting youth.