Old man beaten to cripple by refugee. Who'll pay?

At 16.05 2.00 a.m. a 75 year old man walked home from the pub. Suddenly he brutally got assaulted by a 25 year old Somalian near Offenbach train station. He even got kicked after he went down and got kicked against the head. the assaulter yelled "Allahu Akbar"
The old man needs 24/7 special care now. heavy face trauma, broken jaw, eye socket his left eye turned blind. He also suffered from dysphagia and will need a stomach tube to receive food.
The Somalian suffers from Schizophrenia and won't get convicted. He will stay in a mental asylum. he applied for Asylum in 2017 but got rejected.

His sons got told to look for a institution for their father. A place in a full care institution costst around 4400-4800 per month. The insurance pays 2005, his pension is 1200. sons can't pay the last 1600.
2 institutions already rejected him for the payment isn't resolved. Caritas said to call them but they didn't. Son: We hope the organisation Opferschutz will help" But they told them, they will only pay when it's certified their fathers condition is caused by criminal assault. If this is resolved, the case handling will take up to 2 years.

What's the solution for such incidents?

There was also a case of a woman in Vienna who got her kneecap broken by a Somalian woman because she walked her dog

"Her knee gt operated two times, the knee is shattered. Implants got implanted. And why? Because it's about culture, as the Somalian husband said, We don't want dogs, they are dirty.
She faces a long recovery. Who'll pay? Her lawyer doesn't know. The Somalian doesn't have liability insurance.

Is it just "shit happens he could as well have fallen from a ladder"?
For now, "nobody" is responsible in such case. What's the solution for this?

Attached: if only.jpg (640x760, 72K)

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kek, old faggot

the old man should go to jail for angering his overlord

When are you going to wake up Hans

the sons want to sue Germany for compensation and damages for pain and suffering

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He should have not been so racist

>Old man beaten to cripple by refugee.
Are there any whites left in Germany?

>work all your life
>taxed into oblivion
>gubment keep dindus with your monkey
>dindu beat you into coma when you're old

it's so tiresome

germany is still 94% european and 85% ethnic german per govt statistics, but you wouldn't believe it based on this.

only takes a few chimps to screw up your day.

If that was my father....it would be international news the next day

Why don't germans have children though. Your 40-70 demographic is huge, there are more women over 65 than under 30. Thats ridiculous.

>What's the solution for such incidents?
He should apologize to the refugee for being a Nazi.

This is what you get for two world wars

The bigger cities must be like 50% white though, and that's where all the power is concentrated.

75?? Long overdue for his Onions Green conversion.

But the bulk of Germans are past reproductive age. Median age is over 47 now and thats for all ethnicities in Germany. For germans it must be 50+. Germany is a nation undergoing terminal decline, its a tragedy.


just kill him wtf

goodbye schizofag

the 60+ year old Germans cause that. as soon as they 're dead, the numbers will look differently.

>He will stay in a mental asylum. he applied for Asylum in 2017 but got rejected

Now finally can have his asylum, good.

Yeah same in America. Once the boomers kick the bucket then I'd say we'll be less white than Brazil is now.

Germany will be in much better shape but you'll probably still have a 20-25% non-white population, which is horrible for a European country. Hopefully things change soon for you guys.

I don't think we can allow the figures to get any worse. The only way to stem the flow of refugees is through terrorism. Its the same Reason Northern Ireland is 98%+ White North euro. People remember the violence there and they're under the impression its not safe. These invaders don't have any heart, if it becomes clear to them that the cost of living on the taxpayer in Germany and receiving meagre handouts could cost them their life. They will fuck off somewhere else. Secondly there needs to be political terror, firearms are not that difficult to get in Germany and there is an abundance of subversive politicans, journalists, public figures, bankers and influencers that need to be punished for their crimes against the german people. The same must be done all over europe, we can't wait until the enemy decides to kill us when they've become a majority in our countries, we must nip it at the bud.

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It just amazes me how things like this happen on a daily basis and somehow we're the bad guys... I know how powerful propaganda has become when it utilizes public school, the universities, every form of media (including fiction), etc, but... Idk, I guess I'm really disappointed in my countrymen and fellow human beings.