Everyone has the freedom to worship whatever religion they want, but why do Christians piss me the fuck off?

Everyone has the freedom to worship whatever religion they want, but why do Christians piss me the fuck off?

>"Saving myself for marriage"
They do not have sex and think themselves superior to the rest of us. They place a huge importance on an act that in reality, isn't too big of a deal provided you take a few precautions.

>They do not have fun
They do not drink, they do not smoke, they do not have psychedelic experiences, they do not do anything INTERESTING that would gain them hard life experience.

Christians live boring, sheltered lives and are totally naive to the true human experience. A good friend of mine who I grew up with just started dating a Christian girl who's saving herself for marriage. They're both 25 but my friend literally asked her dad after 2 months of friendship if he could date her daughter. I internally cringed so hard when I heard that shit.

Fuck Christians. They're brainwashed sheep.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Everyone has the freedom to worship whatever religion they want, but why do Christians piss me the fuck off?
Because you have daddy issues.

are those little girls with breast implants?

I'm Christian and have done everything you literally mentioned.
Yeah I sin, but i'm confident i'm going to Heaven, because I realize I am a sinner, and human nature is naturally sinning.

Also I don't think Smoking / Drinking is persay a sin.

>and think themselves superior to the rest of us.
This is your fucking problem and its why you're so mad at a bunch of people who have no idea who you are, or care.
Here's a super important tip that would change your life, but your ego wont let you:
>What other people think of you, IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
If you think youve figured out how to live life correctly then go do it, and leave other people alone.

>more casual sex
You need to think more about STD....

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>"Saving myself for marriage" They do not have sex
No, the opposite. They have more sex than you because they saved it for marriage. Virgin married couples have 15% more sex than couples who didn't wait do while they are married.

>They do not have fun They do not drink, they do not smoke, they do not have psychedelic experiences,
They do have fun Again you got it wrong. They just don't need to escape their life in order to feel ok, because their lives are enjoyable as is. Stop being miserable, op.


>why do Christians piss me the fuck off?
Because they dedicate themselves towards telling you to worship something because a book whose teachings they don't follow told them to

>i need to drink, smoke, and fuck 24/7 to be content

I too am an animal. retard nigger

Because you're raised to hate christians, while watching Ahmed and Pajeet rail white women in porn to your amusement to distract you from things such as Mohamed burning down the 20th church this month.

>but why do Christians piss me the fuck off?
because you are a goyim, an anbeliever, a npc
like any fucking background actor in the matrix... the devil has control over you thats why you are pissed of by us

>why do Christians piss me the fuck off
perhaps you are jewish?

I'm a lapsed Catholic that some people on here would put to the stakes, but I still hold myself to many of those principles out of a sense that it fits me as my brand of decency, just without the religious subtext.

>Being so cucked your okay with dating a woman who will not have sex with you

>, but why do Christians piss me the fuck off?
ur gay

>They do not drink, they do not smoke, they do not have psychedelic experiences, they do not do anything INTERESTING that would gain them hard life experience.

None of that is cool or interesting you're just a faggot

>why do Christians piss me the fuck off?

That's your human instinct smelling the parasitism of Christianity from afar. That thick stench of subhuman weakness and cowardice is the very essence of Christianity. It leaves no stone unturned in its perversion of the human soul. Absolutely everything it touches it infects with weakness, depravity, decay and rot. It is, as a moral program, a complete inversion of everything we hold dear. It tells you to hate your family, to hate your skin color, and to ultimately hate yourself. It is the inversion of self, under the pathetic excuse of altruism it actively tries to destroy the self. It is the ultimate form of nihilism, and there can be no bigger conspiracy against the European man possible than this vile doctrine of hating yourself, and of loving your enemies. It's basically cosmic defeatism, and we should be glad that it's dying out in the West.

You mad some white girl did not want to fuck you Sheckle Seinfeld

t. Retarded leaf who wants all women to be whores and everyone else to be as debaucherous as possible
Off yourself

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Your argument is littered with fallacies. All I can say is your outlook leads to emptiness, sadness and loneliness. I’m taught to love my brother, forgive and watch out for behaviors that lead to greater sins. Christian or not these fundamental values should be universally agreed upon. I’ll pray for you OP

>shit eating maggot:"why's that angel not enjoying this fun tasty excrement dung like I do! what a niave loser!
LMAO. canooks are so dumb!
Restrained people know what we are missing, haha, your life is sooooo pathetic OP! hahahahahhahhahahha! what a fucking tool!

>sheltered lives
Honestly the other stuff you mentioned just sounds like self-discipline (albeit somewhat excessive and even somewhat masochistic...) but this shit right here is what pisses me off. The most preachy goody two shoes cuck are also the most sheltered fuck ups out there, wouldn't last a split second outside of their bubbles and still have the audacity to tell others how to live.

Because you hate purity and decency by the sound of it.

Because most religious people in general are self righteous cunts. Christians have the best belief system, but many of them are extremely preachy and get a kick out of telling others that they are sinners. When their own book teaches that we are all sinners and should leave the judgement up to god. They also annoy the shit out of me, but I can at least respect their beliefs in general. Mormons believe in some of the craziest shit ever, yet most Mormons ive met are very good people.

Shut up pagan. Worship Jesus or burn in hell.

It really grinds my gears when I find a group of people
that dont practice the levels of debauchery
that I feel is necessary to enjoy life.


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define "little"

Its because Christians represent everything you wish you were you degenerate, you succumb to degeneracy easily and when you see a someone who has the will to say no to dumb you get angry, you resent them

Fuck off, degenerate parasite. Your raging jealousy towards their virtuous lifestyle is jumping off the screen.

Doing hard drugs that destroy your mind and body is not "fun". It's counterproductive to living a clean life. Anyone who promotes this garbage as fun and experimental is trying to poison the well.

Most christians are just brainwashed by whatever sect of christianity their parents belonged to. They go to church to feel righteous and good about themselves for literally zero work or effort.

She will once you marry her. You're the one fucking girls who've already been railed 100 times you cuck.

1. There is more to life than just having sex, and I say this as somebody who enthusiastically gapes the shit out of his wife. Christians enjoy recreational sex just as much as any other group of people but they tend to be reserved about it. There's even an entire sect that his dedicated itself be using wife swapping as a means of spreading the gospel.

2.Roflmao, ok. So Christians don't play videogames and listen to death metal? Did I just fabricate all my memories of doing fun shit? None of my girlfriends existed?

Do you have any idea how childishly naive you sound the Christians that don't fall within your squeaky clean Ultra Puritan framework?

Based post.

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In this day and age, it takes more effort and willpower than anything else to abstain from the detrimental habits you listed in the first post, especially for young impressionable minds, it just doesn't get recognition because it's not the hip thing to do.

This is now a pro-chriistian thread. Share methods to live a more pure Christian lifestyle.

>Everyone has the freedom to worship whatever religion they want, but why do Christians piss me the fuck off?

One of two reasons user. One possibility is you're a weak minded simpleton who has taken the anti christian blue pill propagated by the popular culture. The only other reason is the Christians tell you what you know to be true, but do not want to hear.

>They do not have sex and think themselves superior to the rest of us. They place a huge importance on an act that in reality, isn't too big of a deal provided you take a few precautions.

Sure they do. They just believe it should be confined to marriage, the opposite of sport fucking. Which is apparently something you want to do. Notice, the Christians don't stop you from treating your genitalia like a toy for hedonism, they just say it is wrong to do so. Now, you either know in your heart they are right and are reacting to the propaganda that is telling you that promiscuity is acceptable behavior. Or, you are weak minded and letting other people's opinions evoke an emotional response, like a child being told not to eat candy for supper.

>They do not drink, they do not smoke, they do not have psychedelic experiences, they do not do anything INTERESTING that would gain them hard life experience.

Some do, some don't. But hey, lung cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, and using drugs have always been the bedrock of any healthy life. You are sounding like an idiot with this one.

>Christians live boring, sheltered lives and are totally naive to the true human experience.

The purpose of shelter is to protect from the harsh elements of nature. I will take shelter any day over being exposed to the fury of the elements. "Boring" is a perspective. No truly intelligent, creative person is ever "bored." Only low IQ people or people who have not been taught to think get bored. The human experience of STDs, lug cancer, broken homes, faggotry AIDs, etc, etc? That experience? Help yourself.

Lord Jesus rebuke you.
You are doing Satan's work by demeaning the word of Christ who invites us to neglect us and pray to him and resist the demons who causes us to sin.
There is an exhaustive list of sins in the Bible 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. If a Christian commits any of these he is a sinner and needs to repent and pray that Jesus Christ forgives him.
You may think with your earthly views that the Christian lifestyle is boring to you, but it is what pleases God and Christians are meant to serve God and glorify him at all times. Your opinion doesn't matter because you will not judge the living and dead.
Hebrews 10:26-27
>If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.
You should repent of your sins and seek God and his forgiveness. Knowing that human nature is prone to sin is still indulging in sin with your own self awareness of free choice. You are sinning by choice and a call to repentance is necessary.

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Forgot image

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I did all you said and more, I forgot my God, but now i remember again.

God loves you too.

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>>"Saving myself for marriage"
>They do not have sex and think themselves superior to the rest of us. They place a huge importance on an act that in reality, isn't too big of a deal provided you take a few precautions.

most of the worlds major religions exhort chastity.

My kike meter is off the charts

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You hate us yet we are the ones that allow you to live your degenerate lifestyle. One day, you will realize that what you hated the most was actually the thing that protected you. Like John Cleese did.

Congrats! This is Boomerism 101.
>why do Christians piss me the fuck off?
One can certainly have legitimate issues with Christianity but in your case, it'd wager it's because you're a xenophilic, anti-white, egalitarian race-traitor leaf.
The fact that you'd make a thread focusing on talking points from the "skeptic community" circa 2005 shows just how obvlivious you are to current social trends.
>I'm cool because I'm a slave to pussy
Cool. You're judgment and rational are clouded by lust. Also, "they place a huge importance on an act" because it IS of utmost importance (pretty much the most important aspect of life).
>They do not have fun
Proof? Define "fun." Is it fun to steal money from mommy's purse to fund your heroin habit? Is it fun knowing that without the consumption of alcohol as a social lubricant, you're simply an empty, vaculous shell; A protoplasmic blob of genetic misfit, devoid of any real consistent/static morals, ethics, or values?
Are you 13? And smoking is an embarrassing, ultra-cringe addiction which makes one look like a pathetic fiend, completely controlled by their vices.

>psychedelic experiences
I've personally found little lasting, positive value gained from psychedelics (especially since I got HPPD from them).
>they do not do anything INTERESTING that would gain them hard life experience
Again, going to clubs,being a social butterfly, and getting fucked up is the norm. And it's cringe af.
>friend literally asked her dad after 2 months of friendship if he could date her daughter.
Excellent! How exactly is this a bad thing? Unless you're a nigger who's incapable of doing the even most basic of research, you'd know that promiscuity, sexual fidelity, and women's "liberation" have all had absolutely disastrous consequences for society. Sluts/whores/roasties fail to fulfill the essential, basic roles of the woman:
Having offspring
Creating/upholding local communities (which is just an extension of the nation at large).

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>i dont like christianity because it says im a degenerate piece of shit and rather keep my degeneracy than bettering myself

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I'm not even religious, but you sound jealous, degenerate, and empty inside

>hey guys im totally not a cult member heres some cult reference

hello fellow kids

There are some decent arguments to be made against the quality of the average religious person but "they dont have sex or do drugs so they lack life experience" isnt one of them, brainlet


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this one backfired on you hella bad kek

>that feel when protestants think they are christians.

Now, you just sound retarded and immature. You don't have to be religious not to swallow the empty degeneracy that's being peddled by the (((trendsetters))).

>>sex isn't a big deal
But it should be -- things are going exactly as (((planned)))

As someone that recently left the faith, the stopped by to a mass to feel it out today... all I can say is that all I was thinking about was there is comfort in thinking that a great Devine being cares about you and shows you the way in life. Protects and looks after you. Loves you and will always be there for you. It’s a mentality of having support and guidance in this hellish world. I consider going back, but the thought of willing myself into slavery again, especially when I have such difficulty with certain dogmas in the religion itself irks and bothers me.

Sorry for the blogpost lads.

Sexual degeneracy is a sign of a decadent and declining society. People are turning to these pleasures as a way to deal with the pain of no hope.

>Also I don't think Smoking / Drinking is persay a sin.
I would pray and meditate about that if I were you, user. Drinking is okay as long as you stay sober, but smoking is deliberately and periodically damaging your body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit if you're born-again. This is akin to spitting on the floor of the 1st temple in Jerusalem.