/our girl/

Even the thots hate Muslims now and are doing more to fight against the invasion than you fucks.

Attached: northealing3008.jpg (968x645, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>literally nothing
dude we need a link of some sort to work with im not going to reverse image search your faggy thread

Explain fucking faggot OP looser

This has potential...

I'll believe it when I see it.

You sound salty. Are you a dem...I mean, muzzie scumbag? The world would be much better off without them.

this thread is missing something

Men get harsher prison sentences, fuck off

The thought of being locked in a cage with niggers for eternity goes through my mind whenever there are any thoughts of "rising up", I assure you

Source faggot.

link it.

Attached: POMMPET.png (604x809, 966K)

Kill yourself boomer

OP is a faggot...pic reveals NOTHING.

nice source dipshit

Treating the enemies of the world like they're decent people is evil. Once you start sympathizing, you have lost.

It's time to end the Crusades. We took pity and granted them mercy, and how do they repay us? A forever war. For defending ourselves from their inhuman savage ways.

>Everyone is so sick of this shit that even the women are fighting back now
How jewish do you have to be to spin this into white people not fighting back? You are so, so bad at this.

Attached: gettyimages-110787614.jpg (1400x788, 1M)

because OP is a massive faggot


>Woman's ribs broken after she is abused and attacked in Ealing for wearing hijab

found it

Both were taken to hospital with the older victim suffering possible broken ribs and the younger woman suffering a black eye, bruising and internal bleeding.

bad ass...

Muslims > thots

>no webm
tl:dr sage

im not one to blame the victim, but if you think about it...

Europeans > Muslims

>1 post by this id

Mods should start banning people who post shit like this without sources. OP is an obscene faggot.

Attached: gay.jpg (854x1280, 253K)

stfu retarded Nigger cuck haha

Yeah, it's amazing how many RIGHT-WING THOTS there are. I guess a lot of women see that as an easy way of EARNING MONEY (the more popular thots) or a way of getting MALE VALIDATION or A PARTNER (the less popular thots). And it really is an easy way to do those things. Even if you were UGLY, but you say that you are supporting the right-wing or traditionalist values, there will be A LINE OF MILLIONS OF DICKS WAITING TO FUCK YOU. As such women are still quite rare, and so many men deprived from pussy only want to fuck women who support the kind of system that makes it easier for men to have pussy. I mean, if you are 7-8/10 female, who is a feminist/talented and intelligent individual aware of those traits in herself, YOU WILL BE DISLIKED BY ABOUT 80% OF ALL MEN, AND SPAT ON BY THE ONES DEPRIVED FROM PUSSY. Then again, if you are 2-3/10 female and say that women should stay home cooking, cleaning and breeding and that LGBTQ rights are DEGENERACY, ONLY ABOUT 30% OF MEN WILL DISLIKE YOU and about 50% want to fuck you. It's amazing, isn't it? Men, and not only the ones deprived from pussy, still want women to remain as breeding machines with no talent or intellect and esp. with no ambitions connected to them, And part of the women gladly SUCK THEIR DICKS, by underlining that that is what they want to be.
