Convert to Islam.
Convert to Islam
Ok done.
Is there some kind of ancient desert manual that explains how to terrorize one's political enemies with violent Jihad?
Based thread, best religion by far can tell why Jews hate it so much
No. I am married to a stunning Asian woman and have a cute hapa kid just like that though.
Islam is a death cult that leads to death. Mohamed's body is in Saudi Arabia while that of Jesus Christ is in heaven.
Your prophet was a delusional devil worshiper who was so beta that he had to FORCE his beliefs onto people with the sword instead of having them believe his words by the fruit of his peaceful actions. Islam leads to death, incest, violence, rape, and isolation, ultimitaly it will you to God's judgement for which you will be condemned in hell fire for eternity for worshiping (Al Lah) a false God who you acknowledge did not have a son. Your own holy book bases itself on the Bible claiming it is true yet you refuse to acknowledge that God has a son according to the Bible which means your very own religion book is based on something false according to your beliefs.
Islam is a death cult that leads to death and hell. Repent or perish.
It has advantages and there are decents parts of Islam but most of your followers are low iq fanatics, with their Inshallah as an excuse to be lazy and unproductive
They're all fake.