Isn't it time to outlaw further surburban sprawl and heavily tax existing suburbs...

Isn't it time to outlaw further surburban sprawl and heavily tax existing suburbs? We need to get serious about curbing greenhouse emissions.

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Greenhouse emissions? Getting serious will mean killing way more cows and make it illegal to be a vegan degenerate

I'd like to propose a bulldozer tax on all subdivisions.

>We need to get serious about curbing greenhouse emissions.
And how are you going to deal with China and India buying tons of cars and emitting a shit ton of carbon? Oh, that's right this is never to be addressed, only White countries have to deindustrialize.

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>A key finding of the UC Berkeley study is that suburbs account for half of all household greenhouse gas emissions, even though they account for less than half the U.S. population. The average carbon footprint of households living in the center of large, population-dense urban cities is about 50 percent below average, while households in distant suburbs are up to twice the average.

Tell me why suburbs shouldn't be taxed.

All this means is when they invite the third world to your neighbourhood, you'll have nowhere to escape because muh increased planning laws said development = BAD

Who said development is bad? It's usually the NIMBY suburban homeowners who stymie development projects in their neighborhoods.

Well, actually that was just a paraphrasing of the new planning laws which you've proposed (i.e. the only way to outlaw further suburban sprawl), which will essentially stymie the development projects that allow people to escape from the newly-invited shitsk-... I'm getting trolled, aren't I?

Well played mutt, but not even years of miscegenation could make someone this retarded and incapable of logical thought

>development == surburban sprawl

Are you retarded?


If you want to live in a suburb, then you should pay a tax since you're emitting more carbon gas than urban areas.

They should be banned, but not because of muh carbon dioxide.

Third worlders live in the suburbs now

I'm trying to say, any increases in planning laws to combat suburbs will only be subverted to prevent you from your dream, rural farmstead. If not now, then down the line

Nobody takes studies seriously, faggot.
Eat shit and die.

>Rural farmstead
Completely different. Suburbs should be banned for their atrocious urban planning though.

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>muh weather religion
I don't worship at that church, so get fucked.

>entire scientific community acknowledges climate change and the need to curb greenhouse gas emissions
>"I-it's just a religion!!"

Op. What’s your opinion on restrictions on immigration to reduce demand for sprawl.

>everything I know about science I learned from Bill Nye

why dont you start reducing greenhouses emissions by killing yourself? then your carbon footprint will be zero

Land Value Tax would fix this, look up georgism and his works during the 1800s.

You tax cunts are repugnant.

>Mommy, they're doing something I don't like, make them pay.

Taxes on activities that cause negative externalities are the most popular taxes among economists, dumb fuck.

The more forced diversity, the more I want to get the fuck out into the burbs. You can't have urban socialism with a fucking nigger spic chinese euro population mix

Fuck slumdivisions. They are ugly as sin, developers kill every native tree and every creature living in the area to cram these power consuming shit mansions together to maximize profits. Many of them turn into section 8 slums full of nignogs and spics with 20 people in one house.

I don't give a fuck about greenhouse gas but I do care that all the farm land and natural space is getting chewed up for these abominations.

Oy vey the goys paying 30 year mortgages

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And they move inner city scum into the country.

>Outlaw a nebulous term such as "suburban sprawl".
>Use an ill defined or linked metric to justify
>Create unintended consequences such as housing shortages
>No change or affect on the ill defined metric to justify
>Push to make another things illegal
>Rinse and repeat.

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Suburban sprawl is what created the housing shortage, retard. You NIMBY surburban homeowners resist high density and mixed-used development at every turn.

Someday, they'll seize all the farms, rural, and suburban areas and force all the whites to live in the inner cities with the subhumans. All in the name of preventing "global warming er uh climate change".

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>People moving out of the cities and building new homes in the suburbs created housing shortages in the cities.

Really makes you think.

Life and proper life conditions aren't "negative externalities", they are the Purpose Of Economics...You are yourself what you call others, just projection on your side.

Farm and natura; space is supposed to serve people not limit them. The reason for lack of space is overpopulation and the reason for that is mass 3rd world immigration. Easy solution - stop importing people, everyone of them requiters certain amount of land to live and farmland to feed, stop child credits welfare, free housing and healthcare - they turn raising kids into a business for income.

Whites do that anyway, they're called 'liberals'

>Suburban sprawl is what created the housing shortage
Building more homes created a housing shortage. That's some nigger double think right there son.

>surburban homeowners resist high density and mixed-used development
So by individuals making choices and not wanting to live in desegregated
areas. They stopped cities from building high density developments. In areas that now had a surplus of housing due to the white flight of the 60's and 70's. Which simultaneously caused a housing shortage.

Wow, how do you even remember to breathe while typing?

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More McMansions should be split up into multi families. Government's do anything to keep housing expensive when they should do the opposite.