People who think declining population is a problem

Are they just retarded or do they have an agenda?

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40% less people sounds comfy as fuck to be honest

Obviously they mean east Asian and whites.

White people by and large know how to hoard money. They need a new class of mixed mutts that can't be financially stable.

we've gotten too top heavy
if populations collapse everything collapses in on itself

Then why the fuck does rent keep rising?

Yes, pretty much. Jack Ma was complaining about fewer Chinese, Japs and Koreans. And Musk said it is important that Africans migrate to Europe and America to plug the population shortage.

Yeah, I ask myself the same question. If the population was actually decreasing, why is it virtually impossible to fine a good, affordable apartment?

One of the reasons our parent's generation had it so much better was because there wasn't billions of extra people to compete with. What they really mean to say is "we're rich and we're worried that there will be less slaves to do our bidding."

I don't know why anyone is worried about a decline in population, we're literally choking the planet with our numbers. Fucking so many useless eaters will kill us all.

Maybe he meant to say "White Population", but who am I trying to kid... They're retarded. Our planet can sustain up to 10B people and we're almost there.

Oh yeah? It won't be a thanos-snap of the fingers and 98% of the people will be gone, it will be blood and gore, but you're okay with that until you are also deemed undesirable.

Governments are worried about population collapse it is why they're shipping in foreigners

jews love it because jews jew

Because you're a poorfag loser


Populations would go down if the poverty divide was fixed. The more money someone has, the less kids they have statistically. It’s why Mexicans and blacks reproduce like crazy.

The world is churning. There will be a big die off and mother nature will probably just concoct a new wirus for poos and insects and then boom we're back at 4 billion

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living in 40 room mansions will make the world look pretty empty

Not necessarily. Some team of smart guys will come up with some kind of a "specific DNA targeting solution" and will dump it into the water supplies in nigger/kike lands.

Imagine being so dumb that you actually believe this

He's not necessarily wrong though. The primitive organisms are driven by the most basic instincts. India, Pakistan, China, Bangladesh just to name a few.

If you think giving them no-strings-attached cash handouts is going to reduce their fertility rates, you have completely mistaken what the involved causalities actually are.

a bubonic plague like disease will spring up not to worry. elon and the chinese guy are just planting the seed.

>overpopulation means we'll outstretch our resources, and that's a huge problem
>but somehow "population collapse" is a big problem too
The first thing I said is entirely valid. There's way too goddamn many people on this planet and it's getting worse. The green revolution bought us some time, but it's not going to work forever, we aren't efficient enough in procuring most resources and we are too reliant on no renewable resources. Pretty much the only people who don't see that are religious fundamentalists who think god is going to continue providing for them as they destroy the world he gave them. But I'll tell you who's upset about declining populations in the developed world, which is a natural phenomenon as people stop having 6-10 fucking kids in a post industrial society- people who rely on a constantly growing population to pay into their pensions or to buy their newest scheduled obsolescence crap. Fuck boomers and fuck corporate jews. Also, isn't it odd that they use the fear of declining populations to justify flooding our countries with foreigners who are incapable of assimilating into our societies and will instead destroy our nations? They're not concerned about the decline in whites, and they often encourage it.

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They're not actually concerned about native populations not reproducing enough to replace themselves. All they're concerned about is how to most efficiently import millions of Africans and Mexicans to replace those populations.

It's a problem because it means there will be more old people than young people. The obvious solution would be to just kill everyone above a certain age but nobody would agree to that because when the time then comes for themselves to be killed off they would be against it.


Actually, I was referring to the second part of his post, the poverty tied to birth rates part. But yeah, I agree, giving them more money will not help us or them - it will make it far worse.

9 Months.
It will be brutal.

Liberal policies and Chinese money.

This. too many fucking people are in this world already

Declining population means a smaller number of people to finance boomers getting to retire for 30 years. Please think of the poor boomers and make more taxpayers.

Imagine agreeing with either if these insufferable faggots kek

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It's just another excuse for mass 3rd world immigration

At current birthrates, over the next 30 years China will lose 50% of its people.
This will be the biggest collapse ever. Far outstripping any loss they ever had from any disease or war.

>50% in 30 years


A little of both. People that claim the planet can support like 10B people are retarded. That would be if we just produced enough food and water to keep people from starving to death. When every chink, nigger, spic, etc, starts demanding a western quality of lifestyle, we are fucked. The planet should really only be like 2-3 billion people tops. The quality of life would be amazing.

>Are they just retarded or do they have an agenda?

More population equals more consumption. If consumption falls then profit falls. They'd rather turn Africa into a living hellscape with 4 billion people then see demand go down.

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Actually, if the U.S. stopped throwing away 50% of their crops every year to keep the prices up, it could support 20 billion.

Once again you are only talking about food. What about having 1000 sqft house. Air conditioning, personal car, electronics, etc. Its more than just the amount of food.

my biggest fear in releasing the alkaline fusion reactor is that population will grow endlessly.
thank god there's only so much carbon.

name one civilization that suceeded with a declining native population. checkmate malthusian retards.

They're just stating the obvious. Your socialist policies are unsustainable due to declining birth rates, the pyramid is inverting.
Rational people
>social democracies are dying, cut government spending and stop importing people who only burden our system
>instead of trying to solve our problem, we should increase our birth rates by importing people who will depend on our gibsmedat programs

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Then they should combine resources and figure out how to get to mars and colonize the moon

Based and kalergi pilled

We unironically have way more than enough space.

We can build vertically in mega-habs and the US is just packed with empty space that is currently unused.

But globalists/leftists are also rational people. Self-preservation is natural in any human being of course they're going to want to save theis system considering the amount of power it gives them.

Most of the empty land in the US is farmland, pasture for grazing, or federal land

They mean white population collapse user

I will never understand it.

At some point in time, people got this weird idea that markets only shift in one direction, i.e. perpetual growth. Markets adjust to both directions -- good or bad.

The markets adjusted to the Black Death; it's also adjusted to unprecedented population growth.

Eitherway, perpetual population growth is both impossible and stupid.

I view this as a problem for China and Japan, not sure about anyone else. A population decrease is actually not a bad thing for a change

Greedy fucking cunts need a high population. Everyone else is getting fucked over. Ask yourself why we need cities packed to the fucking gills with worthless bottom feeders. It isn't to help society, its to keep the money train rolling.

Your missing his point, as people often do:


Why do people keep bringing up space when people who mention overpopulation are bringing up the consumption issue.

Stop bringing up space. It's not a counterpoint because it's not even the argument being made.

There is the impending AI apocalypse and the robot taking most of the jobs

This has happened before, many times. It's a lot easier to imagine the jobs lost to technological innovation than the (historically always more numerous) jobs created by it.

Retarded. They conveniently forgot about the robots and AI that would take a good chunk of the jobs away

I worry this time it will be different.
As technology improves, it will replace people more and more

Ahhn, no, their population will go from 1.5 billion back to 1 billion until 2100... but not if fertility picks up again which it well could.

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Your country needs to make it 44% less.

There are no population decline problems.

All central banks are kike owned; they print free money and charge interest in it. The loans can never be paid back, and the only way to keep up with the interest payments is to continually grow the economy to increase tax revenues. One way of doing this easily is by IMMIGRATION. This increases consumption and thus expands the economy. Hence every government with a kike owned central bank thinks it's a good idea to important 6gorillion Boko haram niggers because they'll increase consumption.

The West is mega city one - a meat grinder.
You are the meat.
Good goy.

More educated high IQ people = more scientific progress. The key is obviously a lot more light skinned people and less brown.

The darkies love to kill each other. All we have to do is keep encouraging them until 2 - 3 billion are trimmed off. Paul Ehrlich would be so proud.

Why are climate alarmists not informed that what one needs to grow food is ammonoium nitrate and phosphorous, and that these supplies are basically only limited by how much is produced? If the demand goes up, supply will increase.

(my finger slipped)

Population decreases have shown to change society for the better. Whites wouldn't have rediscovered roman influences during the renaissance if it wasnt for the black death killing a third of europe. Japan has a declining population but that is fine. An industrializing nation needs a large workforce to operate the factories but once you have become industrialized you move into automation so now you dont need that huge workforce to run the factories.
>but muh crop picking
They have combines and farm equipment now that work like giant roombas and plant, fertilize, water, and harvest the crops all automatically. Smaller population is a good thing because it shows that society has become advanced enough to function with fewer people who can lead more comfortable lives than in any other point in history.

Population needing to constantly increase is the same industrial era propaganda that is currently destroying europe and soon will destroy america.

Every place in the world is seeing birth rates approaching rates like seen here in the west. A few outliers in the middle East and Africa but they'll come down too. What happens when the world only has 2 or less kids per woman? I wouldn't call it a collapse but we will see fewer and fewer people. What if technology keeps progressing? That seems tied to declining birth dates, how will we ever get people to have more kids? No country can figure it out now so that could be a real issue in decades or centuries of time.

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The central banking ponzi-scheme requires an ever expanding pool of debtors/suckers or it will come crashing down.

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>And Musk said it is important that Africans migrate to Europe and America to plug the population shortage.

Pretty transparent how he then says "the future is China".

Low IQ's can't keep up and will be slaughtering high IQ's, or vice versa.

# mass immigration

Liberal policies and mass migration

You sick fuck

Europe after the black death.

You’re going to post that fucking article but not link to vid of that chink showing off just how smart bugs are? Fuck you.

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they're merchants who are worried about less sales

plague killed the old and weak leaving the young and strong behind. that's the exact opposite of what's happening today.

>The biggest problem the world will face
Phrasing it like that suggests that the 'world' includes both you and me. But it doesn't, it never does when these phony elites talk. Then it just means 'us rich guys' or some other special interest group. So here's the translation:
>it would suck if there are fewer suckers to buy our shit / vote for us

For the rest it''s beneficial:
>less competition for jobs, housing
>less crowding, traffic and stress
>less NPC clones
>more nature

5G will be able able to target everyone individually with directed pulse energy weapons.
The rich only need a relatively small number of neuralinked Serving Orcs.
Jack Ma is there to symbolically represent Social Credit and Elon Musk to represent Neuralink.

The only people worried about declining population is those making money of the population.
Sadly those people have enough power to brainwash enough people into thinking its really a problem.

over 2 billion LITERAL RETARDS on this planet
>letting retards reproduce
is a crime against humanity

>Then why the fuck does rent keep rising?

Bankers pump money into top of economy to the already haves.
Upper tier assets price increase - property price increases 400% in 10yrs.
Rents increase to cover investments.
Bottom end propped up by Subsidies and Immigration.

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Unknown fact: after the black death, which killed roughly a third of the European population, wages rose strongly as capital in the form of land was way more readily available than workers.

Language barrier, the conversation went bad and then they started taking jabs at each other. Musk is probably right. The other guy seems like an ass.

Because you're paying to not shoulder the risk of a (((mortgage))) and want to live near the city. Most rural locations will either have cheap apartments to rent or reasonable houses to buy. Housing costs aren't going down in the city since their respective populations continue to grow and the poor mismanagement by the government prevents new properties from being available.

No more whites, no more gibs. Less whites, more shit skins.

>Are they just retarded or do they have an agenda?
they're retarded and they have an agenda.

and you could describe everyone else who runs our economies and politics in the same way.

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The One-Child-Only generations will die off, leaving only one child to replace 2 parents.

The only problem is that world economy becomes smaller and no one will buy Elons golf carts and Jack ma's trinkets

i dont actually get this picture. average muscle mass and height has raised since the 40s.

and agree with comment

Doesn't need to be that heart wrenching. Less population due lower fertility rate would be good. Even Mexico has a rate of about 2.1

They are worried because all of the wrong people are disappearing. It'd be okay if it was the gibs that were suffering the pop collapse.

declining population means less people to pay the debts of the older generation, especially things like social security and medicare.

It'd happen peacefully in a couple generations if we cut aid to shitholes and stopped buying everything from China.

China unironically is the problem. They will lose 500 million people in one generation

Can you kill yourself nigger faggot asshole

The flu pandemic killed a lot of the Lost generation when they were like 30.

I guess they weren’t properly vaccinated on the right schedule for like their whole lives and then BAM haha... life

Shrink and prosper!

And that's a good thing

Population matters only as an economic driver. When fusion power and widespread automation come on line in 20 years, population won’t equal economic strength.

The surge of Africans into the West will collapse the Democracies and lead to Global Communism anyway.

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No shit Sherlocks, population collapse, ecological collapse, economic collapse, and global industrial civilization collapse.