A question of style

Jow Forums
We already know that germans lack sense of style.
We have to think of the causes. They are not white - we know that.
Is it really, because they have low IQ?

Attached: no.sense.of.style.jpg (898x628, 129K)

Attached: irishfashion.png (736x720, 208K)

>We already know that germans lack sense of style.
>We have to think of the causes. They are not white - we know that.
>Is it really, because they have low IQ?
Wew lad, 5/10 for retardation, 0/10 for realism.

Attached: 1514951609823.png (294x171, 7K)

No one in America buys 3 button suits anymore, except maybe old men with Alzheimers.

Attached: 1567238404745.jpg (850x963, 146K)

well germany and germans is a relatively new concept, no wonder they dont have or cant even intuitively develop a sense of style.

We don't wear Lederhosen everyday and only Bavarians wear them our worst fashion sin are sandals with socks

What the fuck is this Roman nigger talking about?

If you were worrying less about style and more about doing more than the bare fucking minimum in a working day, Germans might have more time to not dress like retards instead of propping up shit holes like you in the EU.

Lederhosen are Bavarian not German.

You shouldn't worry about that my british friend, you never belonged in Europe anyway.